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Beyond the Bell Tools

Tool 95: "Big Picture" Meeting Agenda

In Section 6: Program Improvement, you learned about the importance of creating a culture of continuous improvement and taking the time to reflect and plan for the future. One good way to do that is to bring together a variety of stakeholders for an annual big picture planning meeting.

Directions: This tool provides a sample agenda (see the pages that follow) for a big picture planning meeting. We suggest you host a meeting like this once or twice a year. The conclusion of school-year programming can be a good time to host a meeting like this to debrief on the past year and make plans for the next one. Mid-year is also a good time to check in and adjust your course. At a minimum, we recommend that this meeting include staff members and key program providers and community partners. You may also consider inviting funders, local officials, district staff, families, and youth.