The Beyond the Bell® Toolkit is a suite of products designed to help afterschool program directors, site coordinators, and staff create and sustain high-quality, effective afterschool and expanded learning programs. AIR takes the guesswork out of designing, implementing, and evaluating your afterschool program by staying abreast of the research on what works in afterschool and expanded learning programs and turning that information into accessible tools.
We have made this practical and easy-to-use toolkit that not only contains great information about program management, design, partnerships, delivery, evaluation, and improvement, but also has XX tools that are ready to use. Tools range from an example job description for an afterschool staff member to an email template for communicating with the principal of a school to sample professional development sessions to be used with staff.
While the toolkit may be used as a standalone resource, AIR also offers training for staff on how to best utilize the tools. You may choose from a list of trainings we have conducted in the past or we are also happy to customize a workshop or training session to meet your specific needs. Visit [link to:]Beyond the Bell Training Services for more information.