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Beyond the Bell Tools

Tool 49: Identifying Program-School Alignment Opportunities

In Section 3: Partnerships & Collaboration, you learned that aligning with the school day is one way to promote learning and school success for youth who participate in your program. Asking school day teachers for specific suggestions on how your program can support students is a great way to begin alignment with the school day.

Directions: Use the following survey to ask school day teachers about the academic, social, emotional, and physical areas they are working on during the school day and in which their students need additional support or where they see opportunities for curriculum alignment with the afterschool and expanded learning program. For each subject or topic area, have them list specific skills they see as priorities. Then ask them to assign a priority level-low, medium, or high- to these skills. Once you have collected feedback from all teachers, use the matrix on the next page to keep the information organized.