Your program does not operate in isolation but is connected to others through space, staffing, and activities. Partnerships are critical when thinking about programming and ensuring you are meeting the needs of young people, the school, families, and the community. Studies that looked at the core features of the best programs showed that strong partnerships with mutual, aligned goals were a key defining element (Birmingham, Pechman, Russell, & Mielke, 2005). Although maintaining strong partnerships is not easy and will take intentional effort for you and your staff, we know that the young people involved reap positive outcomes from these connections. Remember, partnerships should be a two-way street. Making sure that each organization or individual has something to offer and is getting something from your program in return is an important step in forging successful relationships. Likewise, communication and flexibility are crucial for maintaining strong partnerships.

This section begins to bridge the space between program development and program implementation in the continuous improvement cycle. You will plan your partnerships and then begin establishing them to effectively deliver your program.

Importance of Partnerships
Partnerships and Collaboration
Tool 43: Sample Memorandum of Understanding
Tool 44: Template for Introductory Communication With Principals and School Staff
Tool 45: Shared Responsibility Worksheet for the Program Leader and Principal
Tool 46: Draft Agenda for Meeting With the Principal
Tool 47: Template for Communicating With School Staff
Tool 48: School Staff Meeting Topics
Tool 49: Identifying Program-School Alignment Opportunities
Tool 50: School Day Alignment Progression
Tool 51: Template for Field Trip Planning and Communication With School Staff Members
Tool 52: Field Trip Permission Form
Tool 53: Aligning With Learning Standards
Tool 54: Tips for Data-Sharing Agreements With School Partners
Tool 55: Family Engagement and Interest Survey
Tool 56: Volunteer Form
Tool 57: Template for Introductory Communication With Families
Tool 58: Identifying Potential Partnerships
Tool 59: Rating Worksheet for Potential Vendor Services
Tool 60: Involving Current and Potential Stakeholders
Tool 61: Community Connections