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Beyond the Bell Tools

Tool 54: Tips for Data-Sharing Agreements With School Partners

In Section 3: Partnerships & Collaboration, you learned that having access to data on youth and young people's educational experience is important for program planning and reporting. Developing a data-sharing agreement with the school or district you partner with will facilitate your program's ability to access and use these data.

Directions: Consider these tips when developing a data-sharing agreement for your program and partners. This may not be exhaustive, but it can facilitate a discussion with your school partners and get you started thinking about data. You can brainstorm about your data needs and ideas in the space below each question so you will be prepared with notes for your discussions about data with partners. When you are writing a data-sharing agreement, there are a few key concepts to consider. Laws and regulations may differ among states or cities, so be sure to understand the local context and legal requirements when developing a data-sharing agreement. Note that this tool focuses on requesting data from a school or school district, but certain elements may still apply if you identify other partners that may be able to share data that will help your program.