The delivery of your program—that is, the types of activities you offer, the manner in which the activities are presented, and the staff members you hire and train to provide the activities—will be the most defining component of your overall program plan. Your activities will be the substance and essence of the public’s knowledge and understanding of your program because they are the most fundamental and visible elements. In the section on program design, you began thinking about your vision, theory of change, goals, youth development approach, and programming structure. The purpose of this section is to focus on the implementation of those core elements of youth development practices that should serve as the foundation for any strong afterschool and expanded learning program.

Integrating Youth Development Practices Into Activities
Creating a Program Schedule
Developing Activities
Providing Opportunities for Youth Engagement
Activity Types and Content
Youth Development Strategies by Developmental Stage
Program Delivery
Tool 62: Professional Development Session on Youth Development
Tool 63: Youth Development Checklist
Tool 64: Sample Youth Satisfaction Survey
Tool 65: Decision Wheel
Tool 66: Activity Ideas for Creating a Warm and Welcoming Environment
Tool 67: Community-Building Activities for Staff Members
Tool 68: Recipe for Success
Tool 69: Peer Consultation Process
Tool 70: Structuring Activities for Skill Building
Tool 71: Sample Activity Planner
Tool 72: Youth Preference Survey
Tool 73: Intentional Activities
Tool 74: Connections to Learning
Tool 75: Academic Enrichment Activity Planning Tool
Tool 76: Staff Development Tool on Recreational Activities
Tool 77: Assessment of Recreational Needs, Resources, and Space
Tool 78: Community Inventory for Service Learning
Tool 79: Service Learning Project Development
Tool 80: Homework Help Tool
Tool 81: Homework Sharing Tool
Tool 82: Tutoring Log