Throughout this guide, and in particular in Section 6: Program Improvement, you learned about the importance of embedding a continuous cycle of planning, implementing, evaluating, and improving in your program. In order to do this, you have to plan for and implement a continuous improvement process that builds upon all you have learned in this guide.
Directions: This tool is designed take you through a reflection process for the various sections of this Toolkit. You may not need to revisit everything in here all at once. In fact, we recommend you review the whole document as a reminder of what you should constantly reflect on, review, and revise as your program evolves - but take one chunk or section to review at a time so that it doesn't become overwhelming. We also recommend that you bring together your advisory board, staff, families, youth and other key stakeholders in your reflection process as appropriate for each stage. For each step, we've listed a set of questions or issues to consider and have provided space for you to reflect and make notes. At the end, we've included some exercises and planning suggestions for embedding a culture of continuous improvement in your program.