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This section is foundational to all afterschool and expanded learning programs. It features information on the establishing organizational structures, policies and procedures, resource management, staffing, and communication.

Question 1

Multiple choice question

My program has policies and procedures in place that are understood and implemented regularly by program staff. 

Tool 5: Procedure Checklist
Tool 6: Sample Policies and Procedures Table of Contents

Not at all like my program

Somewhat like my program

Very much like my program

Question 2

Multiple choice question

My program has secured financial resources from a variety of sources to support programming for at least one year.

Tool 15: Market Analysis
Tool 17: Budget Worksheet

Not at all like my program

Somewhat like my program

Very much like my program

Question 3

Multiple choice question

My program has sound hiring and retention practices to support a committed group of staff. 

Tool 19: Job Description for Program Staff
Tool 23: Professional Development Plan

Not at all like my program

Somewhat like my program

Very much like my program

Question 4

Multiple choice question

My program employs a variety of communication strategies for regularly sharing information with families, the community, and other key stakeholders. 

Tool 7: Tips for Developing Outreach and Marketing Materials
Tool 28: Developing a Communication Strategy

Not at all like my program

Somewhat like my program

Very much like my program