The Beyond the Bell Online Toolkit* is meant for program leaders from both community-based and school-based programs as a resource to help you through all the challenges of starting and running a program. It works well both for those starting a brand-new program and those looking to improve an existing program. We start this Toolkit at the foundation: management practices that are critical to building high-quality programs. This latest version of the Toolkit has been updated to reflect changes in research and in the field from practitioners like you. We hope it will be a resource you can return to many times as your program grows and changes to reflect youth participants, your community, and your own leadership.
The Toolkit is divided into four main sections:
If you are starting a brand-new program or are thinking in a new way about your program, we recommend that you start at the beginning with the section on Management. Program management is the foundation of a high-quality program, and this section will provide you with many ideas for involving your stakeholders while getting started. Another approach is to start with any section you think will help you where you are now in your program—for example, if you have a program that has been in operation for a while, but you haven’t done much to partner with others, start with the section on Partnerships and Collaboration, to get some ideas. Finally, there may be certain tools you are looking for, which may guide you to start with one section rather than another. You do not have to use the Toolkit from beginning to end; use what you need to support your continuous improvement process.
You can also take the Toolkit Navigator Quiz to help you determine what content in the Toolkit is most relevant for your program right now. This 20-question quiz is designed to guide you to the most relevant starting point in the Beyond the Bell cycle.