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Beyond the Bell Tools

Tool 38: Developing SMART Goals

In Section 2: Program Design, you learned that you need to develop a set of intended outcomes for your program that accompany your vision and goals. These outcomes should be SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-Specific) in order to be useful. This tool will help you begin to identify outcomes and to determine whether they meet the SMART criteria.

Directions: Use the definitions below to help you fill out the table on the next page. Start by working with your team to develop a set of draft outcomes. Try to think of a realistic number (maybe four to six), and write them down in the left-hand column of the table. Then, once you have identified the outcomes, fill out the SMART table for each outcome to determine whether it meets the criteria. If one does not meet the criteria, work to revise it until it does.