The management of afterschool and expanded learning programs can be structured in many ways. In some cases, the executive director of the organization also serves as the program leader. In other cases, a clear delineation exists between organizational leadership (the executive director and the leadership team) and program management (the program leader and site coordinators). The management practices we recommend are relevant in both contexts, but the players who conceptualize and implement them may differ. If you work in program management in an existing organization, you should make sure to align your program management practices with the organization’s existing structures. If you are starting a program from scratch, use your local resources (other local programs, schools, and advisory board members) to help you create management practices that provide a sound foundation for a high-quality program. We are recommending most of these practices specifically for afterschool and expanded learning program management—not for more general nonprofit start-up initiatives.
In this section, we cover a range of topics related to the effective management of your program, including establishing a strong management structure; developing policies and procedures to ensure effective programming; hiring, retaining, and supporting staff members; and communicating effectively. Each practice is essential. As you review other sections in this Toolkit, you will likely revisit this section. Effective management is not a one-time endeavor. Your program will change and grow as time progresses, and you will need to continually refine your policies, staffing practices, and communication strategies to reflect that growth. |
Organizational Structures
Policies and Procedures
Resource Management
Tool 1: Defining Advisory Board Purpose
Tool 2: Partnership Planning Worksheet
Tool 3: Invitation for Advisory Board Member
Tool 4: Template for Advisory Board Agenda
Tool 5: Procedure Checklist
Tool 6: Sample Policies and Procedures Table of Contents
Tool 7: Tips for Developing Outreach and Marketing Materials
Tool 8: Sample Participant Enrollment Form
Tool 9: Participant Enrollment Confirmation to Family
Tool 10: Consent to Share Information
Tool 11: Participant Assent Form
Tool 12: Making Rules as a Team
Tool 13: Program Schedule
Tool 14: Portfolio Guide
Tool 15: Market Analysis
Tool 16: Grant-Writing Tips
Tool 17: Budget Worksheet
Tool 18: Calculation of In-Kind Contributions
Tool 19: Job Description for Program Staff
Tool 20: Job Description for Program Leader
Tool 21: Candidate Expertise Questionnaire
Tool 22: Sample Interview Questions
Tool 23: Professional Development Plan
Tool 24: Staff Training Survey
Tool 25: Developing as an Afterschool and Expanded Learning Professional
Tool 26: Self-Assessment of Effective Qualities
Tool 27: Staff Satisfaction Survey
Tool 28: Developing a Communication Strategy
Tool 29: Community Communication Survey
Tool 30: Communication Log
Tool 31: Communication Format Guidelines
Tool 32: Sample News Release
Tool 33: Communication Survey