Current date | | Tokens related to the current date and time. |
Custom format | [current-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [current-date:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [current-date:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [current-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [current-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [current-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [current-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [current-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Current page | | Tokens related to the current page request. |
Page number | [current-page:page-number] | The page number of the current page when viewing paged lists. |
Query string value | [current-page:query:?] | The value of a specific query string field of the current page. |
Title | [current-page:title] | The title of the current page. |
URL | [current-page:url] | The URL of the current page. |
Absolute URL | [current-page:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [current-page:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Count | [current-page:url:args:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [current-page:url:args:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [current-page:url:args:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [current-page:url:args:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [current-page:url:args:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [current-page:url:args:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [current-page:url:args:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [current-page:url:args:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Brief URL | [current-page:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [current-page:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [current-page:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [current-page:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Absolute URL | [current-page:url:unaliased:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [current-page:url:unaliased:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [current-page:url:unaliased:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [current-page:url:unaliased:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [current-page:url:unaliased:relative] | The relative URL. |
Current user | | Tokens related to the currently logged in user. |
Address | [current-user:field-address] | Field "field_address". |
Address | [current-user:field_address] | Long text field. |
Changed | [current-user:changed] | The date the user account was changed. |
Custom format | [current-user:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [current-user:changed:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [current-user:changed:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [current-user:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [current-user:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [current-user:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [current-user:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [current-user:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
City | [current-user:field-city] | Field "field_city". |
City | [current-user:field_city] | Text field. |
Created | [current-user:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Custom format | [current-user:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [current-user:created:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [current-user:created:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [current-user:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [current-user:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [current-user:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [current-user:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [current-user:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Default theme | [current-user:theme] | The user's default theme. |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [current-user:field-interested-in-services] | Field "field_interested_in_services". |
All parent terms | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parents-all:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parents-all:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parents-all:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parents-all:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Description | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Additional Text | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
All parent terms | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:original:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:original:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:original:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:original:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:original:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:original:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:original:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:original:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:original:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:original:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:original:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:original:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:original:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:original:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:original:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Parents | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Count | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parents:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parents:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parents:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parents:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parents:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parents:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parents:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parents:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Parent term | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
All parent terms | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parent:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parent:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parent:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parent:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parent:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parent:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parent:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:parent:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
All parent terms | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:root:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:root:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:root:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:root:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:root:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:root:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:root:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:root:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:root:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:root:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:root:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:root:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:root:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Taxonomy term UUID | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:root:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:root:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:root:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:root:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:root:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Absolute URL | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Vocabulary | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Edit URL | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Feed NID | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:vocabulary:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:vocabulary:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:vocabulary:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:vocabulary:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Machine-readable name | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
Name | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original taxonomy vocabulary | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:vocabulary:original] | The original taxonomy vocabulary data if the taxonomy vocabulary is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Weight | [current-user:field-interested-in-services:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [current-user:field_interested_in_services] | Term reference field. |
Edit URL | [current-user:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [current-user:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
Feed NID | [current-user:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [current-user:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Additional Text | [current-user:feed-node:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [current-user:feed-node:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [current-user:feed-node:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [current-user:feed-node:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [current-user:feed-node:author] | The author of the node. |
Address | [current-user:feed-node:author:field-address] | Field "field_address". |
Address | [current-user:feed-node:author:field_address] | Long text field. |
Changed | [current-user:feed-node:author:changed] | The date the user account was changed. |
City | [current-user:feed-node:author:field-city] | Field "field_city". |
City | [current-user:feed-node:author:field_city] | Text field. |
Created | [current-user:feed-node:author:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Default theme | [current-user:feed-node:author:theme] | The user's default theme. |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [current-user:feed-node:author:field-interested-in-services] | Field "field_interested_in_services". |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [current-user:feed-node:author:field_interested_in_services] | Term reference field. |
Edit URL | [current-user:feed-node:author:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [current-user:feed-node:author:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
Feed NID | [current-user:feed-node:author:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:feed-node:author:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:feed-node:author:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
First Name | [current-user:feed-node:author:field-firstname] | Field "field_firstname". |
First Name | [current-user:feed-node:author:field_firstname] | Text field. |
Followup Date | [current-user:feed-node:author:field-followup-date] | Field "field_followup_date". |
Followup Date | [current-user:feed-node:author:field_followup_date] | Date field. |
Followup Made By | [current-user:feed-node:author:field-followup-made-by] | Field "field_followup_made_by". |
Followup Made By | [current-user:feed-node:author:field_followup_made_by] | Text field. |
IP | [current-user:feed-node:author:ip] | The user's ip address. |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [current-user:feed-node:author:field-role-other] | Field "field_role_other". |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [current-user:feed-node:author:field_role_other] | Text field. |
Last Name | [current-user:feed-node:author:field-lastname] | Field "field_lastname". |
Last Name | [current-user:feed-node:author:field_lastname] | Text field. |
Last access | [current-user:feed-node:author:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Last login | [current-user:feed-node:author:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Name | [current-user:feed-node:author:name] | The login name of the user account. |
Organization | [current-user:feed-node:author:field-organization] | Field "field_organization". |
Organization | [current-user:feed-node:author:field_organization] | Text field. |
Organization Type | [current-user:feed-node:author:field-organization-type] | Field "field_organization_type". |
Organization Type | [current-user:feed-node:author:field_organization_type] | Term reference field. |
Original user | [current-user:feed-node:author:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [current-user:feed-node:author:field-services-interested-in] | Field "field_services_interested_in". |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [current-user:feed-node:author:field_services_interested_in] | Long text field. |
Revision ID | [current-user:feed-node:author:vid] | The unique ID of the user's revision. |
Role | [current-user:feed-node:author:field-role] | Field "field_role". |
Role | [current-user:feed-node:author:field_role] | Term reference field. |
Roles | [current-user:feed-node:author:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
State | [current-user:feed-node:author:field-state] | Field "field_state". |
State | [current-user:feed-node:author:field_state] | Term reference field. |
Status | [current-user:feed-node:author:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
Subscription Code | [current-user:feed-node:author:field-subscription-code] | Field "field_subscription_code". |
Subscription Code | [current-user:feed-node:author:field_subscription_code] | Text field. |
URL | [current-user:feed-node:author:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User ID | [current-user:feed-node:author:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
User UUID | [current-user:feed-node:author:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the user |
User role ids | [current-user:feed-node:author:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [current-user:feed-node:author:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
Validate URL | [current-user:feed-node:author:validate-url] | The URL of the account validation page, provided by logintoboggan. |
Body | [current-user:feed-node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [current-user:feed-node:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [current-user:feed-node:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [current-user:feed-node:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [current-user:feed-node:field-chapters:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [current-user:feed-node:field-chapters:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [current-user:feed-node:field-chapters:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [current-user:feed-node:field-chapters:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Chapters | [current-user:feed-node:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [current-user:feed-node:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [current-user:feed-node:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [current-user:feed-node:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [current-user:feed-node:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [current-user:feed-node:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [current-user:feed-node:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Description | [current-user:feed-node:content-type:description] | The optional description of the content type. |
Edit URL | [current-user:feed-node:content-type:edit-url] | The URL of the content type's edit page. |
Machine-readable name | [current-user:feed-node:content-type:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the content type. |
Name | [current-user:feed-node:content-type:name] | The name of the content type. |
Node count | [current-user:feed-node:content-type:node-count] | The number of nodes belonging to the content type. |
Creates revision | [current-user:feed-node:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [current-user:feed-node:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Custom format | [current-user:feed-node:field-date-month-year:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [current-user:feed-node:field-date-month-year:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [current-user:feed-node:field-date-month-year:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [current-user:feed-node:field-date-month-year:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [current-user:feed-node:field-date-month-year:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [current-user:feed-node:field-date-month-year:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [current-user:feed-node:field-date-month-year:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [current-user:feed-node:field-date-month-year:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Date | [current-user:feed-node:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [current-user:feed-node:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [current-user:feed-node:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [current-user:feed-node:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Custom format | [current-user:feed-node:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [current-user:feed-node:changed:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [current-user:feed-node:changed:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [current-user:feed-node:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [current-user:feed-node:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [current-user:feed-node:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [current-user:feed-node:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [current-user:feed-node:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Date created | [current-user:feed-node:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Custom format | [current-user:feed-node:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [current-user:feed-node:created:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [current-user:feed-node:created:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [current-user:feed-node:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [current-user:feed-node:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [current-user:feed-node:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [current-user:feed-node:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [current-user:feed-node:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Description | [current-user:feed-node:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [current-user:feed-node:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [current-user:feed-node:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [current-user:feed-node:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [current-user:feed-node:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [current-user:feed-node:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [current-user:feed-node:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [current-user:feed-node:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [current-user:feed-node:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [current-user:feed-node:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:feed-node:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:feed-node:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
Additional Text | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
First Name | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [current-user:feed-node:feed-source:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
First Name | [current-user:feed-node:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [current-user:feed-node:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [current-user:feed-node:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [current-user:feed-node:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [current-user:feed-node:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [current-user:feed-node:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [current-user:feed-node:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [current-user:feed-node:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [current-user:feed-node:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [current-user:feed-node:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [current-user:feed-node:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [current-user:feed-node:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [current-user:feed-node:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [current-user:feed-node:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [current-user:feed-node:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Custom format | [current-user:feed-node:field-month:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [current-user:feed-node:field-month:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [current-user:feed-node:field-month:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [current-user:feed-node:field-month:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [current-user:feed-node:field-month:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [current-user:feed-node:field-month:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [current-user:feed-node:field-month:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [current-user:feed-node:field-month:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Month | [current-user:feed-node:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [current-user:feed-node:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
All parent terms | [current-user:feed-node:field-org-type:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [current-user:feed-node:field-org-type:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [current-user:feed-node:field-org-type:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [current-user:feed-node:field-org-type:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:feed-node:field-org-type:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:feed-node:field-org-type:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [current-user:feed-node:field-org-type:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [current-user:feed-node:field-org-type:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [current-user:feed-node:field-org-type:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [current-user:feed-node:field-org-type:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [current-user:feed-node:field-org-type:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [current-user:feed-node:field-org-type:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [current-user:feed-node:field-org-type:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [current-user:feed-node:field-org-type:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [current-user:feed-node:field-org-type:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [current-user:feed-node:field-org-type:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [current-user:feed-node:field-org-type:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [current-user:feed-node:field-org-type:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Org. Type | [current-user:feed-node:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [current-user:feed-node:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [current-user:feed-node:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [current-user:feed-node:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Additional Text | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [current-user:feed-node:original:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [current-user:feed-node:original:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [current-user:feed-node:original:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [current-user:feed-node:original:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [current-user:feed-node:original:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [current-user:feed-node:original:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [current-user:feed-node:original:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [current-user:feed-node:original:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [current-user:feed-node:original:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [current-user:feed-node:original:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [current-user:feed-node:original:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:feed-node:original:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:feed-node:original:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [current-user:feed-node:original:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [current-user:feed-node:original:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [current-user:feed-node:original:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [current-user:feed-node:original:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [current-user:feed-node:original:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Promoted to frontpage | [current-user:feed-node:original:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [current-user:feed-node:original:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [current-user:feed-node:original:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [current-user:feed-node:original:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [current-user:feed-node:original:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [current-user:feed-node:original:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [current-user:feed-node:original:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [current-user:feed-node:original:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [current-user:feed-node:original:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [current-user:feed-node:original:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [current-user:feed-node:original:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [current-user:feed-node:original:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Promoted to frontpage | [current-user:feed-node:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [current-user:feed-node:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Allow_change | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:allow-change] | Quiz properties "allow_change" property. |
Allow_change_blank | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:allow-change-blank] | Quiz properties "allow_change_blank" property. |
Allow_jumping | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:allow-jumping] | Quiz properties "allow_jumping" property. |
Allow_resume | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:allow-resume] | Quiz properties "allow_resume" property. |
Allow_skipping | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:allow-skipping] | Quiz properties "allow_skipping" property. |
Backwards_navigation | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:backwards-navigation] | Quiz properties "backwards_navigation" property. |
Build_on_last | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:build-on-last] | Quiz properties "build_on_last" property. |
Close date | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:quiz-close] | Quiz properties "quiz_close" property. |
Feed NID | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Has_userpoints | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:has-userpoints] | Quiz properties "has_userpoints" property. |
Keep_results | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:keep-results] | Quiz properties "keep_results" property. |
Mark_doubtful | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:mark-doubtful] | Quiz properties "mark_doubtful" property. |
Max_score | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:max-score] | Quiz properties "max_score" property. |
Max_score_for_random | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:max-score-for-random] | Quiz properties "max_score_for_random" property. |
Nid | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:nid] | Quiz properties "nid" property. |
Number_of_random_questions | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:number-of-random-questions] | Quiz properties "number_of_random_questions" property. |
Open date | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:quiz-open] | Quiz properties "quiz_open" property. |
Pass_rate | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:pass-rate] | Quiz properties "pass_rate" property. |
Quiz_always | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:quiz-always] | Quiz properties "quiz_always" property. |
Quiz properties ID | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:qnp-id] | The unique ID of the quiz properties. |
Randomization | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:randomization] | Quiz properties "randomization" property. |
Repeat_until_correct | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:repeat-until-correct] | Quiz properties "repeat_until_correct" property. |
Review_options | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:review-options] | Quiz properties "review_options" property. |
Show_attempt_stats | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:show-attempt-stats] | Quiz properties "show_attempt_stats" property. |
Show_passed | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:show-passed] | Quiz properties "show_passed" property. |
Summary_default | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:summary-default] | Quiz properties "summary_default" property. |
Summary_default_format | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:summary-default-format] | Quiz properties "summary_default_format" property. |
Summary_pass | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:summary-pass] | Quiz properties "summary_pass" property. |
Summary_pass_format | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:summary-pass-format] | Quiz properties "summary_pass_format" property. |
Takes | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:takes] | Quiz properties "takes" property. |
Tid | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:tid] | Quiz properties "tid" property. |
Time_left | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:time-left] | Quiz properties "time_left" property. |
Time_limit | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:time-limit] | Quiz properties "time_limit" property. |
Uid | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:uid] | Quiz properties "uid" property. |
Userpoints_tid | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:userpoints-tid] | Quiz properties "userpoints_tid" property. |
Vid | [current-user:feed-node:quiz:vid] | Quiz properties "vid" property. |
Related Chapters | [current-user:feed-node:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [current-user:feed-node:field-related-chapters:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [current-user:feed-node:field-related-chapters:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [current-user:feed-node:field-related-chapters:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [current-user:feed-node:field-related-chapters:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Related Chapters | [current-user:feed-node:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [current-user:feed-node:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [current-user:feed-node:field-related-sections:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [current-user:feed-node:field-related-sections:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [current-user:feed-node:field-related-sections:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [current-user:feed-node:field-related-sections:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Related Sections | [current-user:feed-node:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [current-user:feed-node:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [current-user:feed-node:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [current-user:feed-node:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [current-user:feed-node:field-resource-tag:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [current-user:feed-node:field-resource-tag:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [current-user:feed-node:field-resource-tag:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [current-user:feed-node:field-resource-tag:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Resource Tag | [current-user:feed-node:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [current-user:feed-node:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [current-user:feed-node:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [current-user:feed-node:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [current-user:feed-node:field-sections:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [current-user:feed-node:field-sections:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [current-user:feed-node:field-sections:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [current-user:feed-node:field-sections:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Sections | [current-user:feed-node:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [current-user:feed-node:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [current-user:feed-node:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [current-user:feed-node:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [current-user:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [current-user:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [current-user:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [current-user:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [current-user:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [current-user:feed-node:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [current-user:feed-node:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [current-user:feed-node:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [current-user:feed-node:field-subsections:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [current-user:feed-node:field-subsections:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [current-user:feed-node:field-subsections:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [current-user:feed-node:field-subsections:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Subsections | [current-user:feed-node:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [current-user:feed-node:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [current-user:feed-node:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [current-user:feed-node:field-tags:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [current-user:feed-node:field-tags:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [current-user:feed-node:field-tags:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [current-user:feed-node:field-tags:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Tags | [current-user:feed-node:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [current-user:feed-node:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [current-user:feed-node:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [current-user:feed-node:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [current-user:feed-node:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [current-user:feed-node:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [current-user:feed-node:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [current-user:feed-node:field-tools:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [current-user:feed-node:field-tools:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [current-user:feed-node:field-tools:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [current-user:feed-node:field-tools:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Tools | [current-user:feed-node:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [current-user:feed-node:field-tools-for-question:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [current-user:feed-node:field-tools-for-question:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [current-user:feed-node:field-tools-for-question:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [current-user:feed-node:field-tools-for-question:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Tools | [current-user:feed-node:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [current-user:feed-node:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [current-user:feed-node:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
Additional Text | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [current-user:feed-node:source:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [current-user:feed-node:source:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [current-user:feed-node:source:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [current-user:feed-node:source:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [current-user:feed-node:source:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [current-user:feed-node:source:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [current-user:feed-node:source:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [current-user:feed-node:source:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [current-user:feed-node:source:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [current-user:feed-node:source:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [current-user:feed-node:source:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:feed-node:source:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:feed-node:source:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [current-user:feed-node:source:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [current-user:feed-node:source:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [current-user:feed-node:source:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [current-user:feed-node:source:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [current-user:feed-node:source:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [current-user:feed-node:source:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [current-user:feed-node:source:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [current-user:feed-node:source:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [current-user:feed-node:source:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [current-user:feed-node:source:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [current-user:feed-node:source:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [current-user:feed-node:source:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [current-user:feed-node:source:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [current-user:feed-node:source:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
URL | [current-user:feed-node:source:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [current-user:feed-node:source:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [current-user:feed-node:source:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
URL | [current-user:feed-node:url] | The URL of the node. |
Absolute URL | [current-user:feed-node:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [current-user:feed-node:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [current-user:feed-node:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [current-user:feed-node:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [current-user:feed-node:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [current-user:feed-node:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
carousel_link | [current-user:feed-node:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [current-user:feed-node:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [current-user:feed-node:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [current-user:feed-node:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [current-user:feed-node:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [current-user:feed-node:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [current-user:feed-node:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [current-user:feed-node:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [current-user:feed-node:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [current-user:feed-node:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
First Name | [current-user:field-firstname] | Field "field_firstname". |
First Name | [current-user:field_firstname] | Text field. |
Followup Date | [current-user:field-followup-date] | Field "field_followup_date". |
Custom format | [current-user:field-followup-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [current-user:field-followup-date:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [current-user:field-followup-date:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [current-user:field-followup-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [current-user:field-followup-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [current-user:field-followup-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [current-user:field-followup-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [current-user:field-followup-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Followup Date | [current-user:field_followup_date] | Date field. |
Followup Made By | [current-user:field-followup-made-by] | Field "field_followup_made_by". |
Followup Made By | [current-user:field_followup_made_by] | Text field. |
IP | [current-user:ip] | The user's ip address. |
IP address | [current-user:ip-address] | The IP address of the current user. |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [current-user:field-role-other] | Field "field_role_other". |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [current-user:field_role_other] | Text field. |
Last Name | [current-user:field-lastname] | Field "field_lastname". |
Last Name | [current-user:field_lastname] | Text field. |
Last access | [current-user:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Custom format | [current-user:last-access:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [current-user:last-access:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [current-user:last-access:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [current-user:last-access:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [current-user:last-access:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [current-user:last-access:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [current-user:last-access:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [current-user:last-access:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Last login | [current-user:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Custom format | [current-user:last-login:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [current-user:last-login:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [current-user:last-login:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [current-user:last-login:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [current-user:last-login:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [current-user:last-login:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [current-user:last-login:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [current-user:last-login:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Name | [current-user:name] | The login name of the user account. |
Organization | [current-user:field-organization] | Field "field_organization". |
Organization | [current-user:field_organization] | Text field. |
Organization Type | [current-user:field-organization-type] | Field "field_organization_type". |
All parent terms | [current-user:field-organization-type:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [current-user:field-organization-type:parents-all:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [current-user:field-organization-type:parents-all:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [current-user:field-organization-type:parents-all:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [current-user:field-organization-type:parents-all:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Description | [current-user:field-organization-type:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [current-user:field-organization-type:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Additional Text | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:field-organization-type:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:field-organization-type:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [current-user:field-organization-type:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [current-user:field-organization-type:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [current-user:field-organization-type:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
All parent terms | [current-user:field-organization-type:original:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [current-user:field-organization-type:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [current-user:field-organization-type:original:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [current-user:field-organization-type:original:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [current-user:field-organization-type:original:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:field-organization-type:original:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:field-organization-type:original:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [current-user:field-organization-type:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [current-user:field-organization-type:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [current-user:field-organization-type:original:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [current-user:field-organization-type:original:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [current-user:field-organization-type:original:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [current-user:field-organization-type:original:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [current-user:field-organization-type:original:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [current-user:field-organization-type:original:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [current-user:field-organization-type:original:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [current-user:field-organization-type:original:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [current-user:field-organization-type:original:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Parents | [current-user:field-organization-type:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Count | [current-user:field-organization-type:parents:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [current-user:field-organization-type:parents:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [current-user:field-organization-type:parents:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [current-user:field-organization-type:parents:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [current-user:field-organization-type:parents:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [current-user:field-organization-type:parents:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [current-user:field-organization-type:parents:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [current-user:field-organization-type:parents:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Parent term | [current-user:field-organization-type:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
All parent terms | [current-user:field-organization-type:parent:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [current-user:field-organization-type:parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [current-user:field-organization-type:parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [current-user:field-organization-type:parent:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [current-user:field-organization-type:parent:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:field-organization-type:parent:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:field-organization-type:parent:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [current-user:field-organization-type:parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [current-user:field-organization-type:parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [current-user:field-organization-type:parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [current-user:field-organization-type:parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [current-user:field-organization-type:parent:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [current-user:field-organization-type:parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [current-user:field-organization-type:parent:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [current-user:field-organization-type:parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [current-user:field-organization-type:parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [current-user:field-organization-type:parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [current-user:field-organization-type:parent:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [current-user:field-organization-type:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [current-user:field-organization-type:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
All parent terms | [current-user:field-organization-type:root:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [current-user:field-organization-type:root:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [current-user:field-organization-type:root:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [current-user:field-organization-type:root:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [current-user:field-organization-type:root:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:field-organization-type:root:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:field-organization-type:root:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [current-user:field-organization-type:root:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [current-user:field-organization-type:root:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [current-user:field-organization-type:root:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [current-user:field-organization-type:root:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [current-user:field-organization-type:root:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [current-user:field-organization-type:root:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Taxonomy term UUID | [current-user:field-organization-type:root:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [current-user:field-organization-type:root:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [current-user:field-organization-type:root:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [current-user:field-organization-type:root:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [current-user:field-organization-type:root:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [current-user:field-organization-type:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [current-user:field-organization-type:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [current-user:field-organization-type:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Absolute URL | [current-user:field-organization-type:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [current-user:field-organization-type:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [current-user:field-organization-type:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [current-user:field-organization-type:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [current-user:field-organization-type:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [current-user:field-organization-type:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Vocabulary | [current-user:field-organization-type:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description | [current-user:field-organization-type:vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Edit URL | [current-user:field-organization-type:vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Feed NID | [current-user:field-organization-type:vocabulary:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [current-user:field-organization-type:vocabulary:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:field-organization-type:vocabulary:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:field-organization-type:vocabulary:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Machine-readable name | [current-user:field-organization-type:vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
Name | [current-user:field-organization-type:vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [current-user:field-organization-type:vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original taxonomy vocabulary | [current-user:field-organization-type:vocabulary:original] | The original taxonomy vocabulary data if the taxonomy vocabulary is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [current-user:field-organization-type:vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [current-user:field-organization-type:vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Weight | [current-user:field-organization-type:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Organization Type | [current-user:field_organization_type] | Term reference field. |
Original user | [current-user:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Address | [current-user:original:field-address] | Field "field_address". |
Address | [current-user:original:field_address] | Long text field. |
Changed | [current-user:original:changed] | The date the user account was changed. |
Custom format | [current-user:original:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [current-user:original:changed:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [current-user:original:changed:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [current-user:original:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [current-user:original:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [current-user:original:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [current-user:original:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [current-user:original:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
City | [current-user:original:field-city] | Field "field_city". |
City | [current-user:original:field_city] | Text field. |
Created | [current-user:original:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Custom format | [current-user:original:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [current-user:original:created:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [current-user:original:created:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [current-user:original:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [current-user:original:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [current-user:original:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [current-user:original:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [current-user:original:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Default theme | [current-user:original:theme] | The user's default theme. |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [current-user:original:field-interested-in-services] | Field "field_interested_in_services". |
All parent terms | [current-user:original:field-interested-in-services:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [current-user:original:field-interested-in-services:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [current-user:original:field-interested-in-services:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [current-user:original:field-interested-in-services:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [current-user:original:field-interested-in-services:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:original:field-interested-in-services:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:original:field-interested-in-services:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [current-user:original:field-interested-in-services:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [current-user:original:field-interested-in-services:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [current-user:original:field-interested-in-services:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [current-user:original:field-interested-in-services:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [current-user:original:field-interested-in-services:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [current-user:original:field-interested-in-services:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [current-user:original:field-interested-in-services:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [current-user:original:field-interested-in-services:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [current-user:original:field-interested-in-services:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [current-user:original:field-interested-in-services:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [current-user:original:field-interested-in-services:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [current-user:original:field_interested_in_services] | Term reference field. |
Edit URL | [current-user:original:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [current-user:original:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
Feed NID | [current-user:original:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [current-user:original:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Additional Text | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [current-user:original:feed-node:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [current-user:original:feed-node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [current-user:original:feed-node:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [current-user:original:feed-node:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [current-user:original:feed-node:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [current-user:original:feed-node:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [current-user:original:feed-node:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [current-user:original:feed-node:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [current-user:original:feed-node:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [current-user:original:feed-node:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [current-user:original:feed-node:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:original:feed-node:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:original:feed-node:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [current-user:original:feed-node:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [current-user:original:feed-node:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [current-user:original:feed-node:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [current-user:original:feed-node:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [current-user:original:feed-node:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Promoted to frontpage | [current-user:original:feed-node:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [current-user:original:feed-node:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [current-user:original:feed-node:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [current-user:original:feed-node:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [current-user:original:feed-node:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [current-user:original:feed-node:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [current-user:original:feed-node:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [current-user:original:feed-node:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [current-user:original:feed-node:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [current-user:original:feed-node:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [current-user:original:feed-node:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [current-user:original:feed-node:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:original:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:original:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
First Name | [current-user:original:field-firstname] | Field "field_firstname". |
First Name | [current-user:original:field_firstname] | Text field. |
Followup Date | [current-user:original:field-followup-date] | Field "field_followup_date". |
Custom format | [current-user:original:field-followup-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [current-user:original:field-followup-date:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [current-user:original:field-followup-date:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [current-user:original:field-followup-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [current-user:original:field-followup-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [current-user:original:field-followup-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [current-user:original:field-followup-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [current-user:original:field-followup-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Followup Date | [current-user:original:field_followup_date] | Date field. |
Followup Made By | [current-user:original:field-followup-made-by] | Field "field_followup_made_by". |
Followup Made By | [current-user:original:field_followup_made_by] | Text field. |
IP | [current-user:original:ip] | The user's ip address. |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [current-user:original:field-role-other] | Field "field_role_other". |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [current-user:original:field_role_other] | Text field. |
Last Name | [current-user:original:field-lastname] | Field "field_lastname". |
Last Name | [current-user:original:field_lastname] | Text field. |
Last access | [current-user:original:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Custom format | [current-user:original:last-access:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [current-user:original:last-access:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [current-user:original:last-access:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [current-user:original:last-access:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [current-user:original:last-access:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [current-user:original:last-access:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [current-user:original:last-access:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [current-user:original:last-access:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Last login | [current-user:original:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Custom format | [current-user:original:last-login:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [current-user:original:last-login:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [current-user:original:last-login:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [current-user:original:last-login:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [current-user:original:last-login:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [current-user:original:last-login:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [current-user:original:last-login:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [current-user:original:last-login:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Name | [current-user:original:name] | The login name of the user account. |
Organization | [current-user:original:field-organization] | Field "field_organization". |
Organization | [current-user:original:field_organization] | Text field. |
Organization Type | [current-user:original:field-organization-type] | Field "field_organization_type". |
All parent terms | [current-user:original:field-organization-type:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [current-user:original:field-organization-type:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [current-user:original:field-organization-type:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [current-user:original:field-organization-type:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [current-user:original:field-organization-type:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:original:field-organization-type:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:original:field-organization-type:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [current-user:original:field-organization-type:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [current-user:original:field-organization-type:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [current-user:original:field-organization-type:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [current-user:original:field-organization-type:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [current-user:original:field-organization-type:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [current-user:original:field-organization-type:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [current-user:original:field-organization-type:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [current-user:original:field-organization-type:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [current-user:original:field-organization-type:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [current-user:original:field-organization-type:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [current-user:original:field-organization-type:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Organization Type | [current-user:original:field_organization_type] | Term reference field. |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [current-user:original:field-services-interested-in] | Field "field_services_interested_in". |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [current-user:original:field_services_interested_in] | Long text field. |
Revision ID | [current-user:original:vid] | The unique ID of the user's revision. |
Role | [current-user:original:field-role] | Field "field_role". |
All parent terms | [current-user:original:field-role:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [current-user:original:field-role:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [current-user:original:field-role:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [current-user:original:field-role:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [current-user:original:field-role:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:original:field-role:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:original:field-role:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [current-user:original:field-role:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [current-user:original:field-role:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [current-user:original:field-role:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [current-user:original:field-role:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [current-user:original:field-role:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [current-user:original:field-role:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [current-user:original:field-role:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [current-user:original:field-role:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [current-user:original:field-role:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [current-user:original:field-role:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [current-user:original:field-role:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Role | [current-user:original:field_role] | Term reference field. |
Roles | [current-user:original:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
Count | [current-user:original:roles:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [current-user:original:roles:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [current-user:original:roles:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [current-user:original:roles:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [current-user:original:roles:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [current-user:original:roles:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [current-user:original:roles:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [current-user:original:roles:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
State | [current-user:original:field-state] | Field "field_state". |
All parent terms | [current-user:original:field-state:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [current-user:original:field-state:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [current-user:original:field-state:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [current-user:original:field-state:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [current-user:original:field-state:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:original:field-state:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:original:field-state:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [current-user:original:field-state:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [current-user:original:field-state:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [current-user:original:field-state:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [current-user:original:field-state:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [current-user:original:field-state:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [current-user:original:field-state:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [current-user:original:field-state:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [current-user:original:field-state:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [current-user:original:field-state:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [current-user:original:field-state:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [current-user:original:field-state:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
State | [current-user:original:field_state] | Term reference field. |
Status | [current-user:original:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
Subscription Code | [current-user:original:field-subscription-code] | Field "field_subscription_code". |
Subscription Code | [current-user:original:field_subscription_code] | Text field. |
URL | [current-user:original:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
Absolute URL | [current-user:original:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [current-user:original:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [current-user:original:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [current-user:original:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [current-user:original:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [current-user:original:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
User ID | [current-user:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
User UUID | [current-user:original:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the user |
User role ids | [current-user:original:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [current-user:original:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
Validate URL | [current-user:original:validate-url] | The URL of the account validation page, provided by logintoboggan. |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [current-user:field-services-interested-in] | Field "field_services_interested_in". |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [current-user:field_services_interested_in] | Long text field. |
Revision ID | [current-user:vid] | The unique ID of the user's revision. |
Role | [current-user:field-role] | Field "field_role". |
All parent terms | [current-user:field-role:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [current-user:field-role:parents-all:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [current-user:field-role:parents-all:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [current-user:field-role:parents-all:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [current-user:field-role:parents-all:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Description | [current-user:field-role:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [current-user:field-role:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [current-user:field-role:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [current-user:field-role:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Additional Text | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [current-user:field-role:feed-node:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:field-role:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:field-role:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [current-user:field-role:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [current-user:field-role:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [current-user:field-role:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
All parent terms | [current-user:field-role:original:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [current-user:field-role:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [current-user:field-role:original:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [current-user:field-role:original:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [current-user:field-role:original:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:field-role:original:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:field-role:original:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [current-user:field-role:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [current-user:field-role:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [current-user:field-role:original:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [current-user:field-role:original:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [current-user:field-role:original:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [current-user:field-role:original:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [current-user:field-role:original:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [current-user:field-role:original:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [current-user:field-role:original:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [current-user:field-role:original:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [current-user:field-role:original:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Parents | [current-user:field-role:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Count | [current-user:field-role:parents:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [current-user:field-role:parents:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [current-user:field-role:parents:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [current-user:field-role:parents:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [current-user:field-role:parents:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [current-user:field-role:parents:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [current-user:field-role:parents:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [current-user:field-role:parents:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Parent term | [current-user:field-role:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
All parent terms | [current-user:field-role:parent:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [current-user:field-role:parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [current-user:field-role:parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [current-user:field-role:parent:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [current-user:field-role:parent:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:field-role:parent:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:field-role:parent:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [current-user:field-role:parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [current-user:field-role:parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [current-user:field-role:parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [current-user:field-role:parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [current-user:field-role:parent:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [current-user:field-role:parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [current-user:field-role:parent:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [current-user:field-role:parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [current-user:field-role:parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [current-user:field-role:parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [current-user:field-role:parent:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [current-user:field-role:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [current-user:field-role:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
All parent terms | [current-user:field-role:root:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [current-user:field-role:root:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [current-user:field-role:root:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [current-user:field-role:root:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [current-user:field-role:root:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:field-role:root:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:field-role:root:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [current-user:field-role:root:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [current-user:field-role:root:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [current-user:field-role:root:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [current-user:field-role:root:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [current-user:field-role:root:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [current-user:field-role:root:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Taxonomy term UUID | [current-user:field-role:root:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [current-user:field-role:root:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [current-user:field-role:root:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [current-user:field-role:root:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [current-user:field-role:root:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [current-user:field-role:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [current-user:field-role:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [current-user:field-role:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Absolute URL | [current-user:field-role:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [current-user:field-role:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [current-user:field-role:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [current-user:field-role:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [current-user:field-role:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [current-user:field-role:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Vocabulary | [current-user:field-role:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description | [current-user:field-role:vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Edit URL | [current-user:field-role:vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Feed NID | [current-user:field-role:vocabulary:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [current-user:field-role:vocabulary:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:field-role:vocabulary:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:field-role:vocabulary:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Machine-readable name | [current-user:field-role:vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
Name | [current-user:field-role:vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [current-user:field-role:vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original taxonomy vocabulary | [current-user:field-role:vocabulary:original] | The original taxonomy vocabulary data if the taxonomy vocabulary is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [current-user:field-role:vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [current-user:field-role:vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Weight | [current-user:field-role:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Role | [current-user:field_role] | Term reference field. |
Roles | [current-user:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
Count | [current-user:roles:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [current-user:roles:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [current-user:roles:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [current-user:roles:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [current-user:roles:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Count | [current-user:roles:keys:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [current-user:roles:keys:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [current-user:roles:keys:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [current-user:roles:keys:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Last | [current-user:roles:keys:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [current-user:roles:keys:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [current-user:roles:keys:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Last | [current-user:roles:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [current-user:roles:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Count | [current-user:roles:reversed:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [current-user:roles:reversed:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [current-user:roles:reversed:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [current-user:roles:reversed:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [current-user:roles:reversed:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [current-user:roles:reversed:last] | The last element of the array. |
Value | [current-user:roles:reversed:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Value | [current-user:roles:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
State | [current-user:field-state] | Field "field_state". |
All parent terms | [current-user:field-state:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [current-user:field-state:parents-all:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [current-user:field-state:parents-all:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [current-user:field-state:parents-all:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [current-user:field-state:parents-all:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Description | [current-user:field-state:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [current-user:field-state:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [current-user:field-state:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [current-user:field-state:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Additional Text | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [current-user:field-state:feed-node:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:field-state:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:field-state:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [current-user:field-state:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [current-user:field-state:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [current-user:field-state:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
All parent terms | [current-user:field-state:original:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [current-user:field-state:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [current-user:field-state:original:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [current-user:field-state:original:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [current-user:field-state:original:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:field-state:original:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:field-state:original:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [current-user:field-state:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [current-user:field-state:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [current-user:field-state:original:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [current-user:field-state:original:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [current-user:field-state:original:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [current-user:field-state:original:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [current-user:field-state:original:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [current-user:field-state:original:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [current-user:field-state:original:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [current-user:field-state:original:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [current-user:field-state:original:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Parents | [current-user:field-state:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Count | [current-user:field-state:parents:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [current-user:field-state:parents:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [current-user:field-state:parents:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [current-user:field-state:parents:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [current-user:field-state:parents:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [current-user:field-state:parents:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [current-user:field-state:parents:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [current-user:field-state:parents:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Parent term | [current-user:field-state:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
All parent terms | [current-user:field-state:parent:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [current-user:field-state:parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [current-user:field-state:parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [current-user:field-state:parent:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [current-user:field-state:parent:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:field-state:parent:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:field-state:parent:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [current-user:field-state:parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [current-user:field-state:parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [current-user:field-state:parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [current-user:field-state:parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [current-user:field-state:parent:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [current-user:field-state:parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [current-user:field-state:parent:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [current-user:field-state:parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [current-user:field-state:parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [current-user:field-state:parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [current-user:field-state:parent:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [current-user:field-state:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [current-user:field-state:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
All parent terms | [current-user:field-state:root:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [current-user:field-state:root:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [current-user:field-state:root:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [current-user:field-state:root:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [current-user:field-state:root:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:field-state:root:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:field-state:root:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [current-user:field-state:root:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [current-user:field-state:root:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [current-user:field-state:root:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [current-user:field-state:root:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [current-user:field-state:root:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [current-user:field-state:root:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Taxonomy term UUID | [current-user:field-state:root:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [current-user:field-state:root:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [current-user:field-state:root:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [current-user:field-state:root:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [current-user:field-state:root:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [current-user:field-state:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [current-user:field-state:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [current-user:field-state:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Absolute URL | [current-user:field-state:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [current-user:field-state:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [current-user:field-state:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [current-user:field-state:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [current-user:field-state:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [current-user:field-state:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Vocabulary | [current-user:field-state:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description | [current-user:field-state:vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Edit URL | [current-user:field-state:vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Feed NID | [current-user:field-state:vocabulary:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [current-user:field-state:vocabulary:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [current-user:field-state:vocabulary:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [current-user:field-state:vocabulary:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Machine-readable name | [current-user:field-state:vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
Name | [current-user:field-state:vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [current-user:field-state:vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original taxonomy vocabulary | [current-user:field-state:vocabulary:original] | The original taxonomy vocabulary data if the taxonomy vocabulary is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [current-user:field-state:vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [current-user:field-state:vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Weight | [current-user:field-state:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
State | [current-user:field_state] | Term reference field. |
Status | [current-user:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
Subscription Code | [current-user:field-subscription-code] | Field "field_subscription_code". |
Subscription Code | [current-user:field_subscription_code] | Text field. |
URL | [current-user:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
Absolute URL | [current-user:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [current-user:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Count | [current-user:url:args:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [current-user:url:args:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [current-user:url:args:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [current-user:url:args:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [current-user:url:args:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [current-user:url:args:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [current-user:url:args:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [current-user:url:args:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Brief URL | [current-user:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [current-user:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [current-user:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [current-user:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Absolute URL | [current-user:url:unaliased:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [current-user:url:unaliased:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [current-user:url:unaliased:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [current-user:url:unaliased:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [current-user:url:unaliased:relative] | The relative URL. |
User ID | [current-user:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
User UUID | [current-user:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the user |
User role ids | [current-user:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [current-user:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
Validate URL | [current-user:validate-url] | The URL of the account validation page, provided by logintoboggan. |
Nodes | | Tokens related to individual content items, or "nodes". |
Additional Text | [node:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:author] | The author of the node. |
Address | [node:author:field-address] | Field "field_address". |
Address | [node:author:field_address] | Long text field. |
Changed | [node:author:changed] | The date the user account was changed. |
Custom format | [node:author:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [node:author:changed:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [node:author:changed:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [node:author:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [node:author:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [node:author:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [node:author:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [node:author:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
City | [node:author:field-city] | Field "field_city". |
City | [node:author:field_city] | Text field. |
Created | [node:author:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Custom format | [node:author:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [node:author:created:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [node:author:created:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [node:author:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [node:author:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [node:author:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [node:author:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [node:author:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Default theme | [node:author:theme] | The user's default theme. |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [node:author:field-interested-in-services] | Field "field_interested_in_services". |
All parent terms | [node:author:field-interested-in-services:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [node:author:field-interested-in-services:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [node:author:field-interested-in-services:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [node:author:field-interested-in-services:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:author:field-interested-in-services:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:author:field-interested-in-services:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:author:field-interested-in-services:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [node:author:field-interested-in-services:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [node:author:field-interested-in-services:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:author:field-interested-in-services:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:author:field-interested-in-services:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [node:author:field-interested-in-services:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [node:author:field-interested-in-services:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [node:author:field-interested-in-services:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [node:author:field-interested-in-services:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [node:author:field-interested-in-services:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:author:field-interested-in-services:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [node:author:field-interested-in-services:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [node:author:field-interested-in-services:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [node:author:field_interested_in_services] | Term reference field. |
Edit URL | [node:author:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [node:author:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
Feed NID | [node:author:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:author:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Additional Text | [node:author:feed-node:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:author:feed-node:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:author:feed-node:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:author:feed-node:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Body | [node:author:feed-node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:author:feed-node:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:author:feed-node:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:author:feed-node:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:author:feed-node:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:author:feed-node:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:author:feed-node:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:author:feed-node:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:author:feed-node:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:author:feed-node:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:author:feed-node:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:author:feed-node:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:author:feed-node:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:author:feed-node:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:author:feed-node:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:author:feed-node:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:author:feed-node:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:author:feed-node:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:author:feed-node:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:author:feed-node:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:author:feed-node:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:author:feed-node:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:author:feed-node:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:author:feed-node:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:author:feed-node:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:author:feed-node:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:author:feed-node:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:author:feed-node:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:author:feed-node:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:author:feed-node:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:author:feed-node:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:author:feed-node:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:author:feed-node:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:author:feed-node:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:author:feed-node:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:author:feed-node:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:author:feed-node:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:author:feed-node:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:author:feed-node:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:author:feed-node:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:author:feed-node:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:author:feed-node:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:author:feed-node:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:author:feed-node:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:author:feed-node:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:author:feed-node:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:author:feed-node:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:author:feed-node:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:author:feed-node:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:author:feed-node:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:author:feed-node:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:author:feed-node:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:author:feed-node:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:author:feed-node:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:author:feed-node:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:author:feed-node:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:author:feed-node:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:author:feed-node:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:author:feed-node:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:author:feed-node:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:author:feed-node:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:author:feed-node:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:author:feed-node:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:author:feed-node:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:author:feed-node:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:author:feed-node:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:author:feed-node:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:author:feed-node:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:author:feed-node:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:author:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:author:feed-node:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:author:feed-node:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:author:feed-node:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:author:feed-node:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:author:feed-node:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:author:feed-node:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:author:feed-node:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:author:feed-node:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:author:feed-node:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:author:feed-node:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:author:feed-node:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:author:feed-node:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:author:feed-node:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:author:feed-node:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:author:feed-node:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:author:feed-node:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:author:feed-node:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:author:feed-node:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:author:feed-node:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:author:feed-node:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:author:feed-node:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:author:feed-node:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:author:feed-node:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:author:feed-node:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:author:feed-node:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:author:feed-node:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:author:feed-node:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:author:feed-node:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:author:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:author:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
First Name | [node:author:field-firstname] | Field "field_firstname". |
First Name | [node:author:field_firstname] | Text field. |
Followup Date | [node:author:field-followup-date] | Field "field_followup_date". |
Custom format | [node:author:field-followup-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [node:author:field-followup-date:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [node:author:field-followup-date:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [node:author:field-followup-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [node:author:field-followup-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [node:author:field-followup-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [node:author:field-followup-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [node:author:field-followup-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Followup Date | [node:author:field_followup_date] | Date field. |
Followup Made By | [node:author:field-followup-made-by] | Field "field_followup_made_by". |
Followup Made By | [node:author:field_followup_made_by] | Text field. |
IP | [node:author:ip] | The user's ip address. |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [node:author:field-role-other] | Field "field_role_other". |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [node:author:field_role_other] | Text field. |
Last Name | [node:author:field-lastname] | Field "field_lastname". |
Last Name | [node:author:field_lastname] | Text field. |
Last access | [node:author:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Custom format | [node:author:last-access:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [node:author:last-access:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [node:author:last-access:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [node:author:last-access:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [node:author:last-access:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [node:author:last-access:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [node:author:last-access:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [node:author:last-access:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Last login | [node:author:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Custom format | [node:author:last-login:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [node:author:last-login:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [node:author:last-login:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [node:author:last-login:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [node:author:last-login:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [node:author:last-login:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [node:author:last-login:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [node:author:last-login:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Name | [node:author:name] | The login name of the user account. |
Organization | [node:author:field-organization] | Field "field_organization". |
Organization | [node:author:field_organization] | Text field. |
Organization Type | [node:author:field-organization-type] | Field "field_organization_type". |
All parent terms | [node:author:field-organization-type:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [node:author:field-organization-type:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [node:author:field-organization-type:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [node:author:field-organization-type:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:author:field-organization-type:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:author:field-organization-type:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:author:field-organization-type:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [node:author:field-organization-type:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [node:author:field-organization-type:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:author:field-organization-type:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:author:field-organization-type:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [node:author:field-organization-type:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [node:author:field-organization-type:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [node:author:field-organization-type:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [node:author:field-organization-type:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [node:author:field-organization-type:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:author:field-organization-type:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [node:author:field-organization-type:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [node:author:field-organization-type:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Organization Type | [node:author:field_organization_type] | Term reference field. |
Original user | [node:author:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Address | [node:author:original:field-address] | Field "field_address". |
Address | [node:author:original:field_address] | Long text field. |
Changed | [node:author:original:changed] | The date the user account was changed. |
City | [node:author:original:field-city] | Field "field_city". |
City | [node:author:original:field_city] | Text field. |
Created | [node:author:original:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Default theme | [node:author:original:theme] | The user's default theme. |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [node:author:original:field-interested-in-services] | Field "field_interested_in_services". |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [node:author:original:field_interested_in_services] | Term reference field. |
Edit URL | [node:author:original:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [node:author:original:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
Feed NID | [node:author:original:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:author:original:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:author:original:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:author:original:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
First Name | [node:author:original:field-firstname] | Field "field_firstname". |
First Name | [node:author:original:field_firstname] | Text field. |
Followup Date | [node:author:original:field-followup-date] | Field "field_followup_date". |
Followup Date | [node:author:original:field_followup_date] | Date field. |
Followup Made By | [node:author:original:field-followup-made-by] | Field "field_followup_made_by". |
Followup Made By | [node:author:original:field_followup_made_by] | Text field. |
IP | [node:author:original:ip] | The user's ip address. |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [node:author:original:field-role-other] | Field "field_role_other". |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [node:author:original:field_role_other] | Text field. |
Last Name | [node:author:original:field-lastname] | Field "field_lastname". |
Last Name | [node:author:original:field_lastname] | Text field. |
Last access | [node:author:original:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Last login | [node:author:original:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Name | [node:author:original:name] | The login name of the user account. |
Organization | [node:author:original:field-organization] | Field "field_organization". |
Organization | [node:author:original:field_organization] | Text field. |
Organization Type | [node:author:original:field-organization-type] | Field "field_organization_type". |
Organization Type | [node:author:original:field_organization_type] | Term reference field. |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [node:author:original:field-services-interested-in] | Field "field_services_interested_in". |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [node:author:original:field_services_interested_in] | Long text field. |
Revision ID | [node:author:original:vid] | The unique ID of the user's revision. |
Role | [node:author:original:field-role] | Field "field_role". |
Role | [node:author:original:field_role] | Term reference field. |
Roles | [node:author:original:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
State | [node:author:original:field-state] | Field "field_state". |
State | [node:author:original:field_state] | Term reference field. |
Status | [node:author:original:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
Subscription Code | [node:author:original:field-subscription-code] | Field "field_subscription_code". |
Subscription Code | [node:author:original:field_subscription_code] | Text field. |
URL | [node:author:original:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User ID | [node:author:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
User UUID | [node:author:original:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the user |
User role ids | [node:author:original:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [node:author:original:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
Validate URL | [node:author:original:validate-url] | The URL of the account validation page, provided by logintoboggan. |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [node:author:field-services-interested-in] | Field "field_services_interested_in". |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [node:author:field_services_interested_in] | Long text field. |
Revision ID | [node:author:vid] | The unique ID of the user's revision. |
Role | [node:author:field-role] | Field "field_role". |
All parent terms | [node:author:field-role:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [node:author:field-role:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [node:author:field-role:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [node:author:field-role:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:author:field-role:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:author:field-role:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:author:field-role:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [node:author:field-role:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [node:author:field-role:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:author:field-role:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:author:field-role:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [node:author:field-role:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [node:author:field-role:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [node:author:field-role:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [node:author:field-role:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [node:author:field-role:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:author:field-role:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [node:author:field-role:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [node:author:field-role:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Role | [node:author:field_role] | Term reference field. |
Roles | [node:author:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
Count | [node:author:roles:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [node:author:roles:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [node:author:roles:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [node:author:roles:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [node:author:roles:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [node:author:roles:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [node:author:roles:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [node:author:roles:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
State | [node:author:field-state] | Field "field_state". |
All parent terms | [node:author:field-state:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [node:author:field-state:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [node:author:field-state:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [node:author:field-state:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:author:field-state:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:author:field-state:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:author:field-state:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [node:author:field-state:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [node:author:field-state:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:author:field-state:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:author:field-state:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [node:author:field-state:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [node:author:field-state:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [node:author:field-state:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [node:author:field-state:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [node:author:field-state:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:author:field-state:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [node:author:field-state:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [node:author:field-state:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
State | [node:author:field_state] | Term reference field. |
Status | [node:author:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
Subscription Code | [node:author:field-subscription-code] | Field "field_subscription_code". |
Subscription Code | [node:author:field_subscription_code] | Text field. |
URL | [node:author:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
Absolute URL | [node:author:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [node:author:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [node:author:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [node:author:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [node:author:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [node:author:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
User ID | [node:author:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
User UUID | [node:author:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the user |
User role ids | [node:author:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [node:author:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
Validate URL | [node:author:validate-url] | The URL of the account validation page, provided by logintoboggan. |
Body | [node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [node:field-chapters:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Additional Text | [node:field-chapters:0:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:field-chapters:0:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:field-chapters:0:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:field-chapters:0:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:field-chapters:0:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:field-chapters:0:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-chapters:0:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-chapters:0:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:field-chapters:0:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:field-chapters:0:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:field-chapters:0:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:field-chapters:0:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:field-chapters:0:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:field-chapters:0:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:field-chapters:0:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:field-chapters:0:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:field-chapters:0:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:field-chapters:0:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:field-chapters:0:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:field-chapters:0:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:field-chapters:0:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:field-chapters:0:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:field-chapters:0:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:field-chapters:0:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:field-chapters:0:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:field-chapters:0:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-chapters:0:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-chapters:0:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:field-chapters:0:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:field-chapters:0:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:field-chapters:0:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:field-chapters:0:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-chapters:0:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-chapters:0:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-chapters:0:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:field-chapters:0:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:field-chapters:0:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:field-chapters:0:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:field-chapters:0:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:field-chapters:0:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:field-chapters:0:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:field-chapters:0:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:field-chapters:0:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:field-chapters:0:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:field-chapters:0:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:field-chapters:0:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:field-chapters:0:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:field-chapters:0:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:field-chapters:0:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:field-chapters:0:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:field-chapters:0:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:field-chapters:0:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:field-chapters:0:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:field-chapters:0:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:field-chapters:0:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:field-chapters:0:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:field-chapters:0:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:field-chapters:0:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:field-chapters:0:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:field-chapters:0:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:field-chapters:0:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:field-chapters:0:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:field-chapters:0:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:field-chapters:0:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:field-chapters:0:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:field-chapters:0:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:field-chapters:0:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:field-chapters:0:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:field-chapters:0:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:field-chapters:0:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:field-chapters:0:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:field-chapters:0:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:field-chapters:0:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:field-chapters:0:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-chapters:0:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-chapters:0:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:field-chapters:0:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:field-chapters:0:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:field-chapters:0:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:field-chapters:0:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:field-chapters:0:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:field-chapters:0:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:field-chapters:0:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:field-chapters:0:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:field-chapters:0:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:field-chapters:0:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:field-chapters:0:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:field-chapters:0:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:field-chapters:0:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:field-chapters:0:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:field-chapters:0:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:field-chapters:0:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:field-chapters:0:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:field-chapters:0:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:field-chapters:0:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:field-chapters:0:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:field-chapters:0:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-chapters:0:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-chapters:0:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:field-chapters:0:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:field-chapters:0:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:field-chapters:0:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:field-chapters:0:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [node:field-chapters:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Additional Text | [node:field-chapters:1:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:field-chapters:1:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:field-chapters:1:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:field-chapters:1:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:field-chapters:1:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:field-chapters:1:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-chapters:1:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-chapters:1:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:field-chapters:1:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:field-chapters:1:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:field-chapters:1:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:field-chapters:1:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:field-chapters:1:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:field-chapters:1:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:field-chapters:1:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:field-chapters:1:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:field-chapters:1:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:field-chapters:1:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:field-chapters:1:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:field-chapters:1:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:field-chapters:1:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:field-chapters:1:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:field-chapters:1:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:field-chapters:1:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:field-chapters:1:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:field-chapters:1:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-chapters:1:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-chapters:1:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:field-chapters:1:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:field-chapters:1:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:field-chapters:1:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:field-chapters:1:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-chapters:1:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-chapters:1:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-chapters:1:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:field-chapters:1:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:field-chapters:1:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:field-chapters:1:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:field-chapters:1:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:field-chapters:1:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:field-chapters:1:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:field-chapters:1:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:field-chapters:1:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:field-chapters:1:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:field-chapters:1:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:field-chapters:1:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:field-chapters:1:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:field-chapters:1:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:field-chapters:1:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:field-chapters:1:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:field-chapters:1:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:field-chapters:1:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:field-chapters:1:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:field-chapters:1:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:field-chapters:1:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:field-chapters:1:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:field-chapters:1:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:field-chapters:1:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:field-chapters:1:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:field-chapters:1:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:field-chapters:1:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:field-chapters:1:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:field-chapters:1:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:field-chapters:1:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:field-chapters:1:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:field-chapters:1:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:field-chapters:1:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:field-chapters:1:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:field-chapters:1:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:field-chapters:1:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:field-chapters:1:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:field-chapters:1:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:field-chapters:1:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:field-chapters:1:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-chapters:1:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-chapters:1:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:field-chapters:1:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:field-chapters:1:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:field-chapters:1:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:field-chapters:1:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:field-chapters:1:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:field-chapters:1:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:field-chapters:1:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:field-chapters:1:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:field-chapters:1:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:field-chapters:1:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:field-chapters:1:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:field-chapters:1:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:field-chapters:1:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:field-chapters:1:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:field-chapters:1:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:field-chapters:1:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:field-chapters:1:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:field-chapters:1:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:field-chapters:1:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:field-chapters:1:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:field-chapters:1:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-chapters:1:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-chapters:1:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:field-chapters:1:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:field-chapters:1:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:field-chapters:1:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:field-chapters:1:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [node:field-chapters:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Additional Text | [node:field-chapters:2:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:field-chapters:2:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:field-chapters:2:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:field-chapters:2:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:field-chapters:2:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:field-chapters:2:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-chapters:2:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-chapters:2:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:field-chapters:2:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:field-chapters:2:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:field-chapters:2:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:field-chapters:2:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:field-chapters:2:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:field-chapters:2:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:field-chapters:2:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:field-chapters:2:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:field-chapters:2:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:field-chapters:2:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:field-chapters:2:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:field-chapters:2:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:field-chapters:2:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:field-chapters:2:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:field-chapters:2:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:field-chapters:2:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:field-chapters:2:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:field-chapters:2:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-chapters:2:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-chapters:2:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:field-chapters:2:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:field-chapters:2:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:field-chapters:2:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:field-chapters:2:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-chapters:2:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-chapters:2:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-chapters:2:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:field-chapters:2:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:field-chapters:2:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:field-chapters:2:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:field-chapters:2:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:field-chapters:2:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:field-chapters:2:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:field-chapters:2:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:field-chapters:2:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:field-chapters:2:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:field-chapters:2:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:field-chapters:2:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:field-chapters:2:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:field-chapters:2:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:field-chapters:2:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:field-chapters:2:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:field-chapters:2:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:field-chapters:2:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:field-chapters:2:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:field-chapters:2:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:field-chapters:2:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:field-chapters:2:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:field-chapters:2:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:field-chapters:2:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:field-chapters:2:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:field-chapters:2:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:field-chapters:2:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:field-chapters:2:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:field-chapters:2:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:field-chapters:2:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:field-chapters:2:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:field-chapters:2:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:field-chapters:2:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:field-chapters:2:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:field-chapters:2:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:field-chapters:2:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:field-chapters:2:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:field-chapters:2:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:field-chapters:2:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:field-chapters:2:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-chapters:2:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-chapters:2:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:field-chapters:2:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:field-chapters:2:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:field-chapters:2:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:field-chapters:2:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:field-chapters:2:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:field-chapters:2:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:field-chapters:2:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:field-chapters:2:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:field-chapters:2:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:field-chapters:2:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:field-chapters:2:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:field-chapters:2:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:field-chapters:2:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:field-chapters:2:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:field-chapters:2:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:field-chapters:2:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:field-chapters:2:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:field-chapters:2:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:field-chapters:2:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:field-chapters:2:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:field-chapters:2:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-chapters:2:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-chapters:2:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:field-chapters:2:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:field-chapters:2:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:field-chapters:2:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:field-chapters:2:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [node:field-chapters:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Additional Text | [node:field-chapters:3:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:field-chapters:3:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:field-chapters:3:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:field-chapters:3:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:field-chapters:3:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:field-chapters:3:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-chapters:3:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-chapters:3:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:field-chapters:3:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:field-chapters:3:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:field-chapters:3:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:field-chapters:3:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:field-chapters:3:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:field-chapters:3:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:field-chapters:3:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:field-chapters:3:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:field-chapters:3:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:field-chapters:3:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:field-chapters:3:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:field-chapters:3:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:field-chapters:3:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:field-chapters:3:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:field-chapters:3:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:field-chapters:3:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:field-chapters:3:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:field-chapters:3:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-chapters:3:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-chapters:3:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:field-chapters:3:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:field-chapters:3:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:field-chapters:3:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:field-chapters:3:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-chapters:3:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-chapters:3:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-chapters:3:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:field-chapters:3:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:field-chapters:3:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:field-chapters:3:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:field-chapters:3:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:field-chapters:3:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:field-chapters:3:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:field-chapters:3:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:field-chapters:3:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:field-chapters:3:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:field-chapters:3:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:field-chapters:3:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:field-chapters:3:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:field-chapters:3:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:field-chapters:3:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:field-chapters:3:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:field-chapters:3:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:field-chapters:3:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:field-chapters:3:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:field-chapters:3:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:field-chapters:3:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:field-chapters:3:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:field-chapters:3:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:field-chapters:3:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:field-chapters:3:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:field-chapters:3:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:field-chapters:3:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:field-chapters:3:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:field-chapters:3:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:field-chapters:3:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:field-chapters:3:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:field-chapters:3:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:field-chapters:3:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:field-chapters:3:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:field-chapters:3:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:field-chapters:3:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:field-chapters:3:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:field-chapters:3:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:field-chapters:3:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:field-chapters:3:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-chapters:3:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-chapters:3:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:field-chapters:3:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:field-chapters:3:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:field-chapters:3:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:field-chapters:3:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:field-chapters:3:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:field-chapters:3:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:field-chapters:3:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:field-chapters:3:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:field-chapters:3:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:field-chapters:3:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:field-chapters:3:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:field-chapters:3:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:field-chapters:3:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:field-chapters:3:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:field-chapters:3:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:field-chapters:3:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:field-chapters:3:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:field-chapters:3:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:field-chapters:3:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:field-chapters:3:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:field-chapters:3:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-chapters:3:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-chapters:3:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:field-chapters:3:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:field-chapters:3:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:field-chapters:3:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:field-chapters:3:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Chapters | [node:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content | [node:comments:0:body] | The formatted content of the comment itself. |
The main body text | [node:comments:0:comment-body:?] | The main body text The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Content | [node:comments:1:body] | The formatted content of the comment itself. |
The main body text | [node:comments:1:comment-body:?] | The main body text The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Content | [node:comments:2:body] | The formatted content of the comment itself. |
The main body text | [node:comments:2:comment-body:?] | The main body text The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Content | [node:comments:3:body] | The formatted content of the comment itself. |
The main body text | [node:comments:3:comment-body:?] | The main body text The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Content ID | [node:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Description | [node:content-type:description] | The optional description of the content type. |
Edit URL | [node:content-type:edit-url] | The URL of the content type's edit page. |
Machine-readable name | [node:content-type:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the content type. |
Name | [node:content-type:name] | The name of the content type. |
Node count | [node:content-type:node-count] | The number of nodes belonging to the content type. |
Creates revision | [node:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Custom format | [node:field-date-month-year:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [node:field-date-month-year:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [node:field-date-month-year:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [node:field-date-month-year:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [node:field-date-month-year:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [node:field-date-month-year:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [node:field-date-month-year:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [node:field-date-month-year:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Date | [node:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Custom format | [node:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [node:changed:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [node:changed:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [node:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [node:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [node:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [node:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [node:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Date created | [node:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Custom format | [node:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [node:created:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [node:created:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [node:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [node:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [node:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [node:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [node:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Description | [node:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Additional Text | [node:feed-node:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:feed-node:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:feed-node:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:feed-node:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:feed-node:author] | The author of the node. |
Address | [node:feed-node:author:field-address] | Field "field_address". |
Address | [node:feed-node:author:field_address] | Long text field. |
Changed | [node:feed-node:author:changed] | The date the user account was changed. |
City | [node:feed-node:author:field-city] | Field "field_city". |
City | [node:feed-node:author:field_city] | Text field. |
Created | [node:feed-node:author:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Default theme | [node:feed-node:author:theme] | The user's default theme. |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [node:feed-node:author:field-interested-in-services] | Field "field_interested_in_services". |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [node:feed-node:author:field_interested_in_services] | Term reference field. |
Edit URL | [node:feed-node:author:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [node:feed-node:author:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
Feed NID | [node:feed-node:author:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:feed-node:author:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:feed-node:author:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
First Name | [node:feed-node:author:field-firstname] | Field "field_firstname". |
First Name | [node:feed-node:author:field_firstname] | Text field. |
Followup Date | [node:feed-node:author:field-followup-date] | Field "field_followup_date". |
Followup Date | [node:feed-node:author:field_followup_date] | Date field. |
Followup Made By | [node:feed-node:author:field-followup-made-by] | Field "field_followup_made_by". |
Followup Made By | [node:feed-node:author:field_followup_made_by] | Text field. |
IP | [node:feed-node:author:ip] | The user's ip address. |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [node:feed-node:author:field-role-other] | Field "field_role_other". |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [node:feed-node:author:field_role_other] | Text field. |
Last Name | [node:feed-node:author:field-lastname] | Field "field_lastname". |
Last Name | [node:feed-node:author:field_lastname] | Text field. |
Last access | [node:feed-node:author:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Last login | [node:feed-node:author:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Name | [node:feed-node:author:name] | The login name of the user account. |
Organization | [node:feed-node:author:field-organization] | Field "field_organization". |
Organization | [node:feed-node:author:field_organization] | Text field. |
Organization Type | [node:feed-node:author:field-organization-type] | Field "field_organization_type". |
Organization Type | [node:feed-node:author:field_organization_type] | Term reference field. |
Original user | [node:feed-node:author:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [node:feed-node:author:field-services-interested-in] | Field "field_services_interested_in". |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [node:feed-node:author:field_services_interested_in] | Long text field. |
Revision ID | [node:feed-node:author:vid] | The unique ID of the user's revision. |
Role | [node:feed-node:author:field-role] | Field "field_role". |
Role | [node:feed-node:author:field_role] | Term reference field. |
Roles | [node:feed-node:author:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
State | [node:feed-node:author:field-state] | Field "field_state". |
State | [node:feed-node:author:field_state] | Term reference field. |
Status | [node:feed-node:author:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
Subscription Code | [node:feed-node:author:field-subscription-code] | Field "field_subscription_code". |
Subscription Code | [node:feed-node:author:field_subscription_code] | Text field. |
URL | [node:feed-node:author:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User ID | [node:feed-node:author:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
User UUID | [node:feed-node:author:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the user |
User role ids | [node:feed-node:author:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [node:feed-node:author:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
Validate URL | [node:feed-node:author:validate-url] | The URL of the account validation page, provided by logintoboggan. |
Body | [node:feed-node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:feed-node:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:feed-node:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:feed-node:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [node:feed-node:field-chapters:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [node:feed-node:field-chapters:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [node:feed-node:field-chapters:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [node:feed-node:field-chapters:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Chapters | [node:feed-node:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:feed-node:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:feed-node:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:feed-node:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:feed-node:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:feed-node:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:feed-node:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Description | [node:feed-node:content-type:description] | The optional description of the content type. |
Edit URL | [node:feed-node:content-type:edit-url] | The URL of the content type's edit page. |
Machine-readable name | [node:feed-node:content-type:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the content type. |
Name | [node:feed-node:content-type:name] | The name of the content type. |
Node count | [node:feed-node:content-type:node-count] | The number of nodes belonging to the content type. |
Creates revision | [node:feed-node:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:feed-node:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Custom format | [node:feed-node:field-date-month-year:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [node:feed-node:field-date-month-year:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [node:feed-node:field-date-month-year:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [node:feed-node:field-date-month-year:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [node:feed-node:field-date-month-year:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [node:feed-node:field-date-month-year:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [node:feed-node:field-date-month-year:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [node:feed-node:field-date-month-year:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Date | [node:feed-node:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:feed-node:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:feed-node:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:feed-node:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Custom format | [node:feed-node:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [node:feed-node:changed:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [node:feed-node:changed:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [node:feed-node:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [node:feed-node:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [node:feed-node:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [node:feed-node:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [node:feed-node:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Date created | [node:feed-node:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Custom format | [node:feed-node:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [node:feed-node:created:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [node:feed-node:created:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [node:feed-node:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [node:feed-node:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [node:feed-node:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [node:feed-node:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [node:feed-node:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Description | [node:feed-node:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:feed-node:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:feed-node:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:feed-node:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:feed-node:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:feed-node:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:feed-node:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:feed-node:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:feed-node:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:feed-node:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:feed-node:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:feed-node:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:feed-node:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
Additional Text | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:feed-node:feed-source:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:feed-node:feed-source:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:feed-node:feed-source:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:feed-node:feed-source:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:feed-node:feed-source:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:feed-node:feed-source:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:feed-node:feed-source:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:feed-node:feed-source:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:feed-node:feed-source:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:feed-node:feed-source:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:feed-node:feed-source:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:feed-node:feed-source:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:feed-node:feed-source:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
First Name | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:feed-node:feed-source:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:feed-node:feed-source:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:feed-node:feed-source:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:feed-node:feed-source:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:feed-node:feed-source:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:feed-node:feed-source:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:feed-node:feed-source:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:feed-node:feed-source:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:feed-node:feed-source:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:feed-node:feed-source:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:feed-node:feed-source:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:feed-node:feed-source:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:feed-node:feed-source:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:feed-node:feed-source:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:feed-node:feed-source:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:feed-node:feed-source:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
First Name | [node:feed-node:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:feed-node:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:feed-node:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:feed-node:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:feed-node:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:feed-node:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:feed-node:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:feed-node:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:feed-node:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:feed-node:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:feed-node:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:feed-node:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:feed-node:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:feed-node:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:feed-node:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Custom format | [node:feed-node:field-month:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [node:feed-node:field-month:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [node:feed-node:field-month:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [node:feed-node:field-month:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [node:feed-node:field-month:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [node:feed-node:field-month:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [node:feed-node:field-month:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [node:feed-node:field-month:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Month | [node:feed-node:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:feed-node:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
All parent terms | [node:feed-node:field-org-type:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [node:feed-node:field-org-type:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [node:feed-node:field-org-type:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [node:feed-node:field-org-type:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:feed-node:field-org-type:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:feed-node:field-org-type:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [node:feed-node:field-org-type:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [node:feed-node:field-org-type:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:feed-node:field-org-type:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:feed-node:field-org-type:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [node:feed-node:field-org-type:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [node:feed-node:field-org-type:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [node:feed-node:field-org-type:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [node:feed-node:field-org-type:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [node:feed-node:field-org-type:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:feed-node:field-org-type:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [node:feed-node:field-org-type:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [node:feed-node:field-org-type:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Org. Type | [node:feed-node:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:feed-node:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:feed-node:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:feed-node:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Additional Text | [node:feed-node:original:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:feed-node:original:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:feed-node:original:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:feed-node:original:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:feed-node:original:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:feed-node:original:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:feed-node:original:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:feed-node:original:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:feed-node:original:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:feed-node:original:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:feed-node:original:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:feed-node:original:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:feed-node:original:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:feed-node:original:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:feed-node:original:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:feed-node:original:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:feed-node:original:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:feed-node:original:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:feed-node:original:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:feed-node:original:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:feed-node:original:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:feed-node:original:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:feed-node:original:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:feed-node:original:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:feed-node:original:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:feed-node:original:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:feed-node:original:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:feed-node:original:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:feed-node:original:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:feed-node:original:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:feed-node:original:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:feed-node:original:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:feed-node:original:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:feed-node:original:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:feed-node:original:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:feed-node:original:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:feed-node:original:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:feed-node:original:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:feed-node:original:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:feed-node:original:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:feed-node:original:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:feed-node:original:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:feed-node:original:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:feed-node:original:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:feed-node:original:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:feed-node:original:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:feed-node:original:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:feed-node:original:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:feed-node:original:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:feed-node:original:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:feed-node:original:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:feed-node:original:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:feed-node:original:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:feed-node:original:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:feed-node:original:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:feed-node:original:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:feed-node:original:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:feed-node:original:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:feed-node:original:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:feed-node:original:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:feed-node:original:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:feed-node:original:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:feed-node:original:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:feed-node:original:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:feed-node:original:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:feed-node:original:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:feed-node:original:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:feed-node:original:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:feed-node:original:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:feed-node:original:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:feed-node:original:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:feed-node:original:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:feed-node:original:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:feed-node:original:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:feed-node:original:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:feed-node:original:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:feed-node:original:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:feed-node:original:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:feed-node:original:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:feed-node:original:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:feed-node:original:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:feed-node:original:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:feed-node:original:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:feed-node:original:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:feed-node:original:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:feed-node:original:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:feed-node:original:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:feed-node:original:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:feed-node:original:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:feed-node:original:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:feed-node:original:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:feed-node:original:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:feed-node:original:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:feed-node:original:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:feed-node:original:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:feed-node:original:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:feed-node:original:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:feed-node:original:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:feed-node:original:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:feed-node:original:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:feed-node:original:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:feed-node:original:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:feed-node:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:feed-node:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Allow_change | [node:feed-node:quiz:allow-change] | Quiz properties "allow_change" property. |
Allow_change_blank | [node:feed-node:quiz:allow-change-blank] | Quiz properties "allow_change_blank" property. |
Allow_jumping | [node:feed-node:quiz:allow-jumping] | Quiz properties "allow_jumping" property. |
Allow_resume | [node:feed-node:quiz:allow-resume] | Quiz properties "allow_resume" property. |
Allow_skipping | [node:feed-node:quiz:allow-skipping] | Quiz properties "allow_skipping" property. |
Backwards_navigation | [node:feed-node:quiz:backwards-navigation] | Quiz properties "backwards_navigation" property. |
Build_on_last | [node:feed-node:quiz:build-on-last] | Quiz properties "build_on_last" property. |
Close date | [node:feed-node:quiz:quiz-close] | Quiz properties "quiz_close" property. |
Feed NID | [node:feed-node:quiz:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:feed-node:quiz:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:feed-node:quiz:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Has_userpoints | [node:feed-node:quiz:has-userpoints] | Quiz properties "has_userpoints" property. |
Keep_results | [node:feed-node:quiz:keep-results] | Quiz properties "keep_results" property. |
Mark_doubtful | [node:feed-node:quiz:mark-doubtful] | Quiz properties "mark_doubtful" property. |
Max_score | [node:feed-node:quiz:max-score] | Quiz properties "max_score" property. |
Max_score_for_random | [node:feed-node:quiz:max-score-for-random] | Quiz properties "max_score_for_random" property. |
Nid | [node:feed-node:quiz:nid] | Quiz properties "nid" property. |
Number_of_random_questions | [node:feed-node:quiz:number-of-random-questions] | Quiz properties "number_of_random_questions" property. |
Open date | [node:feed-node:quiz:quiz-open] | Quiz properties "quiz_open" property. |
Pass_rate | [node:feed-node:quiz:pass-rate] | Quiz properties "pass_rate" property. |
Quiz_always | [node:feed-node:quiz:quiz-always] | Quiz properties "quiz_always" property. |
Quiz properties ID | [node:feed-node:quiz:qnp-id] | The unique ID of the quiz properties. |
Randomization | [node:feed-node:quiz:randomization] | Quiz properties "randomization" property. |
Repeat_until_correct | [node:feed-node:quiz:repeat-until-correct] | Quiz properties "repeat_until_correct" property. |
Review_options | [node:feed-node:quiz:review-options] | Quiz properties "review_options" property. |
Show_attempt_stats | [node:feed-node:quiz:show-attempt-stats] | Quiz properties "show_attempt_stats" property. |
Show_passed | [node:feed-node:quiz:show-passed] | Quiz properties "show_passed" property. |
Summary_default | [node:feed-node:quiz:summary-default] | Quiz properties "summary_default" property. |
Summary_default_format | [node:feed-node:quiz:summary-default-format] | Quiz properties "summary_default_format" property. |
Summary_pass | [node:feed-node:quiz:summary-pass] | Quiz properties "summary_pass" property. |
Summary_pass_format | [node:feed-node:quiz:summary-pass-format] | Quiz properties "summary_pass_format" property. |
Takes | [node:feed-node:quiz:takes] | Quiz properties "takes" property. |
Tid | [node:feed-node:quiz:tid] | Quiz properties "tid" property. |
Time_left | [node:feed-node:quiz:time-left] | Quiz properties "time_left" property. |
Time_limit | [node:feed-node:quiz:time-limit] | Quiz properties "time_limit" property. |
Uid | [node:feed-node:quiz:uid] | Quiz properties "uid" property. |
Userpoints_tid | [node:feed-node:quiz:userpoints-tid] | Quiz properties "userpoints_tid" property. |
Vid | [node:feed-node:quiz:vid] | Quiz properties "vid" property. |
Related Chapters | [node:feed-node:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [node:feed-node:field-related-chapters:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [node:feed-node:field-related-chapters:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [node:feed-node:field-related-chapters:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [node:feed-node:field-related-chapters:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Related Chapters | [node:feed-node:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:feed-node:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [node:feed-node:field-related-sections:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [node:feed-node:field-related-sections:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [node:feed-node:field-related-sections:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [node:feed-node:field-related-sections:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Related Sections | [node:feed-node:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:feed-node:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:feed-node:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:feed-node:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [node:feed-node:field-resource-tag:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [node:feed-node:field-resource-tag:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [node:feed-node:field-resource-tag:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [node:feed-node:field-resource-tag:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Resource Tag | [node:feed-node:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:feed-node:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:feed-node:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:feed-node:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [node:feed-node:field-sections:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [node:feed-node:field-sections:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [node:feed-node:field-sections:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [node:feed-node:field-sections:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Sections | [node:feed-node:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:feed-node:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:feed-node:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:feed-node:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [node:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [node:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [node:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [node:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:feed-node:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:feed-node:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:feed-node:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [node:feed-node:field-subsections:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [node:feed-node:field-subsections:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [node:feed-node:field-subsections:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [node:feed-node:field-subsections:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Subsections | [node:feed-node:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:feed-node:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:feed-node:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [node:feed-node:field-tags:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [node:feed-node:field-tags:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [node:feed-node:field-tags:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [node:feed-node:field-tags:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Tags | [node:feed-node:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:feed-node:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:feed-node:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:feed-node:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:feed-node:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:feed-node:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:feed-node:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [node:feed-node:field-tools:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [node:feed-node:field-tools:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [node:feed-node:field-tools:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [node:feed-node:field-tools:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Tools | [node:feed-node:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [node:feed-node:field-tools-for-question:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [node:feed-node:field-tools-for-question:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [node:feed-node:field-tools-for-question:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [node:feed-node:field-tools-for-question:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Tools | [node:feed-node:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:feed-node:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:feed-node:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
Additional Text | [node:feed-node:source:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:feed-node:source:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:feed-node:source:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:feed-node:source:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:feed-node:source:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:feed-node:source:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:feed-node:source:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:feed-node:source:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:feed-node:source:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:feed-node:source:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:feed-node:source:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:feed-node:source:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:feed-node:source:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:feed-node:source:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:feed-node:source:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:feed-node:source:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:feed-node:source:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:feed-node:source:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:feed-node:source:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:feed-node:source:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:feed-node:source:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:feed-node:source:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:feed-node:source:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:feed-node:source:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:feed-node:source:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:feed-node:source:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:feed-node:source:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:feed-node:source:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:feed-node:source:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:feed-node:source:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:feed-node:source:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:feed-node:source:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:feed-node:source:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:feed-node:source:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:feed-node:source:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:feed-node:source:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:feed-node:source:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:feed-node:source:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:feed-node:source:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:feed-node:source:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:feed-node:source:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:feed-node:source:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:feed-node:source:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:feed-node:source:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:feed-node:source:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:feed-node:source:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:feed-node:source:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:feed-node:source:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:feed-node:source:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:feed-node:source:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:feed-node:source:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:feed-node:source:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:feed-node:source:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:feed-node:source:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:feed-node:source:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:feed-node:source:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:feed-node:source:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:feed-node:source:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:feed-node:source:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:feed-node:source:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:feed-node:source:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:feed-node:source:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:feed-node:source:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:feed-node:source:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:feed-node:source:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:feed-node:source:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:feed-node:source:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:feed-node:source:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:feed-node:source:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:feed-node:source:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:feed-node:source:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:feed-node:source:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:feed-node:source:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:feed-node:source:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:feed-node:source:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:feed-node:source:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:feed-node:source:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:feed-node:source:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:feed-node:source:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:feed-node:source:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:feed-node:source:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:feed-node:source:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:feed-node:source:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:feed-node:source:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:feed-node:source:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:feed-node:source:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:feed-node:source:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:feed-node:source:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:feed-node:source:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:feed-node:source:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:feed-node:source:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
URL | [node:feed-node:source:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:feed-node:source:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:feed-node:source:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:feed-node:source:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:feed-node:source:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:feed-node:source:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:feed-node:source:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:feed-node:source:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:feed-node:source:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:feed-node:source:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:feed-node:source:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
URL | [node:feed-node:url] | The URL of the node. |
Absolute URL | [node:feed-node:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [node:feed-node:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [node:feed-node:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [node:feed-node:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [node:feed-node:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [node:feed-node:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
carousel_link | [node:feed-node:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:feed-node:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:feed-node:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:feed-node:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:feed-node:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:feed-node:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:feed-node:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:feed-node:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:feed-node:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:feed-node:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
Additional Text | [node:feed-source:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:feed-source:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:feed-source:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:feed-source:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:feed-source:author] | The author of the node. |
Address | [node:feed-source:author:field-address] | Field "field_address". |
Address | [node:feed-source:author:field_address] | Long text field. |
Changed | [node:feed-source:author:changed] | The date the user account was changed. |
City | [node:feed-source:author:field-city] | Field "field_city". |
City | [node:feed-source:author:field_city] | Text field. |
Created | [node:feed-source:author:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Default theme | [node:feed-source:author:theme] | The user's default theme. |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [node:feed-source:author:field-interested-in-services] | Field "field_interested_in_services". |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [node:feed-source:author:field_interested_in_services] | Term reference field. |
Edit URL | [node:feed-source:author:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [node:feed-source:author:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
Feed NID | [node:feed-source:author:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:feed-source:author:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:feed-source:author:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:feed-source:author:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
First Name | [node:feed-source:author:field-firstname] | Field "field_firstname". |
First Name | [node:feed-source:author:field_firstname] | Text field. |
Followup Date | [node:feed-source:author:field-followup-date] | Field "field_followup_date". |
Followup Date | [node:feed-source:author:field_followup_date] | Date field. |
Followup Made By | [node:feed-source:author:field-followup-made-by] | Field "field_followup_made_by". |
Followup Made By | [node:feed-source:author:field_followup_made_by] | Text field. |
IP | [node:feed-source:author:ip] | The user's ip address. |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [node:feed-source:author:field-role-other] | Field "field_role_other". |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [node:feed-source:author:field_role_other] | Text field. |
Last Name | [node:feed-source:author:field-lastname] | Field "field_lastname". |
Last Name | [node:feed-source:author:field_lastname] | Text field. |
Last access | [node:feed-source:author:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Last login | [node:feed-source:author:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Name | [node:feed-source:author:name] | The login name of the user account. |
Organization | [node:feed-source:author:field-organization] | Field "field_organization". |
Organization | [node:feed-source:author:field_organization] | Text field. |
Organization Type | [node:feed-source:author:field-organization-type] | Field "field_organization_type". |
Organization Type | [node:feed-source:author:field_organization_type] | Term reference field. |
Original user | [node:feed-source:author:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [node:feed-source:author:field-services-interested-in] | Field "field_services_interested_in". |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [node:feed-source:author:field_services_interested_in] | Long text field. |
Revision ID | [node:feed-source:author:vid] | The unique ID of the user's revision. |
Role | [node:feed-source:author:field-role] | Field "field_role". |
Role | [node:feed-source:author:field_role] | Term reference field. |
Roles | [node:feed-source:author:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
State | [node:feed-source:author:field-state] | Field "field_state". |
State | [node:feed-source:author:field_state] | Term reference field. |
Status | [node:feed-source:author:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
Subscription Code | [node:feed-source:author:field-subscription-code] | Field "field_subscription_code". |
Subscription Code | [node:feed-source:author:field_subscription_code] | Text field. |
URL | [node:feed-source:author:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User ID | [node:feed-source:author:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
User UUID | [node:feed-source:author:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the user |
User role ids | [node:feed-source:author:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [node:feed-source:author:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
Validate URL | [node:feed-source:author:validate-url] | The URL of the account validation page, provided by logintoboggan. |
Body | [node:feed-source:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:feed-source:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:feed-source:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:feed-source:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [node:feed-source:field-chapters:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [node:feed-source:field-chapters:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [node:feed-source:field-chapters:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [node:feed-source:field-chapters:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Chapters | [node:feed-source:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:feed-source:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:feed-source:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:feed-source:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:feed-source:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:feed-source:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:feed-source:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Description | [node:feed-source:content-type:description] | The optional description of the content type. |
Edit URL | [node:feed-source:content-type:edit-url] | The URL of the content type's edit page. |
Machine-readable name | [node:feed-source:content-type:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the content type. |
Name | [node:feed-source:content-type:name] | The name of the content type. |
Node count | [node:feed-source:content-type:node-count] | The number of nodes belonging to the content type. |
Creates revision | [node:feed-source:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:feed-source:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Custom format | [node:feed-source:field-date-month-year:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [node:feed-source:field-date-month-year:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [node:feed-source:field-date-month-year:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [node:feed-source:field-date-month-year:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [node:feed-source:field-date-month-year:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [node:feed-source:field-date-month-year:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [node:feed-source:field-date-month-year:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [node:feed-source:field-date-month-year:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Date | [node:feed-source:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:feed-source:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:feed-source:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:feed-source:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Custom format | [node:feed-source:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [node:feed-source:changed:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [node:feed-source:changed:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [node:feed-source:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [node:feed-source:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [node:feed-source:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [node:feed-source:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [node:feed-source:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Date created | [node:feed-source:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Custom format | [node:feed-source:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [node:feed-source:created:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [node:feed-source:created:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [node:feed-source:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [node:feed-source:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [node:feed-source:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [node:feed-source:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [node:feed-source:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Description | [node:feed-source:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:feed-source:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:feed-source:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:feed-source:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:feed-source:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:feed-source:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:feed-source:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:feed-source:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:feed-source:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:feed-source:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:feed-source:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Additional Text | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:feed-source:feed-node:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:feed-source:feed-node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:feed-source:feed-node:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:feed-source:feed-node:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:feed-source:feed-node:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:feed-source:feed-node:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:feed-source:feed-node:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:feed-source:feed-node:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:feed-source:feed-node:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:feed-source:feed-node:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:feed-source:feed-node:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:feed-source:feed-node:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:feed-source:feed-node:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
First Name | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:feed-source:feed-node:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:feed-source:feed-node:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:feed-source:feed-node:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:feed-source:feed-node:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:feed-source:feed-node:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:feed-source:feed-node:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:feed-source:feed-node:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:feed-source:feed-node:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:feed-source:feed-node:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:feed-source:feed-node:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:feed-source:feed-node:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:feed-source:feed-node:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:feed-source:feed-node:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:feed-source:feed-node:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:feed-source:feed-node:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:feed-source:feed-node:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:feed-source:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:feed-source:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
First Name | [node:feed-source:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:feed-source:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:feed-source:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:feed-source:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:feed-source:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:feed-source:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:feed-source:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:feed-source:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:feed-source:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:feed-source:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:feed-source:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:feed-source:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:feed-source:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:feed-source:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:feed-source:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Custom format | [node:feed-source:field-month:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [node:feed-source:field-month:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [node:feed-source:field-month:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [node:feed-source:field-month:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [node:feed-source:field-month:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [node:feed-source:field-month:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [node:feed-source:field-month:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [node:feed-source:field-month:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Month | [node:feed-source:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:feed-source:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
All parent terms | [node:feed-source:field-org-type:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [node:feed-source:field-org-type:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [node:feed-source:field-org-type:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [node:feed-source:field-org-type:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:feed-source:field-org-type:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:feed-source:field-org-type:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:feed-source:field-org-type:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [node:feed-source:field-org-type:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [node:feed-source:field-org-type:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:feed-source:field-org-type:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:feed-source:field-org-type:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [node:feed-source:field-org-type:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [node:feed-source:field-org-type:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [node:feed-source:field-org-type:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [node:feed-source:field-org-type:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [node:feed-source:field-org-type:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:feed-source:field-org-type:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [node:feed-source:field-org-type:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [node:feed-source:field-org-type:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Org. Type | [node:feed-source:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:feed-source:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:feed-source:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:feed-source:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Additional Text | [node:feed-source:original:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:feed-source:original:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:feed-source:original:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:feed-source:original:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:feed-source:original:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:feed-source:original:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:feed-source:original:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:feed-source:original:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:feed-source:original:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:feed-source:original:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:feed-source:original:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:feed-source:original:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:feed-source:original:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:feed-source:original:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:feed-source:original:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:feed-source:original:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:feed-source:original:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:feed-source:original:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:feed-source:original:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:feed-source:original:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:feed-source:original:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:feed-source:original:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:feed-source:original:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:feed-source:original:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:feed-source:original:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:feed-source:original:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:feed-source:original:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:feed-source:original:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:feed-source:original:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:feed-source:original:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:feed-source:original:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:feed-source:original:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:feed-source:original:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:feed-source:original:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:feed-source:original:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:feed-source:original:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
First Name | [node:feed-source:original:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:feed-source:original:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:feed-source:original:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:feed-source:original:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:feed-source:original:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:feed-source:original:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:feed-source:original:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:feed-source:original:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:feed-source:original:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:feed-source:original:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:feed-source:original:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:feed-source:original:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:feed-source:original:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:feed-source:original:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:feed-source:original:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:feed-source:original:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:feed-source:original:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:feed-source:original:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:feed-source:original:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:feed-source:original:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:feed-source:original:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:feed-source:original:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:feed-source:original:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:feed-source:original:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:feed-source:original:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:feed-source:original:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:feed-source:original:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:feed-source:original:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:feed-source:original:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:feed-source:original:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:feed-source:original:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:feed-source:original:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:feed-source:original:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:feed-source:original:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:feed-source:original:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:feed-source:original:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:feed-source:original:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:feed-source:original:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:feed-source:original:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:feed-source:original:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:feed-source:original:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:feed-source:original:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:feed-source:original:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:feed-source:original:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:feed-source:original:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:feed-source:original:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:feed-source:original:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:feed-source:original:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:feed-source:original:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:feed-source:original:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:feed-source:original:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:feed-source:original:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:feed-source:original:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:feed-source:original:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:feed-source:original:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:feed-source:original:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:feed-source:original:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:feed-source:original:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:feed-source:original:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:feed-source:original:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:feed-source:original:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:feed-source:original:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:feed-source:original:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:feed-source:original:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:feed-source:original:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:feed-source:original:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:feed-source:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:feed-source:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Allow_change | [node:feed-source:quiz:allow-change] | Quiz properties "allow_change" property. |
Allow_change_blank | [node:feed-source:quiz:allow-change-blank] | Quiz properties "allow_change_blank" property. |
Allow_jumping | [node:feed-source:quiz:allow-jumping] | Quiz properties "allow_jumping" property. |
Allow_resume | [node:feed-source:quiz:allow-resume] | Quiz properties "allow_resume" property. |
Allow_skipping | [node:feed-source:quiz:allow-skipping] | Quiz properties "allow_skipping" property. |
Backwards_navigation | [node:feed-source:quiz:backwards-navigation] | Quiz properties "backwards_navigation" property. |
Build_on_last | [node:feed-source:quiz:build-on-last] | Quiz properties "build_on_last" property. |
Close date | [node:feed-source:quiz:quiz-close] | Quiz properties "quiz_close" property. |
Feed NID | [node:feed-source:quiz:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:feed-source:quiz:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:feed-source:quiz:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:feed-source:quiz:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Has_userpoints | [node:feed-source:quiz:has-userpoints] | Quiz properties "has_userpoints" property. |
Keep_results | [node:feed-source:quiz:keep-results] | Quiz properties "keep_results" property. |
Mark_doubtful | [node:feed-source:quiz:mark-doubtful] | Quiz properties "mark_doubtful" property. |
Max_score | [node:feed-source:quiz:max-score] | Quiz properties "max_score" property. |
Max_score_for_random | [node:feed-source:quiz:max-score-for-random] | Quiz properties "max_score_for_random" property. |
Nid | [node:feed-source:quiz:nid] | Quiz properties "nid" property. |
Number_of_random_questions | [node:feed-source:quiz:number-of-random-questions] | Quiz properties "number_of_random_questions" property. |
Open date | [node:feed-source:quiz:quiz-open] | Quiz properties "quiz_open" property. |
Pass_rate | [node:feed-source:quiz:pass-rate] | Quiz properties "pass_rate" property. |
Quiz_always | [node:feed-source:quiz:quiz-always] | Quiz properties "quiz_always" property. |
Quiz properties ID | [node:feed-source:quiz:qnp-id] | The unique ID of the quiz properties. |
Randomization | [node:feed-source:quiz:randomization] | Quiz properties "randomization" property. |
Repeat_until_correct | [node:feed-source:quiz:repeat-until-correct] | Quiz properties "repeat_until_correct" property. |
Review_options | [node:feed-source:quiz:review-options] | Quiz properties "review_options" property. |
Show_attempt_stats | [node:feed-source:quiz:show-attempt-stats] | Quiz properties "show_attempt_stats" property. |
Show_passed | [node:feed-source:quiz:show-passed] | Quiz properties "show_passed" property. |
Summary_default | [node:feed-source:quiz:summary-default] | Quiz properties "summary_default" property. |
Summary_default_format | [node:feed-source:quiz:summary-default-format] | Quiz properties "summary_default_format" property. |
Summary_pass | [node:feed-source:quiz:summary-pass] | Quiz properties "summary_pass" property. |
Summary_pass_format | [node:feed-source:quiz:summary-pass-format] | Quiz properties "summary_pass_format" property. |
Takes | [node:feed-source:quiz:takes] | Quiz properties "takes" property. |
Tid | [node:feed-source:quiz:tid] | Quiz properties "tid" property. |
Time_left | [node:feed-source:quiz:time-left] | Quiz properties "time_left" property. |
Time_limit | [node:feed-source:quiz:time-limit] | Quiz properties "time_limit" property. |
Uid | [node:feed-source:quiz:uid] | Quiz properties "uid" property. |
Userpoints_tid | [node:feed-source:quiz:userpoints-tid] | Quiz properties "userpoints_tid" property. |
Vid | [node:feed-source:quiz:vid] | Quiz properties "vid" property. |
Related Chapters | [node:feed-source:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [node:feed-source:field-related-chapters:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [node:feed-source:field-related-chapters:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [node:feed-source:field-related-chapters:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [node:feed-source:field-related-chapters:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Related Chapters | [node:feed-source:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:feed-source:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [node:feed-source:field-related-sections:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [node:feed-source:field-related-sections:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [node:feed-source:field-related-sections:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [node:feed-source:field-related-sections:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Related Sections | [node:feed-source:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:feed-source:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:feed-source:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:feed-source:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [node:feed-source:field-resource-tag:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [node:feed-source:field-resource-tag:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [node:feed-source:field-resource-tag:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [node:feed-source:field-resource-tag:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Resource Tag | [node:feed-source:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:feed-source:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:feed-source:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:feed-source:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [node:feed-source:field-sections:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [node:feed-source:field-sections:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [node:feed-source:field-sections:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [node:feed-source:field-sections:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Sections | [node:feed-source:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:feed-source:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:feed-source:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:feed-source:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:feed-source:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [node:feed-source:field-step-for-quiz-page:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [node:feed-source:field-step-for-quiz-page:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [node:feed-source:field-step-for-quiz-page:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [node:feed-source:field-step-for-quiz-page:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:feed-source:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:feed-source:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:feed-source:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [node:feed-source:field-subsections:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [node:feed-source:field-subsections:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [node:feed-source:field-subsections:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [node:feed-source:field-subsections:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Subsections | [node:feed-source:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:feed-source:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:feed-source:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [node:feed-source:field-tags:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [node:feed-source:field-tags:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [node:feed-source:field-tags:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [node:feed-source:field-tags:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Tags | [node:feed-source:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:feed-source:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:feed-source:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:feed-source:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:feed-source:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:feed-source:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:feed-source:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [node:feed-source:field-tools:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [node:feed-source:field-tools:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [node:feed-source:field-tools:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [node:feed-source:field-tools:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Tools | [node:feed-source:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [node:feed-source:field-tools-for-question:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [node:feed-source:field-tools-for-question:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [node:feed-source:field-tools-for-question:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [node:feed-source:field-tools-for-question:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Tools | [node:feed-source:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:feed-source:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:feed-source:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
Additional Text | [node:feed-source:source:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:feed-source:source:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:feed-source:source:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:feed-source:source:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:feed-source:source:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:feed-source:source:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:feed-source:source:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:feed-source:source:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:feed-source:source:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:feed-source:source:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:feed-source:source:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:feed-source:source:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:feed-source:source:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:feed-source:source:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:feed-source:source:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:feed-source:source:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:feed-source:source:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:feed-source:source:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:feed-source:source:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:feed-source:source:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:feed-source:source:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:feed-source:source:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:feed-source:source:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:feed-source:source:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:feed-source:source:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:feed-source:source:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:feed-source:source:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:feed-source:source:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:feed-source:source:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:feed-source:source:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:feed-source:source:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:feed-source:source:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:feed-source:source:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:feed-source:source:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:feed-source:source:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:feed-source:source:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
First Name | [node:feed-source:source:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:feed-source:source:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:feed-source:source:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:feed-source:source:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:feed-source:source:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:feed-source:source:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:feed-source:source:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:feed-source:source:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:feed-source:source:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:feed-source:source:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:feed-source:source:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:feed-source:source:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:feed-source:source:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:feed-source:source:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:feed-source:source:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:feed-source:source:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:feed-source:source:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:feed-source:source:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:feed-source:source:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:feed-source:source:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:feed-source:source:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:feed-source:source:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:feed-source:source:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:feed-source:source:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:feed-source:source:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:feed-source:source:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:feed-source:source:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:feed-source:source:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:feed-source:source:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:feed-source:source:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:feed-source:source:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:feed-source:source:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:feed-source:source:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:feed-source:source:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:feed-source:source:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:feed-source:source:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:feed-source:source:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:feed-source:source:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:feed-source:source:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:feed-source:source:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:feed-source:source:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:feed-source:source:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:feed-source:source:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:feed-source:source:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:feed-source:source:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:feed-source:source:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:feed-source:source:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:feed-source:source:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:feed-source:source:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:feed-source:source:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:feed-source:source:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:feed-source:source:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:feed-source:source:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:feed-source:source:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:feed-source:source:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
URL | [node:feed-source:source:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:feed-source:source:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:feed-source:source:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:feed-source:source:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:feed-source:source:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:feed-source:source:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:feed-source:source:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:feed-source:source:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:feed-source:source:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:feed-source:source:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:feed-source:source:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
URL | [node:feed-source:url] | The URL of the node. |
Absolute URL | [node:feed-source:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [node:feed-source:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [node:feed-source:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [node:feed-source:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [node:feed-source:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [node:feed-source:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
carousel_link | [node:feed-source:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:feed-source:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:feed-source:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:feed-source:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:feed-source:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:feed-source:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:feed-source:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:feed-source:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:feed-source:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:feed-source:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
First Name | [node:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Custom format | [node:field-month:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [node:field-month:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [node:field-month:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [node:field-month:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [node:field-month:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [node:field-month:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [node:field-month:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [node:field-month:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Month | [node:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
All parent terms | [node:field-org-type:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [node:field-org-type:parents-all:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [node:field-org-type:parents-all:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [node:field-org-type:parents-all:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [node:field-org-type:parents-all:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Description | [node:field-org-type:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [node:field-org-type:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [node:field-org-type:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-org-type:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Additional Text | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:field-org-type:feed-node:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-org-type:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-org-type:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [node:field-org-type:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [node:field-org-type:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:field-org-type:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
All parent terms | [node:field-org-type:original:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [node:field-org-type:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [node:field-org-type:original:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [node:field-org-type:original:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-org-type:original:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-org-type:original:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-org-type:original:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [node:field-org-type:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [node:field-org-type:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [node:field-org-type:original:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [node:field-org-type:original:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [node:field-org-type:original:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [node:field-org-type:original:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [node:field-org-type:original:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [node:field-org-type:original:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:field-org-type:original:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [node:field-org-type:original:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [node:field-org-type:original:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Parents | [node:field-org-type:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Count | [node:field-org-type:parents:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [node:field-org-type:parents:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [node:field-org-type:parents:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [node:field-org-type:parents:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [node:field-org-type:parents:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [node:field-org-type:parents:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [node:field-org-type:parents:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [node:field-org-type:parents:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Parent term | [node:field-org-type:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
All parent terms | [node:field-org-type:parent:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [node:field-org-type:parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [node:field-org-type:parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [node:field-org-type:parent:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-org-type:parent:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-org-type:parent:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-org-type:parent:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [node:field-org-type:parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [node:field-org-type:parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:field-org-type:parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:field-org-type:parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [node:field-org-type:parent:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [node:field-org-type:parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [node:field-org-type:parent:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [node:field-org-type:parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:field-org-type:parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [node:field-org-type:parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [node:field-org-type:parent:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [node:field-org-type:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [node:field-org-type:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
All parent terms | [node:field-org-type:root:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [node:field-org-type:root:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [node:field-org-type:root:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [node:field-org-type:root:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-org-type:root:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-org-type:root:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-org-type:root:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [node:field-org-type:root:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [node:field-org-type:root:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:field-org-type:root:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:field-org-type:root:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [node:field-org-type:root:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [node:field-org-type:root:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Taxonomy term UUID | [node:field-org-type:root:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [node:field-org-type:root:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:field-org-type:root:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [node:field-org-type:root:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [node:field-org-type:root:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [node:field-org-type:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [node:field-org-type:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:field-org-type:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Absolute URL | [node:field-org-type:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [node:field-org-type:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [node:field-org-type:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [node:field-org-type:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [node:field-org-type:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [node:field-org-type:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Vocabulary | [node:field-org-type:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description | [node:field-org-type:vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Edit URL | [node:field-org-type:vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Feed NID | [node:field-org-type:vocabulary:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-org-type:vocabulary:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-org-type:vocabulary:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-org-type:vocabulary:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Machine-readable name | [node:field-org-type:vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
Name | [node:field-org-type:vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [node:field-org-type:vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original taxonomy vocabulary | [node:field-org-type:vocabulary:original] | The original taxonomy vocabulary data if the taxonomy vocabulary is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [node:field-org-type:vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [node:field-org-type:vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Weight | [node:field-org-type:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Org. Type | [node:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Additional Text | [node:original:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:original:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:original:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:original:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:original:author] | The author of the node. |
Address | [node:original:author:field-address] | Field "field_address". |
Address | [node:original:author:field_address] | Long text field. |
Changed | [node:original:author:changed] | The date the user account was changed. |
City | [node:original:author:field-city] | Field "field_city". |
City | [node:original:author:field_city] | Text field. |
Created | [node:original:author:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Default theme | [node:original:author:theme] | The user's default theme. |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [node:original:author:field-interested-in-services] | Field "field_interested_in_services". |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [node:original:author:field_interested_in_services] | Term reference field. |
Edit URL | [node:original:author:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [node:original:author:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
Feed NID | [node:original:author:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:original:author:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:original:author:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:original:author:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
First Name | [node:original:author:field-firstname] | Field "field_firstname". |
First Name | [node:original:author:field_firstname] | Text field. |
Followup Date | [node:original:author:field-followup-date] | Field "field_followup_date". |
Followup Date | [node:original:author:field_followup_date] | Date field. |
Followup Made By | [node:original:author:field-followup-made-by] | Field "field_followup_made_by". |
Followup Made By | [node:original:author:field_followup_made_by] | Text field. |
IP | [node:original:author:ip] | The user's ip address. |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [node:original:author:field-role-other] | Field "field_role_other". |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [node:original:author:field_role_other] | Text field. |
Last Name | [node:original:author:field-lastname] | Field "field_lastname". |
Last Name | [node:original:author:field_lastname] | Text field. |
Last access | [node:original:author:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Last login | [node:original:author:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Name | [node:original:author:name] | The login name of the user account. |
Organization | [node:original:author:field-organization] | Field "field_organization". |
Organization | [node:original:author:field_organization] | Text field. |
Organization Type | [node:original:author:field-organization-type] | Field "field_organization_type". |
Organization Type | [node:original:author:field_organization_type] | Term reference field. |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [node:original:author:field-services-interested-in] | Field "field_services_interested_in". |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [node:original:author:field_services_interested_in] | Long text field. |
Revision ID | [node:original:author:vid] | The unique ID of the user's revision. |
Role | [node:original:author:field-role] | Field "field_role". |
Role | [node:original:author:field_role] | Term reference field. |
Roles | [node:original:author:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
State | [node:original:author:field-state] | Field "field_state". |
State | [node:original:author:field_state] | Term reference field. |
Status | [node:original:author:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
Subscription Code | [node:original:author:field-subscription-code] | Field "field_subscription_code". |
Subscription Code | [node:original:author:field_subscription_code] | Text field. |
URL | [node:original:author:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User ID | [node:original:author:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
User UUID | [node:original:author:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the user |
User role ids | [node:original:author:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [node:original:author:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
Validate URL | [node:original:author:validate-url] | The URL of the account validation page, provided by logintoboggan. |
Body | [node:original:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:original:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:original:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:original:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [node:original:field-chapters:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [node:original:field-chapters:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [node:original:field-chapters:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [node:original:field-chapters:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Chapters | [node:original:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:original:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:original:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:original:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:original:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:original:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:original:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Description | [node:original:content-type:description] | The optional description of the content type. |
Edit URL | [node:original:content-type:edit-url] | The URL of the content type's edit page. |
Machine-readable name | [node:original:content-type:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the content type. |
Name | [node:original:content-type:name] | The name of the content type. |
Node count | [node:original:content-type:node-count] | The number of nodes belonging to the content type. |
Creates revision | [node:original:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:original:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Custom format | [node:original:field-date-month-year:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [node:original:field-date-month-year:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [node:original:field-date-month-year:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [node:original:field-date-month-year:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [node:original:field-date-month-year:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [node:original:field-date-month-year:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [node:original:field-date-month-year:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [node:original:field-date-month-year:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Date | [node:original:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:original:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:original:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:original:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Custom format | [node:original:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [node:original:changed:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [node:original:changed:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [node:original:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [node:original:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [node:original:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [node:original:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [node:original:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Date created | [node:original:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Custom format | [node:original:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [node:original:created:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [node:original:created:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [node:original:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [node:original:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [node:original:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [node:original:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [node:original:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Description | [node:original:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:original:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:original:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:original:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:original:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:original:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:original:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:original:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:original:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:original:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:original:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Additional Text | [node:original:feed-node:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:original:feed-node:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:original:feed-node:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:original:feed-node:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:original:feed-node:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:original:feed-node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:original:feed-node:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:original:feed-node:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:original:feed-node:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:original:feed-node:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:original:feed-node:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:original:feed-node:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:original:feed-node:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:original:feed-node:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:original:feed-node:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:original:feed-node:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:original:feed-node:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:original:feed-node:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:original:feed-node:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:original:feed-node:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:original:feed-node:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:original:feed-node:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:original:feed-node:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:original:feed-node:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:original:feed-node:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:original:feed-node:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:original:feed-node:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:original:feed-node:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:original:feed-node:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:original:feed-node:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:original:feed-node:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:original:feed-node:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:original:feed-node:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:original:feed-node:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:original:feed-node:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:original:feed-node:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:original:feed-node:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:original:feed-node:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:original:feed-node:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:original:feed-node:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:original:feed-node:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:original:feed-node:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:original:feed-node:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:original:feed-node:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:original:feed-node:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:original:feed-node:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:original:feed-node:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:original:feed-node:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:original:feed-node:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:original:feed-node:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:original:feed-node:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:original:feed-node:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:original:feed-node:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:original:feed-node:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:original:feed-node:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:original:feed-node:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:original:feed-node:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:original:feed-node:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:original:feed-node:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:original:feed-node:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:original:feed-node:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:original:feed-node:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:original:feed-node:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:original:feed-node:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:original:feed-node:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:original:feed-node:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:original:feed-node:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:original:feed-node:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:original:feed-node:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:original:feed-node:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:original:feed-node:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:original:feed-node:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:original:feed-node:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:original:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:original:feed-node:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:original:feed-node:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:original:feed-node:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:original:feed-node:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:original:feed-node:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:original:feed-node:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:original:feed-node:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:original:feed-node:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:original:feed-node:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:original:feed-node:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:original:feed-node:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:original:feed-node:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:original:feed-node:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:original:feed-node:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:original:feed-node:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:original:feed-node:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:original:feed-node:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:original:feed-node:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:original:feed-node:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:original:feed-node:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:original:feed-node:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:original:feed-node:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:original:feed-node:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:original:feed-node:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:original:feed-node:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:original:feed-node:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:original:feed-node:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:original:feed-node:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:original:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:original:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:original:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
Additional Text | [node:original:feed-source:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:original:feed-source:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:original:feed-source:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:original:feed-source:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:original:feed-source:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:original:feed-source:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:original:feed-source:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:original:feed-source:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:original:feed-source:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:original:feed-source:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:original:feed-source:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:original:feed-source:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:original:feed-source:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:original:feed-source:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:original:feed-source:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:original:feed-source:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:original:feed-source:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:original:feed-source:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:original:feed-source:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:original:feed-source:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:original:feed-source:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:original:feed-source:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:original:feed-source:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:original:feed-source:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:original:feed-source:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:original:feed-source:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:original:feed-source:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:original:feed-source:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:original:feed-source:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:original:feed-source:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:original:feed-source:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:original:feed-source:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:original:feed-source:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:original:feed-source:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:original:feed-source:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:original:feed-source:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
First Name | [node:original:feed-source:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:original:feed-source:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:original:feed-source:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:original:feed-source:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:original:feed-source:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:original:feed-source:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:original:feed-source:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:original:feed-source:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:original:feed-source:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:original:feed-source:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:original:feed-source:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:original:feed-source:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:original:feed-source:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:original:feed-source:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:original:feed-source:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:original:feed-source:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:original:feed-source:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:original:feed-source:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:original:feed-source:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:original:feed-source:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:original:feed-source:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:original:feed-source:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:original:feed-source:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:original:feed-source:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:original:feed-source:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:original:feed-source:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:original:feed-source:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:original:feed-source:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:original:feed-source:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:original:feed-source:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:original:feed-source:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:original:feed-source:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:original:feed-source:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:original:feed-source:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:original:feed-source:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:original:feed-source:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:original:feed-source:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:original:feed-source:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:original:feed-source:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:original:feed-source:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:original:feed-source:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:original:feed-source:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:original:feed-source:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:original:feed-source:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:original:feed-source:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:original:feed-source:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:original:feed-source:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:original:feed-source:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:original:feed-source:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:original:feed-source:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:original:feed-source:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:original:feed-source:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:original:feed-source:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:original:feed-source:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:original:feed-source:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:original:feed-source:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:original:feed-source:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:original:feed-source:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:original:feed-source:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:original:feed-source:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:original:feed-source:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:original:feed-source:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:original:feed-source:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:original:feed-source:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:original:feed-source:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:original:feed-source:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
First Name | [node:original:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:original:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:original:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:original:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:original:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:original:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:original:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:original:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:original:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:original:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:original:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:original:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:original:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:original:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:original:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Custom format | [node:original:field-month:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [node:original:field-month:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [node:original:field-month:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [node:original:field-month:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [node:original:field-month:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [node:original:field-month:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [node:original:field-month:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [node:original:field-month:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Month | [node:original:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:original:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
All parent terms | [node:original:field-org-type:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [node:original:field-org-type:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [node:original:field-org-type:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [node:original:field-org-type:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:original:field-org-type:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:original:field-org-type:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:original:field-org-type:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [node:original:field-org-type:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [node:original:field-org-type:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [node:original:field-org-type:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [node:original:field-org-type:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [node:original:field-org-type:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [node:original:field-org-type:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [node:original:field-org-type:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [node:original:field-org-type:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:original:field-org-type:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [node:original:field-org-type:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [node:original:field-org-type:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Org. Type | [node:original:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:original:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:original:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:original:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:original:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Allow_change | [node:original:quiz:allow-change] | Quiz properties "allow_change" property. |
Allow_change_blank | [node:original:quiz:allow-change-blank] | Quiz properties "allow_change_blank" property. |
Allow_jumping | [node:original:quiz:allow-jumping] | Quiz properties "allow_jumping" property. |
Allow_resume | [node:original:quiz:allow-resume] | Quiz properties "allow_resume" property. |
Allow_skipping | [node:original:quiz:allow-skipping] | Quiz properties "allow_skipping" property. |
Backwards_navigation | [node:original:quiz:backwards-navigation] | Quiz properties "backwards_navigation" property. |
Build_on_last | [node:original:quiz:build-on-last] | Quiz properties "build_on_last" property. |
Close date | [node:original:quiz:quiz-close] | Quiz properties "quiz_close" property. |
Feed NID | [node:original:quiz:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:original:quiz:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:original:quiz:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:original:quiz:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Has_userpoints | [node:original:quiz:has-userpoints] | Quiz properties "has_userpoints" property. |
Keep_results | [node:original:quiz:keep-results] | Quiz properties "keep_results" property. |
Mark_doubtful | [node:original:quiz:mark-doubtful] | Quiz properties "mark_doubtful" property. |
Max_score | [node:original:quiz:max-score] | Quiz properties "max_score" property. |
Max_score_for_random | [node:original:quiz:max-score-for-random] | Quiz properties "max_score_for_random" property. |
Nid | [node:original:quiz:nid] | Quiz properties "nid" property. |
Number_of_random_questions | [node:original:quiz:number-of-random-questions] | Quiz properties "number_of_random_questions" property. |
Open date | [node:original:quiz:quiz-open] | Quiz properties "quiz_open" property. |
Pass_rate | [node:original:quiz:pass-rate] | Quiz properties "pass_rate" property. |
Quiz_always | [node:original:quiz:quiz-always] | Quiz properties "quiz_always" property. |
Quiz properties ID | [node:original:quiz:qnp-id] | The unique ID of the quiz properties. |
Randomization | [node:original:quiz:randomization] | Quiz properties "randomization" property. |
Repeat_until_correct | [node:original:quiz:repeat-until-correct] | Quiz properties "repeat_until_correct" property. |
Review_options | [node:original:quiz:review-options] | Quiz properties "review_options" property. |
Show_attempt_stats | [node:original:quiz:show-attempt-stats] | Quiz properties "show_attempt_stats" property. |
Show_passed | [node:original:quiz:show-passed] | Quiz properties "show_passed" property. |
Summary_default | [node:original:quiz:summary-default] | Quiz properties "summary_default" property. |
Summary_default_format | [node:original:quiz:summary-default-format] | Quiz properties "summary_default_format" property. |
Summary_pass | [node:original:quiz:summary-pass] | Quiz properties "summary_pass" property. |
Summary_pass_format | [node:original:quiz:summary-pass-format] | Quiz properties "summary_pass_format" property. |
Takes | [node:original:quiz:takes] | Quiz properties "takes" property. |
Tid | [node:original:quiz:tid] | Quiz properties "tid" property. |
Time_left | [node:original:quiz:time-left] | Quiz properties "time_left" property. |
Time_limit | [node:original:quiz:time-limit] | Quiz properties "time_limit" property. |
Uid | [node:original:quiz:uid] | Quiz properties "uid" property. |
Userpoints_tid | [node:original:quiz:userpoints-tid] | Quiz properties "userpoints_tid" property. |
Vid | [node:original:quiz:vid] | Quiz properties "vid" property. |
Related Chapters | [node:original:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [node:original:field-related-chapters:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [node:original:field-related-chapters:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [node:original:field-related-chapters:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [node:original:field-related-chapters:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Related Chapters | [node:original:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:original:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [node:original:field-related-sections:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [node:original:field-related-sections:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [node:original:field-related-sections:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [node:original:field-related-sections:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Related Sections | [node:original:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:original:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:original:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:original:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [node:original:field-resource-tag:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [node:original:field-resource-tag:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [node:original:field-resource-tag:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [node:original:field-resource-tag:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Resource Tag | [node:original:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:original:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:original:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:original:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [node:original:field-sections:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [node:original:field-sections:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [node:original:field-sections:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [node:original:field-sections:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Sections | [node:original:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:original:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:original:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:original:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:original:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [node:original:field-step-for-quiz-page:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [node:original:field-step-for-quiz-page:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [node:original:field-step-for-quiz-page:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [node:original:field-step-for-quiz-page:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:original:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:original:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:original:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [node:original:field-subsections:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [node:original:field-subsections:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [node:original:field-subsections:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [node:original:field-subsections:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Subsections | [node:original:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:original:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:original:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [node:original:field-tags:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [node:original:field-tags:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [node:original:field-tags:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [node:original:field-tags:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Tags | [node:original:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:original:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:original:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:original:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:original:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:original:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:original:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [node:original:field-tools:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [node:original:field-tools:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [node:original:field-tools:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [node:original:field-tools:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Tools | [node:original:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [node:original:field-tools-for-question:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [node:original:field-tools-for-question:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [node:original:field-tools-for-question:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [node:original:field-tools-for-question:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Tools | [node:original:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:original:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:original:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
Additional Text | [node:original:source:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:original:source:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:original:source:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:original:source:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:original:source:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:original:source:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:original:source:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:original:source:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:original:source:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:original:source:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:original:source:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:original:source:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:original:source:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:original:source:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:original:source:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:original:source:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:original:source:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:original:source:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:original:source:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:original:source:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:original:source:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:original:source:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:original:source:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:original:source:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:original:source:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:original:source:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:original:source:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:original:source:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:original:source:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:original:source:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:original:source:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:original:source:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:original:source:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:original:source:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:original:source:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:original:source:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:original:source:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:original:source:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:original:source:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:original:source:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:original:source:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:original:source:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:original:source:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:original:source:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:original:source:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:original:source:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:original:source:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:original:source:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:original:source:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:original:source:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:original:source:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:original:source:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:original:source:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:original:source:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:original:source:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:original:source:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:original:source:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:original:source:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:original:source:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:original:source:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:original:source:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:original:source:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:original:source:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:original:source:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:original:source:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:original:source:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:original:source:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:original:source:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:original:source:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:original:source:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:original:source:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:original:source:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:original:source:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:original:source:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:original:source:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:original:source:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:original:source:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:original:source:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:original:source:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:original:source:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:original:source:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:original:source:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:original:source:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:original:source:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:original:source:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:original:source:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:original:source:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:original:source:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:original:source:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:original:source:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:original:source:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
URL | [node:original:source:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:original:source:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:original:source:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:original:source:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:original:source:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:original:source:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:original:source:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:original:source:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:original:source:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:original:source:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:original:source:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
URL | [node:original:url] | The URL of the node. |
Absolute URL | [node:original:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [node:original:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [node:original:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [node:original:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [node:original:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [node:original:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
carousel_link | [node:original:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:original:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:original:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:original:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:original:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:original:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:original:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:original:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:original:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:original:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Allow_change | [node:quiz:allow-change] | Quiz properties "allow_change" property. |
Allow_change_blank | [node:quiz:allow-change-blank] | Quiz properties "allow_change_blank" property. |
Allow_jumping | [node:quiz:allow-jumping] | Quiz properties "allow_jumping" property. |
Allow_resume | [node:quiz:allow-resume] | Quiz properties "allow_resume" property. |
Allow_skipping | [node:quiz:allow-skipping] | Quiz properties "allow_skipping" property. |
Backwards_navigation | [node:quiz:backwards-navigation] | Quiz properties "backwards_navigation" property. |
Build_on_last | [node:quiz:build-on-last] | Quiz properties "build_on_last" property. |
Close date | [node:quiz:quiz-close] | Quiz properties "quiz_close" property. |
Custom format | [node:quiz:quiz-close:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [node:quiz:quiz-close:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [node:quiz:quiz-close:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [node:quiz:quiz-close:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [node:quiz:quiz-close:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [node:quiz:quiz-close:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [node:quiz:quiz-close:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [node:quiz:quiz-close:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Feed NID | [node:quiz:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:quiz:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Additional Text | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:quiz:feed-node:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:quiz:feed-node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:quiz:feed-node:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:quiz:feed-node:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:quiz:feed-node:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:quiz:feed-node:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:quiz:feed-node:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:quiz:feed-node:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:quiz:feed-node:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:quiz:feed-node:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:quiz:feed-node:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:quiz:feed-node:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:quiz:feed-node:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:quiz:feed-node:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:quiz:feed-node:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:quiz:feed-node:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:quiz:feed-node:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:quiz:feed-node:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:quiz:feed-node:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:quiz:feed-node:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Related Chapters | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:quiz:feed-node:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:quiz:feed-node:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:quiz:feed-node:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:quiz:feed-node:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:quiz:feed-node:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:quiz:feed-node:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:quiz:feed-node:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:quiz:feed-node:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:quiz:feed-node:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:quiz:feed-node:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:quiz:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:quiz:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Has_userpoints | [node:quiz:has-userpoints] | Quiz properties "has_userpoints" property. |
Keep_results | [node:quiz:keep-results] | Quiz properties "keep_results" property. |
Mark_doubtful | [node:quiz:mark-doubtful] | Quiz properties "mark_doubtful" property. |
Max_score | [node:quiz:max-score] | Quiz properties "max_score" property. |
Max_score_for_random | [node:quiz:max-score-for-random] | Quiz properties "max_score_for_random" property. |
Nid | [node:quiz:nid] | Quiz properties "nid" property. |
Number_of_random_questions | [node:quiz:number-of-random-questions] | Quiz properties "number_of_random_questions" property. |
Open date | [node:quiz:quiz-open] | Quiz properties "quiz_open" property. |
Custom format | [node:quiz:quiz-open:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [node:quiz:quiz-open:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [node:quiz:quiz-open:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [node:quiz:quiz-open:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [node:quiz:quiz-open:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [node:quiz:quiz-open:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [node:quiz:quiz-open:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [node:quiz:quiz-open:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Pass_rate | [node:quiz:pass-rate] | Quiz properties "pass_rate" property. |
Quiz_always | [node:quiz:quiz-always] | Quiz properties "quiz_always" property. |
Quiz properties ID | [node:quiz:qnp-id] | The unique ID of the quiz properties. |
Randomization | [node:quiz:randomization] | Quiz properties "randomization" property. |
Repeat_until_correct | [node:quiz:repeat-until-correct] | Quiz properties "repeat_until_correct" property. |
Review_options | [node:quiz:review-options] | Quiz properties "review_options" property. |
Show_attempt_stats | [node:quiz:show-attempt-stats] | Quiz properties "show_attempt_stats" property. |
Show_passed | [node:quiz:show-passed] | Quiz properties "show_passed" property. |
Summary_default | [node:quiz:summary-default] | Quiz properties "summary_default" property. |
Summary_default_format | [node:quiz:summary-default-format] | Quiz properties "summary_default_format" property. |
Summary_pass | [node:quiz:summary-pass] | Quiz properties "summary_pass" property. |
Summary_pass_format | [node:quiz:summary-pass-format] | Quiz properties "summary_pass_format" property. |
Takes | [node:quiz:takes] | Quiz properties "takes" property. |
Tid | [node:quiz:tid] | Quiz properties "tid" property. |
Time_left | [node:quiz:time-left] | Quiz properties "time_left" property. |
Time_limit | [node:quiz:time-limit] | Quiz properties "time_limit" property. |
Uid | [node:quiz:uid] | Quiz properties "uid" property. |
Userpoints_tid | [node:quiz:userpoints-tid] | Quiz properties "userpoints_tid" property. |
Vid | [node:quiz:vid] | Quiz properties "vid" property. |
Related Chapters | [node:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [node:field-related-chapters:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
All parent terms | [node:field-related-chapters:0:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [node:field-related-chapters:0:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [node:field-related-chapters:0:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [node:field-related-chapters:0:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-related-chapters:0:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-related-chapters:0:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-related-chapters:0:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [node:field-related-chapters:0:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [node:field-related-chapters:0:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:field-related-chapters:0:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:field-related-chapters:0:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [node:field-related-chapters:0:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [node:field-related-chapters:0:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [node:field-related-chapters:0:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [node:field-related-chapters:0:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [node:field-related-chapters:0:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:field-related-chapters:0:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [node:field-related-chapters:0:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [node:field-related-chapters:0:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [node:field-related-chapters:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
All parent terms | [node:field-related-chapters:1:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [node:field-related-chapters:1:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [node:field-related-chapters:1:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [node:field-related-chapters:1:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-related-chapters:1:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-related-chapters:1:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-related-chapters:1:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [node:field-related-chapters:1:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [node:field-related-chapters:1:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:field-related-chapters:1:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:field-related-chapters:1:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [node:field-related-chapters:1:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [node:field-related-chapters:1:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [node:field-related-chapters:1:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [node:field-related-chapters:1:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [node:field-related-chapters:1:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:field-related-chapters:1:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [node:field-related-chapters:1:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [node:field-related-chapters:1:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [node:field-related-chapters:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
All parent terms | [node:field-related-chapters:2:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [node:field-related-chapters:2:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [node:field-related-chapters:2:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [node:field-related-chapters:2:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-related-chapters:2:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-related-chapters:2:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-related-chapters:2:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [node:field-related-chapters:2:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [node:field-related-chapters:2:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:field-related-chapters:2:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:field-related-chapters:2:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [node:field-related-chapters:2:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [node:field-related-chapters:2:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [node:field-related-chapters:2:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [node:field-related-chapters:2:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [node:field-related-chapters:2:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:field-related-chapters:2:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [node:field-related-chapters:2:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [node:field-related-chapters:2:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [node:field-related-chapters:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
All parent terms | [node:field-related-chapters:3:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [node:field-related-chapters:3:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [node:field-related-chapters:3:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [node:field-related-chapters:3:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-related-chapters:3:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-related-chapters:3:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-related-chapters:3:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [node:field-related-chapters:3:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [node:field-related-chapters:3:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:field-related-chapters:3:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:field-related-chapters:3:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [node:field-related-chapters:3:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [node:field-related-chapters:3:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [node:field-related-chapters:3:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [node:field-related-chapters:3:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [node:field-related-chapters:3:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:field-related-chapters:3:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [node:field-related-chapters:3:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [node:field-related-chapters:3:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Related Chapters | [node:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [node:field-related-sections:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
All parent terms | [node:field-related-sections:0:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [node:field-related-sections:0:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [node:field-related-sections:0:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [node:field-related-sections:0:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-related-sections:0:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-related-sections:0:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-related-sections:0:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [node:field-related-sections:0:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [node:field-related-sections:0:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:field-related-sections:0:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:field-related-sections:0:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [node:field-related-sections:0:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [node:field-related-sections:0:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [node:field-related-sections:0:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [node:field-related-sections:0:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [node:field-related-sections:0:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:field-related-sections:0:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [node:field-related-sections:0:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [node:field-related-sections:0:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [node:field-related-sections:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
All parent terms | [node:field-related-sections:1:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [node:field-related-sections:1:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [node:field-related-sections:1:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [node:field-related-sections:1:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-related-sections:1:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-related-sections:1:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-related-sections:1:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [node:field-related-sections:1:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [node:field-related-sections:1:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:field-related-sections:1:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:field-related-sections:1:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [node:field-related-sections:1:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [node:field-related-sections:1:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [node:field-related-sections:1:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [node:field-related-sections:1:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [node:field-related-sections:1:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:field-related-sections:1:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [node:field-related-sections:1:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [node:field-related-sections:1:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [node:field-related-sections:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
All parent terms | [node:field-related-sections:2:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [node:field-related-sections:2:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [node:field-related-sections:2:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [node:field-related-sections:2:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-related-sections:2:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-related-sections:2:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-related-sections:2:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [node:field-related-sections:2:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [node:field-related-sections:2:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:field-related-sections:2:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:field-related-sections:2:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [node:field-related-sections:2:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [node:field-related-sections:2:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [node:field-related-sections:2:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [node:field-related-sections:2:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [node:field-related-sections:2:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:field-related-sections:2:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [node:field-related-sections:2:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [node:field-related-sections:2:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [node:field-related-sections:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
All parent terms | [node:field-related-sections:3:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [node:field-related-sections:3:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [node:field-related-sections:3:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [node:field-related-sections:3:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-related-sections:3:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-related-sections:3:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-related-sections:3:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [node:field-related-sections:3:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [node:field-related-sections:3:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:field-related-sections:3:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:field-related-sections:3:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [node:field-related-sections:3:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [node:field-related-sections:3:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [node:field-related-sections:3:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [node:field-related-sections:3:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [node:field-related-sections:3:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:field-related-sections:3:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [node:field-related-sections:3:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [node:field-related-sections:3:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Related Sections | [node:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [node:field-resource-tag:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
All parent terms | [node:field-resource-tag:0:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [node:field-resource-tag:0:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [node:field-resource-tag:0:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [node:field-resource-tag:0:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-resource-tag:0:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-resource-tag:0:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-resource-tag:0:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [node:field-resource-tag:0:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [node:field-resource-tag:0:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:field-resource-tag:0:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:field-resource-tag:0:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [node:field-resource-tag:0:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [node:field-resource-tag:0:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [node:field-resource-tag:0:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [node:field-resource-tag:0:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [node:field-resource-tag:0:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:field-resource-tag:0:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [node:field-resource-tag:0:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [node:field-resource-tag:0:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [node:field-resource-tag:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
All parent terms | [node:field-resource-tag:1:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [node:field-resource-tag:1:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [node:field-resource-tag:1:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [node:field-resource-tag:1:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-resource-tag:1:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-resource-tag:1:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-resource-tag:1:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [node:field-resource-tag:1:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [node:field-resource-tag:1:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:field-resource-tag:1:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:field-resource-tag:1:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [node:field-resource-tag:1:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [node:field-resource-tag:1:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [node:field-resource-tag:1:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [node:field-resource-tag:1:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [node:field-resource-tag:1:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:field-resource-tag:1:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [node:field-resource-tag:1:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [node:field-resource-tag:1:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [node:field-resource-tag:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
All parent terms | [node:field-resource-tag:2:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [node:field-resource-tag:2:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [node:field-resource-tag:2:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [node:field-resource-tag:2:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-resource-tag:2:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-resource-tag:2:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-resource-tag:2:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [node:field-resource-tag:2:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [node:field-resource-tag:2:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:field-resource-tag:2:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:field-resource-tag:2:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [node:field-resource-tag:2:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [node:field-resource-tag:2:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [node:field-resource-tag:2:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [node:field-resource-tag:2:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [node:field-resource-tag:2:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:field-resource-tag:2:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [node:field-resource-tag:2:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [node:field-resource-tag:2:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [node:field-resource-tag:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
All parent terms | [node:field-resource-tag:3:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [node:field-resource-tag:3:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [node:field-resource-tag:3:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [node:field-resource-tag:3:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-resource-tag:3:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-resource-tag:3:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-resource-tag:3:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [node:field-resource-tag:3:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [node:field-resource-tag:3:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:field-resource-tag:3:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:field-resource-tag:3:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [node:field-resource-tag:3:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [node:field-resource-tag:3:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [node:field-resource-tag:3:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [node:field-resource-tag:3:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [node:field-resource-tag:3:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:field-resource-tag:3:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [node:field-resource-tag:3:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [node:field-resource-tag:3:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Resource Tag | [node:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [node:field-sections:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Additional Text | [node:field-sections:0:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:field-sections:0:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:field-sections:0:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:field-sections:0:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:field-sections:0:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:field-sections:0:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-sections:0:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-sections:0:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:field-sections:0:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:field-sections:0:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:field-sections:0:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:field-sections:0:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:field-sections:0:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:field-sections:0:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:field-sections:0:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:field-sections:0:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:field-sections:0:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:field-sections:0:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:field-sections:0:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:field-sections:0:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:field-sections:0:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:field-sections:0:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:field-sections:0:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:field-sections:0:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:field-sections:0:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:field-sections:0:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:field-sections:0:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-sections:0:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-sections:0:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:field-sections:0:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:field-sections:0:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:field-sections:0:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:field-sections:0:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-sections:0:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-sections:0:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-sections:0:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:field-sections:0:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:field-sections:0:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:field-sections:0:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:field-sections:0:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:field-sections:0:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:field-sections:0:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:field-sections:0:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:field-sections:0:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:field-sections:0:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:field-sections:0:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:field-sections:0:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:field-sections:0:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:field-sections:0:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:field-sections:0:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:field-sections:0:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:field-sections:0:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:field-sections:0:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:field-sections:0:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:field-sections:0:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:field-sections:0:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:field-sections:0:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:field-sections:0:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:field-sections:0:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:field-sections:0:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:field-sections:0:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:field-sections:0:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:field-sections:0:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:field-sections:0:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:field-sections:0:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:field-sections:0:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:field-sections:0:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:field-sections:0:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:field-sections:0:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:field-sections:0:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:field-sections:0:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:field-sections:0:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:field-sections:0:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:field-sections:0:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-sections:0:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-sections:0:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:field-sections:0:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:field-sections:0:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:field-sections:0:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:field-sections:0:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:field-sections:0:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:field-sections:0:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:field-sections:0:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:field-sections:0:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:field-sections:0:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:field-sections:0:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:field-sections:0:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:field-sections:0:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:field-sections:0:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:field-sections:0:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:field-sections:0:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:field-sections:0:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:field-sections:0:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:field-sections:0:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:field-sections:0:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:field-sections:0:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:field-sections:0:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-sections:0:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-sections:0:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:field-sections:0:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:field-sections:0:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:field-sections:0:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:field-sections:0:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [node:field-sections:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Additional Text | [node:field-sections:1:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:field-sections:1:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:field-sections:1:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:field-sections:1:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:field-sections:1:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:field-sections:1:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-sections:1:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-sections:1:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:field-sections:1:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:field-sections:1:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:field-sections:1:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:field-sections:1:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:field-sections:1:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:field-sections:1:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:field-sections:1:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:field-sections:1:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:field-sections:1:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:field-sections:1:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:field-sections:1:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:field-sections:1:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:field-sections:1:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:field-sections:1:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:field-sections:1:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:field-sections:1:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:field-sections:1:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:field-sections:1:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:field-sections:1:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-sections:1:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-sections:1:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:field-sections:1:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:field-sections:1:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:field-sections:1:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:field-sections:1:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-sections:1:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-sections:1:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-sections:1:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:field-sections:1:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:field-sections:1:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:field-sections:1:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:field-sections:1:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:field-sections:1:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:field-sections:1:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:field-sections:1:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:field-sections:1:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:field-sections:1:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:field-sections:1:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:field-sections:1:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:field-sections:1:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:field-sections:1:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:field-sections:1:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:field-sections:1:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:field-sections:1:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:field-sections:1:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:field-sections:1:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:field-sections:1:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:field-sections:1:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:field-sections:1:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:field-sections:1:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:field-sections:1:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:field-sections:1:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:field-sections:1:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:field-sections:1:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:field-sections:1:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:field-sections:1:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:field-sections:1:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:field-sections:1:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:field-sections:1:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:field-sections:1:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:field-sections:1:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:field-sections:1:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:field-sections:1:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:field-sections:1:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:field-sections:1:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:field-sections:1:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-sections:1:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-sections:1:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:field-sections:1:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:field-sections:1:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:field-sections:1:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:field-sections:1:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:field-sections:1:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:field-sections:1:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:field-sections:1:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:field-sections:1:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:field-sections:1:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:field-sections:1:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:field-sections:1:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:field-sections:1:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:field-sections:1:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:field-sections:1:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:field-sections:1:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:field-sections:1:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:field-sections:1:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:field-sections:1:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:field-sections:1:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:field-sections:1:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:field-sections:1:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-sections:1:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-sections:1:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:field-sections:1:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:field-sections:1:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:field-sections:1:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:field-sections:1:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [node:field-sections:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Additional Text | [node:field-sections:2:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:field-sections:2:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:field-sections:2:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:field-sections:2:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:field-sections:2:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:field-sections:2:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-sections:2:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-sections:2:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:field-sections:2:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:field-sections:2:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:field-sections:2:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:field-sections:2:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:field-sections:2:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:field-sections:2:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:field-sections:2:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:field-sections:2:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:field-sections:2:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:field-sections:2:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:field-sections:2:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:field-sections:2:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:field-sections:2:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:field-sections:2:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:field-sections:2:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:field-sections:2:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:field-sections:2:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:field-sections:2:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:field-sections:2:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-sections:2:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-sections:2:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:field-sections:2:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:field-sections:2:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:field-sections:2:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:field-sections:2:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-sections:2:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-sections:2:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-sections:2:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:field-sections:2:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:field-sections:2:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:field-sections:2:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:field-sections:2:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:field-sections:2:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:field-sections:2:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:field-sections:2:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:field-sections:2:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:field-sections:2:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:field-sections:2:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:field-sections:2:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:field-sections:2:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:field-sections:2:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:field-sections:2:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:field-sections:2:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:field-sections:2:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:field-sections:2:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:field-sections:2:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:field-sections:2:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:field-sections:2:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:field-sections:2:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:field-sections:2:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:field-sections:2:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:field-sections:2:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:field-sections:2:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:field-sections:2:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:field-sections:2:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:field-sections:2:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:field-sections:2:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:field-sections:2:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:field-sections:2:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:field-sections:2:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:field-sections:2:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:field-sections:2:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:field-sections:2:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:field-sections:2:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:field-sections:2:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:field-sections:2:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-sections:2:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-sections:2:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:field-sections:2:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:field-sections:2:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:field-sections:2:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:field-sections:2:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:field-sections:2:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:field-sections:2:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:field-sections:2:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:field-sections:2:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:field-sections:2:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:field-sections:2:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:field-sections:2:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:field-sections:2:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:field-sections:2:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:field-sections:2:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:field-sections:2:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:field-sections:2:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:field-sections:2:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:field-sections:2:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:field-sections:2:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:field-sections:2:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:field-sections:2:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-sections:2:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-sections:2:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:field-sections:2:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:field-sections:2:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:field-sections:2:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:field-sections:2:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [node:field-sections:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Additional Text | [node:field-sections:3:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:field-sections:3:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:field-sections:3:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:field-sections:3:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:field-sections:3:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:field-sections:3:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-sections:3:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-sections:3:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:field-sections:3:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:field-sections:3:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:field-sections:3:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:field-sections:3:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:field-sections:3:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:field-sections:3:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:field-sections:3:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:field-sections:3:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:field-sections:3:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:field-sections:3:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:field-sections:3:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:field-sections:3:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:field-sections:3:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:field-sections:3:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:field-sections:3:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:field-sections:3:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:field-sections:3:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:field-sections:3:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:field-sections:3:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-sections:3:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-sections:3:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:field-sections:3:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:field-sections:3:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:field-sections:3:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:field-sections:3:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-sections:3:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-sections:3:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-sections:3:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:field-sections:3:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:field-sections:3:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:field-sections:3:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:field-sections:3:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:field-sections:3:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:field-sections:3:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:field-sections:3:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:field-sections:3:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:field-sections:3:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:field-sections:3:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:field-sections:3:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:field-sections:3:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:field-sections:3:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:field-sections:3:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:field-sections:3:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:field-sections:3:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:field-sections:3:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:field-sections:3:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:field-sections:3:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:field-sections:3:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:field-sections:3:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:field-sections:3:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:field-sections:3:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:field-sections:3:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:field-sections:3:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:field-sections:3:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:field-sections:3:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:field-sections:3:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:field-sections:3:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:field-sections:3:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:field-sections:3:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:field-sections:3:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:field-sections:3:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:field-sections:3:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:field-sections:3:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:field-sections:3:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:field-sections:3:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:field-sections:3:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-sections:3:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-sections:3:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:field-sections:3:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:field-sections:3:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:field-sections:3:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:field-sections:3:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:field-sections:3:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:field-sections:3:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:field-sections:3:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:field-sections:3:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:field-sections:3:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:field-sections:3:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:field-sections:3:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:field-sections:3:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:field-sections:3:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:field-sections:3:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:field-sections:3:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:field-sections:3:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:field-sections:3:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:field-sections:3:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:field-sections:3:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:field-sections:3:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:field-sections:3:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-sections:3:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-sections:3:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:field-sections:3:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:field-sections:3:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:field-sections:3:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:field-sections:3:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Sections | [node:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Additional Text | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Additional Text | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Additional Text | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Additional Text | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [node:field-subsections:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Additional Text | [node:field-subsections:0:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:field-subsections:0:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:field-subsections:0:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:field-subsections:0:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:field-subsections:0:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:field-subsections:0:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-subsections:0:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-subsections:0:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:field-subsections:0:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:field-subsections:0:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:field-subsections:0:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:field-subsections:0:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:field-subsections:0:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:field-subsections:0:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:field-subsections:0:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:field-subsections:0:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:field-subsections:0:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:field-subsections:0:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:field-subsections:0:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:field-subsections:0:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:field-subsections:0:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:field-subsections:0:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:field-subsections:0:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:field-subsections:0:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:field-subsections:0:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:field-subsections:0:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:field-subsections:0:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-subsections:0:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-subsections:0:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:field-subsections:0:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:field-subsections:0:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:field-subsections:0:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:field-subsections:0:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-subsections:0:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-subsections:0:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-subsections:0:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:field-subsections:0:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:field-subsections:0:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:field-subsections:0:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:field-subsections:0:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:field-subsections:0:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:field-subsections:0:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:field-subsections:0:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:field-subsections:0:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:field-subsections:0:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:field-subsections:0:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:field-subsections:0:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:field-subsections:0:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:field-subsections:0:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:field-subsections:0:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:field-subsections:0:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:field-subsections:0:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:field-subsections:0:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:field-subsections:0:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:field-subsections:0:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:field-subsections:0:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:field-subsections:0:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:field-subsections:0:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:field-subsections:0:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:field-subsections:0:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:field-subsections:0:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:field-subsections:0:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:field-subsections:0:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:field-subsections:0:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:field-subsections:0:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:field-subsections:0:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:field-subsections:0:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:field-subsections:0:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:field-subsections:0:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:field-subsections:0:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:field-subsections:0:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:field-subsections:0:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:field-subsections:0:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:field-subsections:0:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:field-subsections:0:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-subsections:0:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-subsections:0:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:field-subsections:0:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:field-subsections:0:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:field-subsections:0:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:field-subsections:0:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:field-subsections:0:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:field-subsections:0:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:field-subsections:0:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:field-subsections:0:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:field-subsections:0:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:field-subsections:0:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:field-subsections:0:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:field-subsections:0:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:field-subsections:0:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:field-subsections:0:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:field-subsections:0:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:field-subsections:0:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:field-subsections:0:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:field-subsections:0:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:field-subsections:0:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:field-subsections:0:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-subsections:0:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-subsections:0:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:field-subsections:0:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:field-subsections:0:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:field-subsections:0:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:field-subsections:0:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [node:field-subsections:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Additional Text | [node:field-subsections:1:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:field-subsections:1:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:field-subsections:1:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:field-subsections:1:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:field-subsections:1:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:field-subsections:1:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-subsections:1:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-subsections:1:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:field-subsections:1:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:field-subsections:1:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:field-subsections:1:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:field-subsections:1:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:field-subsections:1:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:field-subsections:1:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:field-subsections:1:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:field-subsections:1:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:field-subsections:1:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:field-subsections:1:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:field-subsections:1:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:field-subsections:1:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:field-subsections:1:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:field-subsections:1:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:field-subsections:1:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:field-subsections:1:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:field-subsections:1:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:field-subsections:1:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:field-subsections:1:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-subsections:1:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-subsections:1:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:field-subsections:1:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:field-subsections:1:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:field-subsections:1:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:field-subsections:1:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-subsections:1:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-subsections:1:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-subsections:1:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:field-subsections:1:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:field-subsections:1:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:field-subsections:1:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:field-subsections:1:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:field-subsections:1:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:field-subsections:1:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:field-subsections:1:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:field-subsections:1:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:field-subsections:1:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:field-subsections:1:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:field-subsections:1:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:field-subsections:1:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:field-subsections:1:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:field-subsections:1:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:field-subsections:1:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:field-subsections:1:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:field-subsections:1:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:field-subsections:1:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:field-subsections:1:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:field-subsections:1:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:field-subsections:1:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:field-subsections:1:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:field-subsections:1:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:field-subsections:1:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:field-subsections:1:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:field-subsections:1:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:field-subsections:1:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:field-subsections:1:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:field-subsections:1:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:field-subsections:1:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:field-subsections:1:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:field-subsections:1:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:field-subsections:1:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:field-subsections:1:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:field-subsections:1:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:field-subsections:1:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:field-subsections:1:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:field-subsections:1:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:field-subsections:1:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-subsections:1:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-subsections:1:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:field-subsections:1:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:field-subsections:1:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:field-subsections:1:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:field-subsections:1:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:field-subsections:1:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:field-subsections:1:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:field-subsections:1:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:field-subsections:1:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:field-subsections:1:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:field-subsections:1:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:field-subsections:1:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:field-subsections:1:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:field-subsections:1:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:field-subsections:1:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:field-subsections:1:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:field-subsections:1:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:field-subsections:1:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:field-subsections:1:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:field-subsections:1:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:field-subsections:1:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-subsections:1:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-subsections:1:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:field-subsections:1:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:field-subsections:1:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:field-subsections:1:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:field-subsections:1:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [node:field-subsections:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Additional Text | [node:field-subsections:2:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:field-subsections:2:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:field-subsections:2:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:field-subsections:2:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:field-subsections:2:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:field-subsections:2:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-subsections:2:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-subsections:2:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:field-subsections:2:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:field-subsections:2:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:field-subsections:2:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:field-subsections:2:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:field-subsections:2:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:field-subsections:2:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:field-subsections:2:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:field-subsections:2:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:field-subsections:2:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:field-subsections:2:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:field-subsections:2:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:field-subsections:2:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:field-subsections:2:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:field-subsections:2:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:field-subsections:2:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:field-subsections:2:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:field-subsections:2:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:field-subsections:2:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:field-subsections:2:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-subsections:2:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-subsections:2:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:field-subsections:2:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:field-subsections:2:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:field-subsections:2:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:field-subsections:2:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-subsections:2:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-subsections:2:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-subsections:2:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:field-subsections:2:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:field-subsections:2:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:field-subsections:2:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:field-subsections:2:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:field-subsections:2:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:field-subsections:2:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:field-subsections:2:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:field-subsections:2:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:field-subsections:2:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:field-subsections:2:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:field-subsections:2:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:field-subsections:2:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:field-subsections:2:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:field-subsections:2:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:field-subsections:2:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:field-subsections:2:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:field-subsections:2:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:field-subsections:2:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:field-subsections:2:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:field-subsections:2:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:field-subsections:2:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:field-subsections:2:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:field-subsections:2:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:field-subsections:2:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:field-subsections:2:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:field-subsections:2:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:field-subsections:2:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:field-subsections:2:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:field-subsections:2:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:field-subsections:2:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:field-subsections:2:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:field-subsections:2:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:field-subsections:2:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:field-subsections:2:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:field-subsections:2:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:field-subsections:2:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:field-subsections:2:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:field-subsections:2:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:field-subsections:2:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-subsections:2:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-subsections:2:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:field-subsections:2:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:field-subsections:2:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:field-subsections:2:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:field-subsections:2:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:field-subsections:2:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:field-subsections:2:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:field-subsections:2:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:field-subsections:2:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:field-subsections:2:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:field-subsections:2:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:field-subsections:2:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:field-subsections:2:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:field-subsections:2:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:field-subsections:2:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:field-subsections:2:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:field-subsections:2:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:field-subsections:2:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:field-subsections:2:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:field-subsections:2:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:field-subsections:2:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-subsections:2:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-subsections:2:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:field-subsections:2:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:field-subsections:2:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:field-subsections:2:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:field-subsections:2:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [node:field-subsections:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Additional Text | [node:field-subsections:3:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:field-subsections:3:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:field-subsections:3:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:field-subsections:3:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:field-subsections:3:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:field-subsections:3:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-subsections:3:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-subsections:3:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:field-subsections:3:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:field-subsections:3:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:field-subsections:3:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:field-subsections:3:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:field-subsections:3:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:field-subsections:3:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:field-subsections:3:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:field-subsections:3:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:field-subsections:3:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:field-subsections:3:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:field-subsections:3:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:field-subsections:3:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:field-subsections:3:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:field-subsections:3:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:field-subsections:3:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:field-subsections:3:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:field-subsections:3:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:field-subsections:3:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:field-subsections:3:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-subsections:3:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-subsections:3:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:field-subsections:3:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:field-subsections:3:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:field-subsections:3:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:field-subsections:3:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-subsections:3:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-subsections:3:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-subsections:3:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:field-subsections:3:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:field-subsections:3:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:field-subsections:3:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:field-subsections:3:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:field-subsections:3:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:field-subsections:3:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:field-subsections:3:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:field-subsections:3:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:field-subsections:3:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:field-subsections:3:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:field-subsections:3:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:field-subsections:3:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:field-subsections:3:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:field-subsections:3:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:field-subsections:3:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:field-subsections:3:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:field-subsections:3:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:field-subsections:3:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:field-subsections:3:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:field-subsections:3:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:field-subsections:3:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:field-subsections:3:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:field-subsections:3:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:field-subsections:3:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:field-subsections:3:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:field-subsections:3:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:field-subsections:3:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:field-subsections:3:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:field-subsections:3:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:field-subsections:3:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:field-subsections:3:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:field-subsections:3:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:field-subsections:3:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:field-subsections:3:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:field-subsections:3:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:field-subsections:3:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:field-subsections:3:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:field-subsections:3:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:field-subsections:3:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-subsections:3:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-subsections:3:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:field-subsections:3:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:field-subsections:3:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:field-subsections:3:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:field-subsections:3:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:field-subsections:3:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:field-subsections:3:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:field-subsections:3:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:field-subsections:3:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:field-subsections:3:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:field-subsections:3:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:field-subsections:3:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:field-subsections:3:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:field-subsections:3:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:field-subsections:3:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:field-subsections:3:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:field-subsections:3:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:field-subsections:3:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:field-subsections:3:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:field-subsections:3:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:field-subsections:3:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-subsections:3:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-subsections:3:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:field-subsections:3:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:field-subsections:3:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:field-subsections:3:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:field-subsections:3:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Subsections | [node:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [node:field-tags:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
All parent terms | [node:field-tags:0:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [node:field-tags:0:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [node:field-tags:0:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [node:field-tags:0:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-tags:0:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-tags:0:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-tags:0:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [node:field-tags:0:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [node:field-tags:0:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:field-tags:0:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:field-tags:0:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [node:field-tags:0:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [node:field-tags:0:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [node:field-tags:0:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [node:field-tags:0:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [node:field-tags:0:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:field-tags:0:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [node:field-tags:0:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [node:field-tags:0:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [node:field-tags:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
All parent terms | [node:field-tags:1:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [node:field-tags:1:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [node:field-tags:1:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [node:field-tags:1:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-tags:1:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-tags:1:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-tags:1:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [node:field-tags:1:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [node:field-tags:1:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:field-tags:1:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:field-tags:1:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [node:field-tags:1:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [node:field-tags:1:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [node:field-tags:1:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [node:field-tags:1:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [node:field-tags:1:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:field-tags:1:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [node:field-tags:1:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [node:field-tags:1:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [node:field-tags:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
All parent terms | [node:field-tags:2:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [node:field-tags:2:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [node:field-tags:2:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [node:field-tags:2:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-tags:2:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-tags:2:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-tags:2:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [node:field-tags:2:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [node:field-tags:2:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:field-tags:2:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:field-tags:2:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [node:field-tags:2:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [node:field-tags:2:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [node:field-tags:2:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [node:field-tags:2:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [node:field-tags:2:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:field-tags:2:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [node:field-tags:2:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [node:field-tags:2:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [node:field-tags:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
All parent terms | [node:field-tags:3:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [node:field-tags:3:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [node:field-tags:3:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [node:field-tags:3:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-tags:3:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-tags:3:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-tags:3:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [node:field-tags:3:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [node:field-tags:3:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:field-tags:3:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:field-tags:3:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [node:field-tags:3:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [node:field-tags:3:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [node:field-tags:3:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [node:field-tags:3:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [node:field-tags:3:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:field-tags:3:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [node:field-tags:3:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [node:field-tags:3:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Tags | [node:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [node:field-tools:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Additional Text | [node:field-tools:0:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:field-tools:0:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:field-tools:0:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:field-tools:0:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:field-tools:0:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:field-tools:0:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-tools:0:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-tools:0:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:field-tools:0:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:field-tools:0:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:field-tools:0:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:field-tools:0:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:field-tools:0:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:field-tools:0:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:field-tools:0:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:field-tools:0:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:field-tools:0:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:field-tools:0:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:field-tools:0:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:field-tools:0:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:field-tools:0:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:field-tools:0:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:field-tools:0:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:field-tools:0:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:field-tools:0:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:field-tools:0:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:field-tools:0:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-tools:0:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-tools:0:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:field-tools:0:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:field-tools:0:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:field-tools:0:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:field-tools:0:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-tools:0:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-tools:0:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-tools:0:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:field-tools:0:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:field-tools:0:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:field-tools:0:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:field-tools:0:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:field-tools:0:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:field-tools:0:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:field-tools:0:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:field-tools:0:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:field-tools:0:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:field-tools:0:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:field-tools:0:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:field-tools:0:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:field-tools:0:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:field-tools:0:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:field-tools:0:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:field-tools:0:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:field-tools:0:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:field-tools:0:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:field-tools:0:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:field-tools:0:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:field-tools:0:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:field-tools:0:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:field-tools:0:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:field-tools:0:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:field-tools:0:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:field-tools:0:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:field-tools:0:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:field-tools:0:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:field-tools:0:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:field-tools:0:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:field-tools:0:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:field-tools:0:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:field-tools:0:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:field-tools:0:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:field-tools:0:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:field-tools:0:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:field-tools:0:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:field-tools:0:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:field-tools:0:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-tools:0:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-tools:0:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:field-tools:0:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:field-tools:0:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:field-tools:0:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:field-tools:0:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:field-tools:0:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:field-tools:0:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:field-tools:0:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:field-tools:0:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:field-tools:0:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:field-tools:0:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:field-tools:0:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:field-tools:0:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:field-tools:0:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:field-tools:0:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:field-tools:0:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:field-tools:0:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:field-tools:0:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:field-tools:0:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:field-tools:0:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:field-tools:0:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-tools:0:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-tools:0:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:field-tools:0:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:field-tools:0:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:field-tools:0:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:field-tools:0:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [node:field-tools:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Additional Text | [node:field-tools:1:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:field-tools:1:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:field-tools:1:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:field-tools:1:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:field-tools:1:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:field-tools:1:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-tools:1:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-tools:1:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:field-tools:1:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:field-tools:1:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:field-tools:1:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:field-tools:1:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:field-tools:1:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:field-tools:1:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:field-tools:1:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:field-tools:1:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:field-tools:1:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:field-tools:1:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:field-tools:1:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:field-tools:1:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:field-tools:1:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:field-tools:1:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:field-tools:1:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:field-tools:1:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:field-tools:1:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:field-tools:1:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:field-tools:1:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-tools:1:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-tools:1:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:field-tools:1:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:field-tools:1:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:field-tools:1:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:field-tools:1:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-tools:1:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-tools:1:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-tools:1:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:field-tools:1:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:field-tools:1:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:field-tools:1:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:field-tools:1:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:field-tools:1:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:field-tools:1:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:field-tools:1:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:field-tools:1:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:field-tools:1:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:field-tools:1:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:field-tools:1:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:field-tools:1:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:field-tools:1:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:field-tools:1:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:field-tools:1:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:field-tools:1:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:field-tools:1:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:field-tools:1:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:field-tools:1:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:field-tools:1:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:field-tools:1:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:field-tools:1:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:field-tools:1:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:field-tools:1:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:field-tools:1:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:field-tools:1:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:field-tools:1:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:field-tools:1:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:field-tools:1:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:field-tools:1:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:field-tools:1:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:field-tools:1:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:field-tools:1:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:field-tools:1:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:field-tools:1:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:field-tools:1:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:field-tools:1:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:field-tools:1:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:field-tools:1:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-tools:1:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-tools:1:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:field-tools:1:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:field-tools:1:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:field-tools:1:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:field-tools:1:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:field-tools:1:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:field-tools:1:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:field-tools:1:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:field-tools:1:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:field-tools:1:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:field-tools:1:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:field-tools:1:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:field-tools:1:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:field-tools:1:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:field-tools:1:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:field-tools:1:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:field-tools:1:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:field-tools:1:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:field-tools:1:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:field-tools:1:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:field-tools:1:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-tools:1:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-tools:1:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:field-tools:1:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:field-tools:1:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:field-tools:1:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:field-tools:1:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [node:field-tools:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Additional Text | [node:field-tools:2:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:field-tools:2:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:field-tools:2:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:field-tools:2:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:field-tools:2:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:field-tools:2:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-tools:2:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-tools:2:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:field-tools:2:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:field-tools:2:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:field-tools:2:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:field-tools:2:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:field-tools:2:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:field-tools:2:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:field-tools:2:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:field-tools:2:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:field-tools:2:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:field-tools:2:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:field-tools:2:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:field-tools:2:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:field-tools:2:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:field-tools:2:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:field-tools:2:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:field-tools:2:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:field-tools:2:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:field-tools:2:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:field-tools:2:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-tools:2:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-tools:2:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:field-tools:2:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:field-tools:2:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:field-tools:2:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:field-tools:2:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-tools:2:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-tools:2:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-tools:2:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:field-tools:2:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:field-tools:2:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:field-tools:2:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:field-tools:2:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:field-tools:2:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:field-tools:2:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:field-tools:2:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:field-tools:2:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:field-tools:2:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:field-tools:2:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:field-tools:2:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:field-tools:2:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:field-tools:2:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:field-tools:2:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:field-tools:2:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:field-tools:2:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:field-tools:2:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:field-tools:2:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:field-tools:2:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:field-tools:2:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:field-tools:2:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:field-tools:2:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:field-tools:2:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:field-tools:2:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:field-tools:2:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:field-tools:2:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:field-tools:2:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:field-tools:2:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:field-tools:2:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:field-tools:2:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:field-tools:2:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:field-tools:2:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:field-tools:2:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:field-tools:2:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:field-tools:2:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:field-tools:2:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:field-tools:2:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:field-tools:2:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:field-tools:2:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-tools:2:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-tools:2:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:field-tools:2:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:field-tools:2:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:field-tools:2:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:field-tools:2:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:field-tools:2:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:field-tools:2:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:field-tools:2:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:field-tools:2:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:field-tools:2:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:field-tools:2:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:field-tools:2:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:field-tools:2:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:field-tools:2:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:field-tools:2:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:field-tools:2:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:field-tools:2:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:field-tools:2:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:field-tools:2:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:field-tools:2:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:field-tools:2:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-tools:2:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-tools:2:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:field-tools:2:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:field-tools:2:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:field-tools:2:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:field-tools:2:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [node:field-tools:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Additional Text | [node:field-tools:3:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:field-tools:3:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:field-tools:3:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:field-tools:3:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:field-tools:3:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:field-tools:3:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-tools:3:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-tools:3:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:field-tools:3:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:field-tools:3:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:field-tools:3:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:field-tools:3:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:field-tools:3:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:field-tools:3:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:field-tools:3:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:field-tools:3:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:field-tools:3:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:field-tools:3:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:field-tools:3:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:field-tools:3:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:field-tools:3:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:field-tools:3:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:field-tools:3:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:field-tools:3:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:field-tools:3:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:field-tools:3:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:field-tools:3:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-tools:3:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-tools:3:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:field-tools:3:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:field-tools:3:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:field-tools:3:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:field-tools:3:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-tools:3:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-tools:3:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-tools:3:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:field-tools:3:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:field-tools:3:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:field-tools:3:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:field-tools:3:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:field-tools:3:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:field-tools:3:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:field-tools:3:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:field-tools:3:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:field-tools:3:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:field-tools:3:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:field-tools:3:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:field-tools:3:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:field-tools:3:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:field-tools:3:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:field-tools:3:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:field-tools:3:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:field-tools:3:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:field-tools:3:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:field-tools:3:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:field-tools:3:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:field-tools:3:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:field-tools:3:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:field-tools:3:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:field-tools:3:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:field-tools:3:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:field-tools:3:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:field-tools:3:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:field-tools:3:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:field-tools:3:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:field-tools:3:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:field-tools:3:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:field-tools:3:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:field-tools:3:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:field-tools:3:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:field-tools:3:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:field-tools:3:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:field-tools:3:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:field-tools:3:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:field-tools:3:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-tools:3:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-tools:3:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:field-tools:3:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:field-tools:3:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:field-tools:3:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:field-tools:3:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:field-tools:3:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:field-tools:3:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:field-tools:3:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:field-tools:3:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:field-tools:3:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:field-tools:3:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:field-tools:3:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:field-tools:3:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:field-tools:3:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:field-tools:3:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:field-tools:3:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:field-tools:3:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:field-tools:3:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:field-tools:3:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:field-tools:3:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:field-tools:3:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-tools:3:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-tools:3:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:field-tools:3:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:field-tools:3:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:field-tools:3:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:field-tools:3:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Tools | [node:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [node:field-tools-for-question:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Additional Text | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:field-tools-for-question:0:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [node:field-tools-for-question:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Additional Text | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:field-tools-for-question:1:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [node:field-tools-for-question:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Additional Text | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:field-tools-for-question:2:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [node:field-tools-for-question:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Additional Text | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:field-tools-for-question:3:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Tools | [node:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [node:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
Additional Text | [node:source:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:source:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:source:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:source:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:source:author] | The author of the node. |
Address | [node:source:author:field-address] | Field "field_address". |
Address | [node:source:author:field_address] | Long text field. |
Changed | [node:source:author:changed] | The date the user account was changed. |
City | [node:source:author:field-city] | Field "field_city". |
City | [node:source:author:field_city] | Text field. |
Created | [node:source:author:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Default theme | [node:source:author:theme] | The user's default theme. |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [node:source:author:field-interested-in-services] | Field "field_interested_in_services". |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [node:source:author:field_interested_in_services] | Term reference field. |
Edit URL | [node:source:author:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [node:source:author:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
Feed NID | [node:source:author:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:source:author:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:source:author:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:source:author:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
First Name | [node:source:author:field-firstname] | Field "field_firstname". |
First Name | [node:source:author:field_firstname] | Text field. |
Followup Date | [node:source:author:field-followup-date] | Field "field_followup_date". |
Followup Date | [node:source:author:field_followup_date] | Date field. |
Followup Made By | [node:source:author:field-followup-made-by] | Field "field_followup_made_by". |
Followup Made By | [node:source:author:field_followup_made_by] | Text field. |
IP | [node:source:author:ip] | The user's ip address. |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [node:source:author:field-role-other] | Field "field_role_other". |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [node:source:author:field_role_other] | Text field. |
Last Name | [node:source:author:field-lastname] | Field "field_lastname". |
Last Name | [node:source:author:field_lastname] | Text field. |
Last access | [node:source:author:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Last login | [node:source:author:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Name | [node:source:author:name] | The login name of the user account. |
Organization | [node:source:author:field-organization] | Field "field_organization". |
Organization | [node:source:author:field_organization] | Text field. |
Organization Type | [node:source:author:field-organization-type] | Field "field_organization_type". |
Organization Type | [node:source:author:field_organization_type] | Term reference field. |
Original user | [node:source:author:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [node:source:author:field-services-interested-in] | Field "field_services_interested_in". |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [node:source:author:field_services_interested_in] | Long text field. |
Revision ID | [node:source:author:vid] | The unique ID of the user's revision. |
Role | [node:source:author:field-role] | Field "field_role". |
Role | [node:source:author:field_role] | Term reference field. |
Roles | [node:source:author:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
State | [node:source:author:field-state] | Field "field_state". |
State | [node:source:author:field_state] | Term reference field. |
Status | [node:source:author:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
Subscription Code | [node:source:author:field-subscription-code] | Field "field_subscription_code". |
Subscription Code | [node:source:author:field_subscription_code] | Text field. |
URL | [node:source:author:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User ID | [node:source:author:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
User UUID | [node:source:author:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the user |
User role ids | [node:source:author:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [node:source:author:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
Validate URL | [node:source:author:validate-url] | The URL of the account validation page, provided by logintoboggan. |
Body | [node:source:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:source:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:source:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:source:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [node:source:field-chapters:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [node:source:field-chapters:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [node:source:field-chapters:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [node:source:field-chapters:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Chapters | [node:source:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:source:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:source:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:source:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:source:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:source:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:source:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Description | [node:source:content-type:description] | The optional description of the content type. |
Edit URL | [node:source:content-type:edit-url] | The URL of the content type's edit page. |
Machine-readable name | [node:source:content-type:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the content type. |
Name | [node:source:content-type:name] | The name of the content type. |
Node count | [node:source:content-type:node-count] | The number of nodes belonging to the content type. |
Creates revision | [node:source:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:source:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Custom format | [node:source:field-date-month-year:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [node:source:field-date-month-year:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [node:source:field-date-month-year:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [node:source:field-date-month-year:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [node:source:field-date-month-year:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [node:source:field-date-month-year:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [node:source:field-date-month-year:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [node:source:field-date-month-year:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Date | [node:source:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:source:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:source:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:source:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Custom format | [node:source:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [node:source:changed:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [node:source:changed:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [node:source:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [node:source:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [node:source:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [node:source:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [node:source:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Date created | [node:source:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Custom format | [node:source:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [node:source:created:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [node:source:created:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [node:source:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [node:source:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [node:source:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [node:source:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [node:source:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Description | [node:source:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:source:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:source:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:source:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:source:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:source:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:source:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:source:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:source:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:source:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:source:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Additional Text | [node:source:feed-node:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:source:feed-node:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:source:feed-node:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:source:feed-node:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:source:feed-node:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:source:feed-node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:source:feed-node:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:source:feed-node:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:source:feed-node:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:source:feed-node:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:source:feed-node:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:source:feed-node:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:source:feed-node:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:source:feed-node:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:source:feed-node:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:source:feed-node:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:source:feed-node:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:source:feed-node:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:source:feed-node:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:source:feed-node:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:source:feed-node:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:source:feed-node:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:source:feed-node:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:source:feed-node:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:source:feed-node:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:source:feed-node:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:source:feed-node:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:source:feed-node:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:source:feed-node:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:source:feed-node:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:source:feed-node:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:source:feed-node:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:source:feed-node:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:source:feed-node:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:source:feed-node:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:source:feed-node:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:source:feed-node:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:source:feed-node:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:source:feed-node:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:source:feed-node:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:source:feed-node:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:source:feed-node:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:source:feed-node:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:source:feed-node:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:source:feed-node:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:source:feed-node:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:source:feed-node:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:source:feed-node:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:source:feed-node:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:source:feed-node:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:source:feed-node:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:source:feed-node:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:source:feed-node:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:source:feed-node:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:source:feed-node:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:source:feed-node:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:source:feed-node:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:source:feed-node:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:source:feed-node:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:source:feed-node:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:source:feed-node:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:source:feed-node:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:source:feed-node:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:source:feed-node:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:source:feed-node:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:source:feed-node:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:source:feed-node:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:source:feed-node:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:source:feed-node:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:source:feed-node:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:source:feed-node:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:source:feed-node:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:source:feed-node:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:source:feed-node:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:source:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:source:feed-node:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:source:feed-node:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:source:feed-node:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:source:feed-node:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:source:feed-node:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:source:feed-node:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:source:feed-node:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:source:feed-node:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:source:feed-node:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:source:feed-node:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:source:feed-node:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:source:feed-node:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:source:feed-node:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:source:feed-node:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:source:feed-node:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:source:feed-node:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
URL | [node:source:feed-node:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:source:feed-node:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:source:feed-node:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:source:feed-node:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:source:feed-node:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:source:feed-node:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:source:feed-node:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:source:feed-node:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:source:feed-node:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:source:feed-node:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:source:feed-node:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:source:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:source:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:source:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
Additional Text | [node:source:feed-source:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:source:feed-source:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:source:feed-source:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:source:feed-source:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:source:feed-source:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:source:feed-source:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:source:feed-source:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:source:feed-source:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:source:feed-source:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:source:feed-source:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:source:feed-source:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:source:feed-source:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:source:feed-source:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:source:feed-source:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:source:feed-source:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:source:feed-source:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:source:feed-source:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:source:feed-source:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:source:feed-source:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:source:feed-source:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:source:feed-source:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:source:feed-source:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:source:feed-source:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:source:feed-source:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:source:feed-source:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:source:feed-source:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:source:feed-source:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:source:feed-source:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:source:feed-source:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:source:feed-source:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:source:feed-source:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:source:feed-source:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:source:feed-source:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:source:feed-source:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:source:feed-source:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:source:feed-source:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
First Name | [node:source:feed-source:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:source:feed-source:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:source:feed-source:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:source:feed-source:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:source:feed-source:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:source:feed-source:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:source:feed-source:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:source:feed-source:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:source:feed-source:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:source:feed-source:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:source:feed-source:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:source:feed-source:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:source:feed-source:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:source:feed-source:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:source:feed-source:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:source:feed-source:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:source:feed-source:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:source:feed-source:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:source:feed-source:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:source:feed-source:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:source:feed-source:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:source:feed-source:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:source:feed-source:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:source:feed-source:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:source:feed-source:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:source:feed-source:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:source:feed-source:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:source:feed-source:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:source:feed-source:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:source:feed-source:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:source:feed-source:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:source:feed-source:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:source:feed-source:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:source:feed-source:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:source:feed-source:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:source:feed-source:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:source:feed-source:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:source:feed-source:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:source:feed-source:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:source:feed-source:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:source:feed-source:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:source:feed-source:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:source:feed-source:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:source:feed-source:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:source:feed-source:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:source:feed-source:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:source:feed-source:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:source:feed-source:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:source:feed-source:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:source:feed-source:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:source:feed-source:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:source:feed-source:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:source:feed-source:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:source:feed-source:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:source:feed-source:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
URL | [node:source:feed-source:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:source:feed-source:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:source:feed-source:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:source:feed-source:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:source:feed-source:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:source:feed-source:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:source:feed-source:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:source:feed-source:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:source:feed-source:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:source:feed-source:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:source:feed-source:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
First Name | [node:source:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:source:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:source:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:source:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:source:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:source:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:source:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:source:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:source:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:source:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:source:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:source:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:source:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:source:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:source:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Custom format | [node:source:field-month:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [node:source:field-month:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [node:source:field-month:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [node:source:field-month:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [node:source:field-month:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [node:source:field-month:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [node:source:field-month:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [node:source:field-month:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Month | [node:source:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:source:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
All parent terms | [node:source:field-org-type:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [node:source:field-org-type:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [node:source:field-org-type:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [node:source:field-org-type:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:source:field-org-type:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:source:field-org-type:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:source:field-org-type:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [node:source:field-org-type:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [node:source:field-org-type:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [node:source:field-org-type:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [node:source:field-org-type:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [node:source:field-org-type:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [node:source:field-org-type:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [node:source:field-org-type:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [node:source:field-org-type:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [node:source:field-org-type:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [node:source:field-org-type:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [node:source:field-org-type:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [node:source:field-org-type:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Org. Type | [node:source:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:source:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:source:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [node:source:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Additional Text | [node:source:original:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [node:source:original:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [node:source:original:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [node:source:original:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [node:source:original:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [node:source:original:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:source:original:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [node:source:original:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [node:source:original:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [node:source:original:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [node:source:original:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [node:source:original:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [node:source:original:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [node:source:original:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [node:source:original:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [node:source:original:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [node:source:original:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [node:source:original:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [node:source:original:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [node:source:original:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [node:source:original:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [node:source:original:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [node:source:original:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [node:source:original:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [node:source:original:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [node:source:original:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [node:source:original:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [node:source:original:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [node:source:original:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [node:source:original:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [node:source:original:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [node:source:original:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [node:source:original:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:source:original:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:source:original:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:source:original:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [node:source:original:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [node:source:original:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [node:source:original:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [node:source:original:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [node:source:original:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [node:source:original:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [node:source:original:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [node:source:original:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [node:source:original:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [node:source:original:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [node:source:original:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [node:source:original:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [node:source:original:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [node:source:original:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [node:source:original:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [node:source:original:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [node:source:original:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [node:source:original:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [node:source:original:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [node:source:original:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [node:source:original:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:source:original:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:source:original:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [node:source:original:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [node:source:original:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:source:original:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [node:source:original:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:source:original:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:source:original:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:source:original:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [node:source:original:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:source:original:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:source:original:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:source:original:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [node:source:original:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:source:original:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:source:original:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:source:original:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:source:original:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:source:original:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:source:original:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:source:original:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [node:source:original:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:source:original:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:source:original:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [node:source:original:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:source:original:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:source:original:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:source:original:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:source:original:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:source:original:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:source:original:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [node:source:original:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [node:source:original:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:source:original:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
URL | [node:source:original:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [node:source:original:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:source:original:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:source:original:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:source:original:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:source:original:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:source:original:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:source:original:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:source:original:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:source:original:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:source:original:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Promoted to frontpage | [node:source:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [node:source:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Allow_change | [node:source:quiz:allow-change] | Quiz properties "allow_change" property. |
Allow_change_blank | [node:source:quiz:allow-change-blank] | Quiz properties "allow_change_blank" property. |
Allow_jumping | [node:source:quiz:allow-jumping] | Quiz properties "allow_jumping" property. |
Allow_resume | [node:source:quiz:allow-resume] | Quiz properties "allow_resume" property. |
Allow_skipping | [node:source:quiz:allow-skipping] | Quiz properties "allow_skipping" property. |
Backwards_navigation | [node:source:quiz:backwards-navigation] | Quiz properties "backwards_navigation" property. |
Build_on_last | [node:source:quiz:build-on-last] | Quiz properties "build_on_last" property. |
Close date | [node:source:quiz:quiz-close] | Quiz properties "quiz_close" property. |
Feed NID | [node:source:quiz:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [node:source:quiz:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [node:source:quiz:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [node:source:quiz:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Has_userpoints | [node:source:quiz:has-userpoints] | Quiz properties "has_userpoints" property. |
Keep_results | [node:source:quiz:keep-results] | Quiz properties "keep_results" property. |
Mark_doubtful | [node:source:quiz:mark-doubtful] | Quiz properties "mark_doubtful" property. |
Max_score | [node:source:quiz:max-score] | Quiz properties "max_score" property. |
Max_score_for_random | [node:source:quiz:max-score-for-random] | Quiz properties "max_score_for_random" property. |
Nid | [node:source:quiz:nid] | Quiz properties "nid" property. |
Number_of_random_questions | [node:source:quiz:number-of-random-questions] | Quiz properties "number_of_random_questions" property. |
Open date | [node:source:quiz:quiz-open] | Quiz properties "quiz_open" property. |
Pass_rate | [node:source:quiz:pass-rate] | Quiz properties "pass_rate" property. |
Quiz_always | [node:source:quiz:quiz-always] | Quiz properties "quiz_always" property. |
Quiz properties ID | [node:source:quiz:qnp-id] | The unique ID of the quiz properties. |
Randomization | [node:source:quiz:randomization] | Quiz properties "randomization" property. |
Repeat_until_correct | [node:source:quiz:repeat-until-correct] | Quiz properties "repeat_until_correct" property. |
Review_options | [node:source:quiz:review-options] | Quiz properties "review_options" property. |
Show_attempt_stats | [node:source:quiz:show-attempt-stats] | Quiz properties "show_attempt_stats" property. |
Show_passed | [node:source:quiz:show-passed] | Quiz properties "show_passed" property. |
Summary_default | [node:source:quiz:summary-default] | Quiz properties "summary_default" property. |
Summary_default_format | [node:source:quiz:summary-default-format] | Quiz properties "summary_default_format" property. |
Summary_pass | [node:source:quiz:summary-pass] | Quiz properties "summary_pass" property. |
Summary_pass_format | [node:source:quiz:summary-pass-format] | Quiz properties "summary_pass_format" property. |
Takes | [node:source:quiz:takes] | Quiz properties "takes" property. |
Tid | [node:source:quiz:tid] | Quiz properties "tid" property. |
Time_left | [node:source:quiz:time-left] | Quiz properties "time_left" property. |
Time_limit | [node:source:quiz:time-limit] | Quiz properties "time_limit" property. |
Uid | [node:source:quiz:uid] | Quiz properties "uid" property. |
Userpoints_tid | [node:source:quiz:userpoints-tid] | Quiz properties "userpoints_tid" property. |
Vid | [node:source:quiz:vid] | Quiz properties "vid" property. |
Related Chapters | [node:source:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [node:source:field-related-chapters:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [node:source:field-related-chapters:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [node:source:field-related-chapters:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [node:source:field-related-chapters:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Related Chapters | [node:source:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [node:source:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [node:source:field-related-sections:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [node:source:field-related-sections:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [node:source:field-related-sections:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [node:source:field-related-sections:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Related Sections | [node:source:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [node:source:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [node:source:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [node:source:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [node:source:field-resource-tag:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [node:source:field-resource-tag:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [node:source:field-resource-tag:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [node:source:field-resource-tag:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Resource Tag | [node:source:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [node:source:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [node:source:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [node:source:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [node:source:field-sections:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [node:source:field-sections:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [node:source:field-sections:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [node:source:field-sections:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Sections | [node:source:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [node:source:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [node:source:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [node:source:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:source:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [node:source:field-step-for-quiz-page:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [node:source:field-step-for-quiz-page:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [node:source:field-step-for-quiz-page:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [node:source:field-step-for-quiz-page:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [node:source:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [node:source:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [node:source:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [node:source:field-subsections:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [node:source:field-subsections:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [node:source:field-subsections:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [node:source:field-subsections:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Subsections | [node:source:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [node:source:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [node:source:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [node:source:field-tags:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [node:source:field-tags:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [node:source:field-tags:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [node:source:field-tags:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Tags | [node:source:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [node:source:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [node:source:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [node:source:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [node:source:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [node:source:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [node:source:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [node:source:field-tools:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [node:source:field-tools:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [node:source:field-tools:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [node:source:field-tools:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Tools | [node:source:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [node:source:field-tools-for-question:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [node:source:field-tools-for-question:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [node:source:field-tools-for-question:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [node:source:field-tools-for-question:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Tools | [node:source:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [node:source:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
URL | [node:source:url] | The URL of the node. |
Absolute URL | [node:source:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [node:source:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [node:source:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [node:source:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [node:source:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [node:source:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
carousel_link | [node:source:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:source:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:source:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:source:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:source:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:source:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:source:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:source:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:source:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:source:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
URL | [node:url] | The URL of the node. |
Absolute URL | [node:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [node:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Count | [node:url:args:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [node:url:args:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [node:url:args:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [node:url:args:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [node:url:args:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [node:url:args:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [node:url:args:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [node:url:args:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Brief URL | [node:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [node:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [node:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [node:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Absolute URL | [node:url:unaliased:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [node:url:unaliased:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [node:url:unaliased:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [node:url:unaliased:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [node:url:unaliased:relative] | The relative URL. |
carousel_link | [node:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [node:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [node:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [node:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [node:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [node:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [node:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [node:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [node:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Quiz result | | Tokens related to the "Quiz result" entities. |
Attempt | [quiz_result:attempt] | Quiz result "attempt" property. |
Date finished | [quiz_result:time-end] | Quiz result "time_end" property. |
Custom format | [quiz_result:time-end:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [quiz_result:time-end:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [quiz_result:time-end:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [quiz_result:time-end:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [quiz_result:time-end:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [quiz_result:time-end:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [quiz_result:time-end:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [quiz_result:time-end:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Date started | [quiz_result:time-start] | Quiz result "time_start" property. |
Custom format | [quiz_result:time-start:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [quiz_result:time-start:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [quiz_result:time-start:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [quiz_result:time-start:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [quiz_result:time-start:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [quiz_result:time-start:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [quiz_result:time-start:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [quiz_result:time-start:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Evaluated | [quiz_result:is-evaluated] | Quiz result "is_evaluated" property. |
Feed NID | [quiz_result:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [quiz_result:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Additional Text | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [quiz_result:feed-node:author] | The author of the node. |
Address | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:field-address] | Field "field_address". |
Address | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:field_address] | Long text field. |
Changed | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:changed] | The date the user account was changed. |
City | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:field-city] | Field "field_city". |
City | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:field_city] | Text field. |
Created | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Default theme | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:theme] | The user's default theme. |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:field-interested-in-services] | Field "field_interested_in_services". |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:field_interested_in_services] | Term reference field. |
Edit URL | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
Feed NID | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
First Name | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:field-firstname] | Field "field_firstname". |
First Name | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:field_firstname] | Text field. |
Followup Date | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:field-followup-date] | Field "field_followup_date". |
Followup Date | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:field_followup_date] | Date field. |
Followup Made By | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:field-followup-made-by] | Field "field_followup_made_by". |
Followup Made By | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:field_followup_made_by] | Text field. |
IP | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:ip] | The user's ip address. |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:field-role-other] | Field "field_role_other". |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:field_role_other] | Text field. |
Last Name | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:field-lastname] | Field "field_lastname". |
Last Name | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:field_lastname] | Text field. |
Last access | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Last login | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Name | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:name] | The login name of the user account. |
Organization | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:field-organization] | Field "field_organization". |
Organization | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:field_organization] | Text field. |
Organization Type | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:field-organization-type] | Field "field_organization_type". |
Organization Type | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:field_organization_type] | Term reference field. |
Original user | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:field-services-interested-in] | Field "field_services_interested_in". |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:field_services_interested_in] | Long text field. |
Revision ID | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:vid] | The unique ID of the user's revision. |
Role | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:field-role] | Field "field_role". |
Role | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:field_role] | Term reference field. |
Roles | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
State | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:field-state] | Field "field_state". |
State | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:field_state] | Term reference field. |
Status | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
Subscription Code | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:field-subscription-code] | Field "field_subscription_code". |
Subscription Code | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:field_subscription_code] | Text field. |
URL | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User ID | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
User UUID | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the user |
User role ids | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
Validate URL | [quiz_result:feed-node:author:validate-url] | The URL of the account validation page, provided by logintoboggan. |
Body | [quiz_result:feed-node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-chapters:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-chapters:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-chapters:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-chapters:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Chapters | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [quiz_result:feed-node:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [quiz_result:feed-node:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [quiz_result:feed-node:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [quiz_result:feed-node:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Description | [quiz_result:feed-node:content-type:description] | The optional description of the content type. |
Edit URL | [quiz_result:feed-node:content-type:edit-url] | The URL of the content type's edit page. |
Machine-readable name | [quiz_result:feed-node:content-type:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the content type. |
Name | [quiz_result:feed-node:content-type:name] | The name of the content type. |
Node count | [quiz_result:feed-node:content-type:node-count] | The number of nodes belonging to the content type. |
Creates revision | [quiz_result:feed-node:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Custom format | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-date-month-year:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-date-month-year:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-date-month-year:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-date-month-year:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-date-month-year:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-date-month-year:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-date-month-year:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-date-month-year:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Date | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [quiz_result:feed-node:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Custom format | [quiz_result:feed-node:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [quiz_result:feed-node:changed:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [quiz_result:feed-node:changed:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [quiz_result:feed-node:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [quiz_result:feed-node:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [quiz_result:feed-node:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [quiz_result:feed-node:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [quiz_result:feed-node:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Date created | [quiz_result:feed-node:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Custom format | [quiz_result:feed-node:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [quiz_result:feed-node:created:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [quiz_result:feed-node:created:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [quiz_result:feed-node:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [quiz_result:feed-node:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [quiz_result:feed-node:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [quiz_result:feed-node:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [quiz_result:feed-node:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Description | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [quiz_result:feed-node:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [quiz_result:feed-node:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [quiz_result:feed-node:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
Additional Text | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
First Name | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [quiz_result:feed-node:feed-source:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
First Name | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [quiz_result:feed-node:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [quiz_result:feed-node:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [quiz_result:feed-node:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [quiz_result:feed-node:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Custom format | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-month:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-month:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-month:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-month:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-month:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-month:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-month:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-month:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Month | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
All parent terms | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-org-type:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-org-type:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-org-type:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-org-type:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-org-type:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-org-type:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-org-type:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-org-type:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-org-type:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-org-type:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-org-type:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-org-type:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-org-type:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-org-type:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-org-type:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-org-type:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-org-type:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-org-type:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Org. Type | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [quiz_result:feed-node:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Additional Text | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Promoted to frontpage | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [quiz_result:feed-node:original:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Promoted to frontpage | [quiz_result:feed-node:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Allow_change | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:allow-change] | Quiz properties "allow_change" property. |
Allow_change_blank | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:allow-change-blank] | Quiz properties "allow_change_blank" property. |
Allow_jumping | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:allow-jumping] | Quiz properties "allow_jumping" property. |
Allow_resume | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:allow-resume] | Quiz properties "allow_resume" property. |
Allow_skipping | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:allow-skipping] | Quiz properties "allow_skipping" property. |
Backwards_navigation | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:backwards-navigation] | Quiz properties "backwards_navigation" property. |
Build_on_last | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:build-on-last] | Quiz properties "build_on_last" property. |
Close date | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:quiz-close] | Quiz properties "quiz_close" property. |
Feed NID | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Has_userpoints | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:has-userpoints] | Quiz properties "has_userpoints" property. |
Keep_results | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:keep-results] | Quiz properties "keep_results" property. |
Mark_doubtful | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:mark-doubtful] | Quiz properties "mark_doubtful" property. |
Max_score | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:max-score] | Quiz properties "max_score" property. |
Max_score_for_random | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:max-score-for-random] | Quiz properties "max_score_for_random" property. |
Nid | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:nid] | Quiz properties "nid" property. |
Number_of_random_questions | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:number-of-random-questions] | Quiz properties "number_of_random_questions" property. |
Open date | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:quiz-open] | Quiz properties "quiz_open" property. |
Pass_rate | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:pass-rate] | Quiz properties "pass_rate" property. |
Quiz_always | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:quiz-always] | Quiz properties "quiz_always" property. |
Quiz properties ID | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:qnp-id] | The unique ID of the quiz properties. |
Randomization | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:randomization] | Quiz properties "randomization" property. |
Repeat_until_correct | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:repeat-until-correct] | Quiz properties "repeat_until_correct" property. |
Review_options | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:review-options] | Quiz properties "review_options" property. |
Show_attempt_stats | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:show-attempt-stats] | Quiz properties "show_attempt_stats" property. |
Show_passed | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:show-passed] | Quiz properties "show_passed" property. |
Summary_default | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:summary-default] | Quiz properties "summary_default" property. |
Summary_default_format | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:summary-default-format] | Quiz properties "summary_default_format" property. |
Summary_pass | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:summary-pass] | Quiz properties "summary_pass" property. |
Summary_pass_format | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:summary-pass-format] | Quiz properties "summary_pass_format" property. |
Takes | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:takes] | Quiz properties "takes" property. |
Tid | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:tid] | Quiz properties "tid" property. |
Time_left | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:time-left] | Quiz properties "time_left" property. |
Time_limit | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:time-limit] | Quiz properties "time_limit" property. |
Uid | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:uid] | Quiz properties "uid" property. |
Userpoints_tid | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:userpoints-tid] | Quiz properties "userpoints_tid" property. |
Vid | [quiz_result:feed-node:quiz:vid] | Quiz properties "vid" property. |
Related Chapters | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-related-chapters:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-related-chapters:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-related-chapters:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-related-chapters:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Related Chapters | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-related-sections:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-related-sections:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-related-sections:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-related-sections:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Related Sections | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-resource-tag:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-resource-tag:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-resource-tag:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-resource-tag:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Resource Tag | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [quiz_result:feed-node:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [quiz_result:feed-node:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-sections:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-sections:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-sections:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-sections:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Sections | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [quiz_result:feed-node:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [quiz_result:feed-node:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-subsections:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-subsections:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-subsections:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-subsections:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Subsections | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [quiz_result:feed-node:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-tags:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-tags:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-tags:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-tags:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Tags | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [quiz_result:feed-node:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-tools:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-tools:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-tools:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-tools:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Tools | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-tools-for-question:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-tools-for-question:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-tools-for-question:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-tools-for-question:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Tools | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [quiz_result:feed-node:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
Additional Text | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
URL | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [quiz_result:feed-node:source:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
URL | [quiz_result:feed-node:url] | The URL of the node. |
Absolute URL | [quiz_result:feed-node:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [quiz_result:feed-node:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [quiz_result:feed-node:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [quiz_result:feed-node:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [quiz_result:feed-node:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [quiz_result:feed-node:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
carousel_link | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [quiz_result:feed-node:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [quiz_result:feed-node:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Feeds Item GUID | [quiz_result:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [quiz_result:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Invalid | [quiz_result:is-invalid] | Quiz result "is_invalid" property. |
Nid | [quiz_result:nid] | Quiz result "nid" property. |
Additional Text | [quiz_result:nid:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [quiz_result:nid:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [quiz_result:nid:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [quiz_result:nid:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [quiz_result:nid:author] | The author of the node. |
Address | [quiz_result:nid:author:field-address] | Field "field_address". |
Address | [quiz_result:nid:author:field_address] | Long text field. |
Changed | [quiz_result:nid:author:changed] | The date the user account was changed. |
City | [quiz_result:nid:author:field-city] | Field "field_city". |
City | [quiz_result:nid:author:field_city] | Text field. |
Created | [quiz_result:nid:author:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Default theme | [quiz_result:nid:author:theme] | The user's default theme. |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [quiz_result:nid:author:field-interested-in-services] | Field "field_interested_in_services". |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [quiz_result:nid:author:field_interested_in_services] | Term reference field. |
Edit URL | [quiz_result:nid:author:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [quiz_result:nid:author:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
Feed NID | [quiz_result:nid:author:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [quiz_result:nid:author:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [quiz_result:nid:author:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [quiz_result:nid:author:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
First Name | [quiz_result:nid:author:field-firstname] | Field "field_firstname". |
First Name | [quiz_result:nid:author:field_firstname] | Text field. |
Followup Date | [quiz_result:nid:author:field-followup-date] | Field "field_followup_date". |
Followup Date | [quiz_result:nid:author:field_followup_date] | Date field. |
Followup Made By | [quiz_result:nid:author:field-followup-made-by] | Field "field_followup_made_by". |
Followup Made By | [quiz_result:nid:author:field_followup_made_by] | Text field. |
IP | [quiz_result:nid:author:ip] | The user's ip address. |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [quiz_result:nid:author:field-role-other] | Field "field_role_other". |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [quiz_result:nid:author:field_role_other] | Text field. |
Last Name | [quiz_result:nid:author:field-lastname] | Field "field_lastname". |
Last Name | [quiz_result:nid:author:field_lastname] | Text field. |
Last access | [quiz_result:nid:author:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Last login | [quiz_result:nid:author:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Name | [quiz_result:nid:author:name] | The login name of the user account. |
Organization | [quiz_result:nid:author:field-organization] | Field "field_organization". |
Organization | [quiz_result:nid:author:field_organization] | Text field. |
Organization Type | [quiz_result:nid:author:field-organization-type] | Field "field_organization_type". |
Organization Type | [quiz_result:nid:author:field_organization_type] | Term reference field. |
Original user | [quiz_result:nid:author:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [quiz_result:nid:author:field-services-interested-in] | Field "field_services_interested_in". |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [quiz_result:nid:author:field_services_interested_in] | Long text field. |
Revision ID | [quiz_result:nid:author:vid] | The unique ID of the user's revision. |
Role | [quiz_result:nid:author:field-role] | Field "field_role". |
Role | [quiz_result:nid:author:field_role] | Term reference field. |
Roles | [quiz_result:nid:author:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
State | [quiz_result:nid:author:field-state] | Field "field_state". |
State | [quiz_result:nid:author:field_state] | Term reference field. |
Status | [quiz_result:nid:author:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
Subscription Code | [quiz_result:nid:author:field-subscription-code] | Field "field_subscription_code". |
Subscription Code | [quiz_result:nid:author:field_subscription_code] | Text field. |
URL | [quiz_result:nid:author:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User ID | [quiz_result:nid:author:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
User UUID | [quiz_result:nid:author:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the user |
User role ids | [quiz_result:nid:author:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [quiz_result:nid:author:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
Validate URL | [quiz_result:nid:author:validate-url] | The URL of the account validation page, provided by logintoboggan. |
Body | [quiz_result:nid:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [quiz_result:nid:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [quiz_result:nid:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [quiz_result:nid:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [quiz_result:nid:field-chapters:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [quiz_result:nid:field-chapters:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [quiz_result:nid:field-chapters:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [quiz_result:nid:field-chapters:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Chapters | [quiz_result:nid:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [quiz_result:nid:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [quiz_result:nid:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content UUID | [quiz_result:nid:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [quiz_result:nid:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [quiz_result:nid:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Description | [quiz_result:nid:content-type:description] | The optional description of the content type. |
Edit URL | [quiz_result:nid:content-type:edit-url] | The URL of the content type's edit page. |
Machine-readable name | [quiz_result:nid:content-type:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the content type. |
Name | [quiz_result:nid:content-type:name] | The name of the content type. |
Node count | [quiz_result:nid:content-type:node-count] | The number of nodes belonging to the content type. |
Creates revision | [quiz_result:nid:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [quiz_result:nid:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Custom format | [quiz_result:nid:field-date-month-year:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [quiz_result:nid:field-date-month-year:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [quiz_result:nid:field-date-month-year:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [quiz_result:nid:field-date-month-year:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [quiz_result:nid:field-date-month-year:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [quiz_result:nid:field-date-month-year:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [quiz_result:nid:field-date-month-year:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [quiz_result:nid:field-date-month-year:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Date | [quiz_result:nid:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [quiz_result:nid:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [quiz_result:nid:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [quiz_result:nid:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Custom format | [quiz_result:nid:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [quiz_result:nid:changed:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [quiz_result:nid:changed:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [quiz_result:nid:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [quiz_result:nid:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [quiz_result:nid:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [quiz_result:nid:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [quiz_result:nid:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Date created | [quiz_result:nid:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Custom format | [quiz_result:nid:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [quiz_result:nid:created:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [quiz_result:nid:created:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [quiz_result:nid:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [quiz_result:nid:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [quiz_result:nid:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [quiz_result:nid:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [quiz_result:nid:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Description | [quiz_result:nid:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [quiz_result:nid:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [quiz_result:nid:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [quiz_result:nid:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [quiz_result:nid:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [quiz_result:nid:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [quiz_result:nid:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [quiz_result:nid:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [quiz_result:nid:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [quiz_result:nid:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Additional Text | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content UUID | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [quiz_result:nid:feed-node:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Feeds Item GUID | [quiz_result:nid:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [quiz_result:nid:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
Additional Text | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content UUID | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
First Name | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [quiz_result:nid:feed-source:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
First Name | [quiz_result:nid:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [quiz_result:nid:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [quiz_result:nid:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [quiz_result:nid:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [quiz_result:nid:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [quiz_result:nid:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [quiz_result:nid:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [quiz_result:nid:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [quiz_result:nid:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [quiz_result:nid:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [quiz_result:nid:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [quiz_result:nid:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [quiz_result:nid:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [quiz_result:nid:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [quiz_result:nid:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Custom format | [quiz_result:nid:field-month:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [quiz_result:nid:field-month:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [quiz_result:nid:field-month:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [quiz_result:nid:field-month:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [quiz_result:nid:field-month:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [quiz_result:nid:field-month:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [quiz_result:nid:field-month:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [quiz_result:nid:field-month:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Month | [quiz_result:nid:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [quiz_result:nid:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
All parent terms | [quiz_result:nid:field-org-type:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [quiz_result:nid:field-org-type:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [quiz_result:nid:field-org-type:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [quiz_result:nid:field-org-type:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [quiz_result:nid:field-org-type:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [quiz_result:nid:field-org-type:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [quiz_result:nid:field-org-type:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [quiz_result:nid:field-org-type:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [quiz_result:nid:field-org-type:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [quiz_result:nid:field-org-type:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [quiz_result:nid:field-org-type:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [quiz_result:nid:field-org-type:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [quiz_result:nid:field-org-type:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [quiz_result:nid:field-org-type:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [quiz_result:nid:field-org-type:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [quiz_result:nid:field-org-type:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [quiz_result:nid:field-org-type:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [quiz_result:nid:field-org-type:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [quiz_result:nid:field-org-type:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Org. Type | [quiz_result:nid:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [quiz_result:nid:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [quiz_result:nid:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [quiz_result:nid:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Additional Text | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [quiz_result:nid:original:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [quiz_result:nid:original:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content UUID | [quiz_result:nid:original:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [quiz_result:nid:original:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [quiz_result:nid:original:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [quiz_result:nid:original:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [quiz_result:nid:original:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [quiz_result:nid:original:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [quiz_result:nid:original:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [quiz_result:nid:original:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [quiz_result:nid:original:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [quiz_result:nid:original:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [quiz_result:nid:original:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [quiz_result:nid:original:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [quiz_result:nid:original:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [quiz_result:nid:original:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [quiz_result:nid:original:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [quiz_result:nid:original:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Promoted to frontpage | [quiz_result:nid:original:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [quiz_result:nid:original:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [quiz_result:nid:original:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [quiz_result:nid:original:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [quiz_result:nid:original:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [quiz_result:nid:original:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [quiz_result:nid:original:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [quiz_result:nid:original:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [quiz_result:nid:original:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [quiz_result:nid:original:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [quiz_result:nid:original:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [quiz_result:nid:original:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Promoted to frontpage | [quiz_result:nid:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [quiz_result:nid:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Allow_change | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:allow-change] | Quiz properties "allow_change" property. |
Allow_change_blank | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:allow-change-blank] | Quiz properties "allow_change_blank" property. |
Allow_jumping | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:allow-jumping] | Quiz properties "allow_jumping" property. |
Allow_resume | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:allow-resume] | Quiz properties "allow_resume" property. |
Allow_skipping | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:allow-skipping] | Quiz properties "allow_skipping" property. |
Backwards_navigation | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:backwards-navigation] | Quiz properties "backwards_navigation" property. |
Build_on_last | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:build-on-last] | Quiz properties "build_on_last" property. |
Close date | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:quiz-close] | Quiz properties "quiz_close" property. |
Feed NID | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Has_userpoints | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:has-userpoints] | Quiz properties "has_userpoints" property. |
Keep_results | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:keep-results] | Quiz properties "keep_results" property. |
Mark_doubtful | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:mark-doubtful] | Quiz properties "mark_doubtful" property. |
Max_score | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:max-score] | Quiz properties "max_score" property. |
Max_score_for_random | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:max-score-for-random] | Quiz properties "max_score_for_random" property. |
Number_of_random_questions | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:number-of-random-questions] | Quiz properties "number_of_random_questions" property. |
Open date | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:quiz-open] | Quiz properties "quiz_open" property. |
Pass_rate | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:pass-rate] | Quiz properties "pass_rate" property. |
Quiz_always | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:quiz-always] | Quiz properties "quiz_always" property. |
Quiz properties ID | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:qnp-id] | The unique ID of the quiz properties. |
Randomization | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:randomization] | Quiz properties "randomization" property. |
Repeat_until_correct | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:repeat-until-correct] | Quiz properties "repeat_until_correct" property. |
Review_options | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:review-options] | Quiz properties "review_options" property. |
Show_attempt_stats | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:show-attempt-stats] | Quiz properties "show_attempt_stats" property. |
Show_passed | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:show-passed] | Quiz properties "show_passed" property. |
Summary_default | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:summary-default] | Quiz properties "summary_default" property. |
Summary_default_format | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:summary-default-format] | Quiz properties "summary_default_format" property. |
Summary_pass | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:summary-pass] | Quiz properties "summary_pass" property. |
Summary_pass_format | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:summary-pass-format] | Quiz properties "summary_pass_format" property. |
Takes | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:takes] | Quiz properties "takes" property. |
Tid | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:tid] | Quiz properties "tid" property. |
Time_left | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:time-left] | Quiz properties "time_left" property. |
Time_limit | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:time-limit] | Quiz properties "time_limit" property. |
Uid | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:uid] | Quiz properties "uid" property. |
Userpoints_tid | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:userpoints-tid] | Quiz properties "userpoints_tid" property. |
Vid | [quiz_result:nid:quiz:vid] | Quiz properties "vid" property. |
Related Chapters | [quiz_result:nid:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [quiz_result:nid:field-related-chapters:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [quiz_result:nid:field-related-chapters:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [quiz_result:nid:field-related-chapters:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [quiz_result:nid:field-related-chapters:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Related Chapters | [quiz_result:nid:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [quiz_result:nid:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [quiz_result:nid:field-related-sections:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [quiz_result:nid:field-related-sections:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [quiz_result:nid:field-related-sections:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [quiz_result:nid:field-related-sections:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Related Sections | [quiz_result:nid:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [quiz_result:nid:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [quiz_result:nid:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [quiz_result:nid:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [quiz_result:nid:field-resource-tag:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [quiz_result:nid:field-resource-tag:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [quiz_result:nid:field-resource-tag:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [quiz_result:nid:field-resource-tag:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Resource Tag | [quiz_result:nid:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [quiz_result:nid:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [quiz_result:nid:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [quiz_result:nid:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [quiz_result:nid:field-sections:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [quiz_result:nid:field-sections:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [quiz_result:nid:field-sections:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [quiz_result:nid:field-sections:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Sections | [quiz_result:nid:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [quiz_result:nid:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [quiz_result:nid:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [quiz_result:nid:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [quiz_result:nid:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [quiz_result:nid:field-step-for-quiz-page:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [quiz_result:nid:field-step-for-quiz-page:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [quiz_result:nid:field-step-for-quiz-page:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [quiz_result:nid:field-step-for-quiz-page:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [quiz_result:nid:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [quiz_result:nid:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [quiz_result:nid:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [quiz_result:nid:field-subsections:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [quiz_result:nid:field-subsections:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [quiz_result:nid:field-subsections:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [quiz_result:nid:field-subsections:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Subsections | [quiz_result:nid:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [quiz_result:nid:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [quiz_result:nid:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [quiz_result:nid:field-tags:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [quiz_result:nid:field-tags:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [quiz_result:nid:field-tags:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [quiz_result:nid:field-tags:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Tags | [quiz_result:nid:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [quiz_result:nid:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [quiz_result:nid:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [quiz_result:nid:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [quiz_result:nid:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [quiz_result:nid:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [quiz_result:nid:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [quiz_result:nid:field-tools:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [quiz_result:nid:field-tools:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [quiz_result:nid:field-tools:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [quiz_result:nid:field-tools:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Tools | [quiz_result:nid:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [quiz_result:nid:field-tools-for-question:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [quiz_result:nid:field-tools-for-question:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [quiz_result:nid:field-tools-for-question:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [quiz_result:nid:field-tools-for-question:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Tools | [quiz_result:nid:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [quiz_result:nid:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [quiz_result:nid:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
Additional Text | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [quiz_result:nid:source:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [quiz_result:nid:source:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content UUID | [quiz_result:nid:source:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [quiz_result:nid:source:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [quiz_result:nid:source:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [quiz_result:nid:source:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [quiz_result:nid:source:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [quiz_result:nid:source:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [quiz_result:nid:source:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [quiz_result:nid:source:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [quiz_result:nid:source:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [quiz_result:nid:source:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [quiz_result:nid:source:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [quiz_result:nid:source:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [quiz_result:nid:source:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [quiz_result:nid:source:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [quiz_result:nid:source:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [quiz_result:nid:source:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [quiz_result:nid:source:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [quiz_result:nid:source:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [quiz_result:nid:source:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [quiz_result:nid:source:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [quiz_result:nid:source:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [quiz_result:nid:source:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [quiz_result:nid:source:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [quiz_result:nid:source:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [quiz_result:nid:source:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
URL | [quiz_result:nid:source:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [quiz_result:nid:source:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [quiz_result:nid:source:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
URL | [quiz_result:nid:url] | The URL of the node. |
Absolute URL | [quiz_result:nid:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [quiz_result:nid:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [quiz_result:nid:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [quiz_result:nid:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [quiz_result:nid:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [quiz_result:nid:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
carousel_link | [quiz_result:nid:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [quiz_result:nid:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [quiz_result:nid:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [quiz_result:nid:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [quiz_result:nid:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [quiz_result:nid:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [quiz_result:nid:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [quiz_result:nid:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [quiz_result:nid:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [quiz_result:nid:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Quiz result ID | [quiz_result:result-id] | The unique ID of the quiz result. |
Released | [quiz_result:released] | Quiz result "released" property. |
Custom format | [quiz_result:released:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [quiz_result:released:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [quiz_result:released:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [quiz_result:released:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [quiz_result:released:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [quiz_result:released:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [quiz_result:released:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [quiz_result:released:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Score | [quiz_result:score] | Quiz result "score" property. |
Time_left | [quiz_result:time-left] | Quiz result "time_left" property. |
Uid | [quiz_result:uid] | Quiz result "uid" property. |
Address | [quiz_result:uid:field-address] | Field "field_address". |
Address | [quiz_result:uid:field_address] | Long text field. |
Changed | [quiz_result:uid:changed] | The date the user account was changed. |
Custom format | [quiz_result:uid:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [quiz_result:uid:changed:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [quiz_result:uid:changed:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [quiz_result:uid:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [quiz_result:uid:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [quiz_result:uid:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [quiz_result:uid:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [quiz_result:uid:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
City | [quiz_result:uid:field-city] | Field "field_city". |
City | [quiz_result:uid:field_city] | Text field. |
Created | [quiz_result:uid:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Custom format | [quiz_result:uid:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [quiz_result:uid:created:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [quiz_result:uid:created:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [quiz_result:uid:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [quiz_result:uid:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [quiz_result:uid:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [quiz_result:uid:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [quiz_result:uid:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Default theme | [quiz_result:uid:theme] | The user's default theme. |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [quiz_result:uid:field-interested-in-services] | Field "field_interested_in_services". |
All parent terms | [quiz_result:uid:field-interested-in-services:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [quiz_result:uid:field-interested-in-services:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [quiz_result:uid:field-interested-in-services:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [quiz_result:uid:field-interested-in-services:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [quiz_result:uid:field-interested-in-services:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [quiz_result:uid:field-interested-in-services:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [quiz_result:uid:field-interested-in-services:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [quiz_result:uid:field-interested-in-services:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [quiz_result:uid:field-interested-in-services:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [quiz_result:uid:field-interested-in-services:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [quiz_result:uid:field-interested-in-services:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [quiz_result:uid:field-interested-in-services:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [quiz_result:uid:field-interested-in-services:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [quiz_result:uid:field-interested-in-services:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [quiz_result:uid:field-interested-in-services:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [quiz_result:uid:field-interested-in-services:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [quiz_result:uid:field-interested-in-services:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [quiz_result:uid:field-interested-in-services:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [quiz_result:uid:field-interested-in-services:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [quiz_result:uid:field_interested_in_services] | Term reference field. |
Edit URL | [quiz_result:uid:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [quiz_result:uid:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
Feed NID | [quiz_result:uid:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Additional Text | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [quiz_result:uid:feed-node:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Feeds Item GUID | [quiz_result:uid:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [quiz_result:uid:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
First Name | [quiz_result:uid:field-firstname] | Field "field_firstname". |
First Name | [quiz_result:uid:field_firstname] | Text field. |
Followup Date | [quiz_result:uid:field-followup-date] | Field "field_followup_date". |
Custom format | [quiz_result:uid:field-followup-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [quiz_result:uid:field-followup-date:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [quiz_result:uid:field-followup-date:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [quiz_result:uid:field-followup-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [quiz_result:uid:field-followup-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [quiz_result:uid:field-followup-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [quiz_result:uid:field-followup-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [quiz_result:uid:field-followup-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Followup Date | [quiz_result:uid:field_followup_date] | Date field. |
Followup Made By | [quiz_result:uid:field-followup-made-by] | Field "field_followup_made_by". |
Followup Made By | [quiz_result:uid:field_followup_made_by] | Text field. |
IP | [quiz_result:uid:ip] | The user's ip address. |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [quiz_result:uid:field-role-other] | Field "field_role_other". |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [quiz_result:uid:field_role_other] | Text field. |
Last Name | [quiz_result:uid:field-lastname] | Field "field_lastname". |
Last Name | [quiz_result:uid:field_lastname] | Text field. |
Last access | [quiz_result:uid:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Custom format | [quiz_result:uid:last-access:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [quiz_result:uid:last-access:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [quiz_result:uid:last-access:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [quiz_result:uid:last-access:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [quiz_result:uid:last-access:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [quiz_result:uid:last-access:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [quiz_result:uid:last-access:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [quiz_result:uid:last-access:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Last login | [quiz_result:uid:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Custom format | [quiz_result:uid:last-login:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [quiz_result:uid:last-login:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [quiz_result:uid:last-login:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [quiz_result:uid:last-login:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [quiz_result:uid:last-login:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [quiz_result:uid:last-login:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [quiz_result:uid:last-login:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [quiz_result:uid:last-login:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Name | [quiz_result:uid:name] | The login name of the user account. |
Organization | [quiz_result:uid:field-organization] | Field "field_organization". |
Organization | [quiz_result:uid:field_organization] | Text field. |
Organization Type | [quiz_result:uid:field-organization-type] | Field "field_organization_type". |
All parent terms | [quiz_result:uid:field-organization-type:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [quiz_result:uid:field-organization-type:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [quiz_result:uid:field-organization-type:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [quiz_result:uid:field-organization-type:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [quiz_result:uid:field-organization-type:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [quiz_result:uid:field-organization-type:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [quiz_result:uid:field-organization-type:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [quiz_result:uid:field-organization-type:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [quiz_result:uid:field-organization-type:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [quiz_result:uid:field-organization-type:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [quiz_result:uid:field-organization-type:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [quiz_result:uid:field-organization-type:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [quiz_result:uid:field-organization-type:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [quiz_result:uid:field-organization-type:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [quiz_result:uid:field-organization-type:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [quiz_result:uid:field-organization-type:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [quiz_result:uid:field-organization-type:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [quiz_result:uid:field-organization-type:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [quiz_result:uid:field-organization-type:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Organization Type | [quiz_result:uid:field_organization_type] | Term reference field. |
Original user | [quiz_result:uid:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Address | [quiz_result:uid:original:field-address] | Field "field_address". |
Address | [quiz_result:uid:original:field_address] | Long text field. |
Changed | [quiz_result:uid:original:changed] | The date the user account was changed. |
City | [quiz_result:uid:original:field-city] | Field "field_city". |
City | [quiz_result:uid:original:field_city] | Text field. |
Created | [quiz_result:uid:original:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Default theme | [quiz_result:uid:original:theme] | The user's default theme. |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [quiz_result:uid:original:field-interested-in-services] | Field "field_interested_in_services". |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [quiz_result:uid:original:field_interested_in_services] | Term reference field. |
Edit URL | [quiz_result:uid:original:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [quiz_result:uid:original:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
Feed NID | [quiz_result:uid:original:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [quiz_result:uid:original:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [quiz_result:uid:original:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [quiz_result:uid:original:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
First Name | [quiz_result:uid:original:field-firstname] | Field "field_firstname". |
First Name | [quiz_result:uid:original:field_firstname] | Text field. |
Followup Date | [quiz_result:uid:original:field-followup-date] | Field "field_followup_date". |
Followup Date | [quiz_result:uid:original:field_followup_date] | Date field. |
Followup Made By | [quiz_result:uid:original:field-followup-made-by] | Field "field_followup_made_by". |
Followup Made By | [quiz_result:uid:original:field_followup_made_by] | Text field. |
IP | [quiz_result:uid:original:ip] | The user's ip address. |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [quiz_result:uid:original:field-role-other] | Field "field_role_other". |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [quiz_result:uid:original:field_role_other] | Text field. |
Last Name | [quiz_result:uid:original:field-lastname] | Field "field_lastname". |
Last Name | [quiz_result:uid:original:field_lastname] | Text field. |
Last access | [quiz_result:uid:original:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Last login | [quiz_result:uid:original:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Name | [quiz_result:uid:original:name] | The login name of the user account. |
Organization | [quiz_result:uid:original:field-organization] | Field "field_organization". |
Organization | [quiz_result:uid:original:field_organization] | Text field. |
Organization Type | [quiz_result:uid:original:field-organization-type] | Field "field_organization_type". |
Organization Type | [quiz_result:uid:original:field_organization_type] | Term reference field. |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [quiz_result:uid:original:field-services-interested-in] | Field "field_services_interested_in". |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [quiz_result:uid:original:field_services_interested_in] | Long text field. |
Revision ID | [quiz_result:uid:original:vid] | The unique ID of the user's revision. |
Role | [quiz_result:uid:original:field-role] | Field "field_role". |
Role | [quiz_result:uid:original:field_role] | Term reference field. |
Roles | [quiz_result:uid:original:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
State | [quiz_result:uid:original:field-state] | Field "field_state". |
State | [quiz_result:uid:original:field_state] | Term reference field. |
Status | [quiz_result:uid:original:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
Subscription Code | [quiz_result:uid:original:field-subscription-code] | Field "field_subscription_code". |
Subscription Code | [quiz_result:uid:original:field_subscription_code] | Text field. |
URL | [quiz_result:uid:original:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User UUID | [quiz_result:uid:original:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the user |
User role ids | [quiz_result:uid:original:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [quiz_result:uid:original:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
Validate URL | [quiz_result:uid:original:validate-url] | The URL of the account validation page, provided by logintoboggan. |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [quiz_result:uid:field-services-interested-in] | Field "field_services_interested_in". |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [quiz_result:uid:field_services_interested_in] | Long text field. |
Revision ID | [quiz_result:uid:vid] | The unique ID of the user's revision. |
Role | [quiz_result:uid:field-role] | Field "field_role". |
All parent terms | [quiz_result:uid:field-role:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [quiz_result:uid:field-role:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [quiz_result:uid:field-role:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [quiz_result:uid:field-role:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [quiz_result:uid:field-role:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [quiz_result:uid:field-role:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [quiz_result:uid:field-role:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [quiz_result:uid:field-role:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [quiz_result:uid:field-role:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [quiz_result:uid:field-role:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [quiz_result:uid:field-role:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [quiz_result:uid:field-role:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [quiz_result:uid:field-role:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [quiz_result:uid:field-role:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [quiz_result:uid:field-role:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [quiz_result:uid:field-role:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [quiz_result:uid:field-role:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [quiz_result:uid:field-role:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [quiz_result:uid:field-role:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Role | [quiz_result:uid:field_role] | Term reference field. |
Roles | [quiz_result:uid:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
Count | [quiz_result:uid:roles:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [quiz_result:uid:roles:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [quiz_result:uid:roles:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [quiz_result:uid:roles:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [quiz_result:uid:roles:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [quiz_result:uid:roles:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [quiz_result:uid:roles:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [quiz_result:uid:roles:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
State | [quiz_result:uid:field-state] | Field "field_state". |
All parent terms | [quiz_result:uid:field-state:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [quiz_result:uid:field-state:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [quiz_result:uid:field-state:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [quiz_result:uid:field-state:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [quiz_result:uid:field-state:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [quiz_result:uid:field-state:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [quiz_result:uid:field-state:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [quiz_result:uid:field-state:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [quiz_result:uid:field-state:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [quiz_result:uid:field-state:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [quiz_result:uid:field-state:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [quiz_result:uid:field-state:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [quiz_result:uid:field-state:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [quiz_result:uid:field-state:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [quiz_result:uid:field-state:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [quiz_result:uid:field-state:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [quiz_result:uid:field-state:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [quiz_result:uid:field-state:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [quiz_result:uid:field-state:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
State | [quiz_result:uid:field_state] | Term reference field. |
Status | [quiz_result:uid:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
Subscription Code | [quiz_result:uid:field-subscription-code] | Field "field_subscription_code". |
Subscription Code | [quiz_result:uid:field_subscription_code] | Text field. |
URL | [quiz_result:uid:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
Absolute URL | [quiz_result:uid:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [quiz_result:uid:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [quiz_result:uid:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [quiz_result:uid:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [quiz_result:uid:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [quiz_result:uid:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
User UUID | [quiz_result:uid:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the user |
User role ids | [quiz_result:uid:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [quiz_result:uid:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
Validate URL | [quiz_result:uid:validate-url] | The URL of the account validation page, provided by logintoboggan. |
Vid | [quiz_result:vid] | Quiz result "vid" property. |
Random | | Tokens related to random data. |
Hash | [random:hash:?] | A random hash. The possible hashing algorithms are: md2, md4, md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512/224, sha512/256, sha512, sha3-224, sha3-256, sha3-384, sha3-512, ripemd128, ripemd160, ripemd256, ripemd320, whirlpool, tiger128,3, tiger160,3, tiger192,3, tiger128,4, tiger160,4, tiger192,4, snefru, snefru256, gost, gost-crypto, adler32, crc32, crc32b, crc32c, fnv132, fnv1a32, fnv164, fnv1a64, joaat, murmur3a, murmur3c, murmur3f, xxh32, xxh64, xxh3, xxh128, haval128,3, haval160,3, haval192,3, haval224,3, haval256,3, haval128,4, haval160,4, haval192,4, haval224,4, haval256,4, haval128,5, haval160,5, haval192,5, haval224,5, haval256,5. |
Number | [random:number] | A random number from 0 to 2147483647. |
Site information | | Tokens for site-wide settings and other global information. |
Current date | [site:current-date] | The current date and time. |
Custom format | [site:current-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [site:current-date:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [site:current-date:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [site:current-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [site:current-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [site:current-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [site:current-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [site:current-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Current page | [site:current-page:?] | Information related to the current page request. The following properties may be appended to the token: path (Path), url (URL), menu_link (Menu link), path_menu_trail (Path menu trail) |
Email | [site:mail] | The administrative email address for the site. |
Feed NID | [site:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [site:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Additional Text | [site:feed-node:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [site:feed-node:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [site:feed-node:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [site:feed-node:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [site:feed-node:author] | The author of the node. |
Address | [site:feed-node:author:field-address] | Field "field_address". |
Address | [site:feed-node:author:field_address] | Long text field. |
Changed | [site:feed-node:author:changed] | The date the user account was changed. |
City | [site:feed-node:author:field-city] | Field "field_city". |
City | [site:feed-node:author:field_city] | Text field. |
Created | [site:feed-node:author:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Default theme | [site:feed-node:author:theme] | The user's default theme. |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [site:feed-node:author:field-interested-in-services] | Field "field_interested_in_services". |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [site:feed-node:author:field_interested_in_services] | Term reference field. |
Edit URL | [site:feed-node:author:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [site:feed-node:author:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
Feed NID | [site:feed-node:author:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [site:feed-node:author:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [site:feed-node:author:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
First Name | [site:feed-node:author:field-firstname] | Field "field_firstname". |
First Name | [site:feed-node:author:field_firstname] | Text field. |
Followup Date | [site:feed-node:author:field-followup-date] | Field "field_followup_date". |
Followup Date | [site:feed-node:author:field_followup_date] | Date field. |
Followup Made By | [site:feed-node:author:field-followup-made-by] | Field "field_followup_made_by". |
Followup Made By | [site:feed-node:author:field_followup_made_by] | Text field. |
IP | [site:feed-node:author:ip] | The user's ip address. |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [site:feed-node:author:field-role-other] | Field "field_role_other". |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [site:feed-node:author:field_role_other] | Text field. |
Last Name | [site:feed-node:author:field-lastname] | Field "field_lastname". |
Last Name | [site:feed-node:author:field_lastname] | Text field. |
Last access | [site:feed-node:author:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Last login | [site:feed-node:author:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Name | [site:feed-node:author:name] | The login name of the user account. |
Organization | [site:feed-node:author:field-organization] | Field "field_organization". |
Organization | [site:feed-node:author:field_organization] | Text field. |
Organization Type | [site:feed-node:author:field-organization-type] | Field "field_organization_type". |
Organization Type | [site:feed-node:author:field_organization_type] | Term reference field. |
Original user | [site:feed-node:author:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [site:feed-node:author:field-services-interested-in] | Field "field_services_interested_in". |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [site:feed-node:author:field_services_interested_in] | Long text field. |
Revision ID | [site:feed-node:author:vid] | The unique ID of the user's revision. |
Role | [site:feed-node:author:field-role] | Field "field_role". |
Role | [site:feed-node:author:field_role] | Term reference field. |
Roles | [site:feed-node:author:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
State | [site:feed-node:author:field-state] | Field "field_state". |
State | [site:feed-node:author:field_state] | Term reference field. |
Status | [site:feed-node:author:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
Subscription Code | [site:feed-node:author:field-subscription-code] | Field "field_subscription_code". |
Subscription Code | [site:feed-node:author:field_subscription_code] | Text field. |
URL | [site:feed-node:author:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User ID | [site:feed-node:author:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
User UUID | [site:feed-node:author:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the user |
User role ids | [site:feed-node:author:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [site:feed-node:author:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
Validate URL | [site:feed-node:author:validate-url] | The URL of the account validation page, provided by logintoboggan. |
Body | [site:feed-node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [site:feed-node:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [site:feed-node:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [site:feed-node:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [site:feed-node:field-chapters:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [site:feed-node:field-chapters:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [site:feed-node:field-chapters:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [site:feed-node:field-chapters:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Chapters | [site:feed-node:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [site:feed-node:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [site:feed-node:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [site:feed-node:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [site:feed-node:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [site:feed-node:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [site:feed-node:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Description | [site:feed-node:content-type:description] | The optional description of the content type. |
Edit URL | [site:feed-node:content-type:edit-url] | The URL of the content type's edit page. |
Machine-readable name | [site:feed-node:content-type:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the content type. |
Name | [site:feed-node:content-type:name] | The name of the content type. |
Node count | [site:feed-node:content-type:node-count] | The number of nodes belonging to the content type. |
Creates revision | [site:feed-node:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [site:feed-node:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Custom format | [site:feed-node:field-date-month-year:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [site:feed-node:field-date-month-year:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [site:feed-node:field-date-month-year:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [site:feed-node:field-date-month-year:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [site:feed-node:field-date-month-year:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [site:feed-node:field-date-month-year:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [site:feed-node:field-date-month-year:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [site:feed-node:field-date-month-year:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Date | [site:feed-node:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [site:feed-node:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [site:feed-node:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [site:feed-node:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Custom format | [site:feed-node:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [site:feed-node:changed:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [site:feed-node:changed:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [site:feed-node:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [site:feed-node:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [site:feed-node:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [site:feed-node:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [site:feed-node:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Date created | [site:feed-node:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Custom format | [site:feed-node:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [site:feed-node:created:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [site:feed-node:created:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [site:feed-node:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [site:feed-node:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [site:feed-node:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [site:feed-node:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [site:feed-node:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Description | [site:feed-node:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [site:feed-node:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [site:feed-node:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [site:feed-node:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [site:feed-node:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [site:feed-node:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [site:feed-node:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [site:feed-node:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [site:feed-node:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [site:feed-node:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [site:feed-node:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [site:feed-node:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [site:feed-node:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
Additional Text | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [site:feed-node:feed-source:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [site:feed-node:feed-source:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [site:feed-node:feed-source:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [site:feed-node:feed-source:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [site:feed-node:feed-source:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [site:feed-node:feed-source:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [site:feed-node:feed-source:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [site:feed-node:feed-source:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [site:feed-node:feed-source:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [site:feed-node:feed-source:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [site:feed-node:feed-source:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [site:feed-node:feed-source:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [site:feed-node:feed-source:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
First Name | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [site:feed-node:feed-source:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [site:feed-node:feed-source:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [site:feed-node:feed-source:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [site:feed-node:feed-source:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [site:feed-node:feed-source:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [site:feed-node:feed-source:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [site:feed-node:feed-source:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [site:feed-node:feed-source:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [site:feed-node:feed-source:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [site:feed-node:feed-source:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [site:feed-node:feed-source:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [site:feed-node:feed-source:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [site:feed-node:feed-source:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [site:feed-node:feed-source:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [site:feed-node:feed-source:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [site:feed-node:feed-source:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
First Name | [site:feed-node:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [site:feed-node:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [site:feed-node:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [site:feed-node:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [site:feed-node:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [site:feed-node:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [site:feed-node:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [site:feed-node:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [site:feed-node:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [site:feed-node:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [site:feed-node:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [site:feed-node:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [site:feed-node:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [site:feed-node:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [site:feed-node:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Custom format | [site:feed-node:field-month:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [site:feed-node:field-month:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [site:feed-node:field-month:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [site:feed-node:field-month:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [site:feed-node:field-month:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [site:feed-node:field-month:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [site:feed-node:field-month:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [site:feed-node:field-month:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Month | [site:feed-node:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [site:feed-node:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
All parent terms | [site:feed-node:field-org-type:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [site:feed-node:field-org-type:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [site:feed-node:field-org-type:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [site:feed-node:field-org-type:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [site:feed-node:field-org-type:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [site:feed-node:field-org-type:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [site:feed-node:field-org-type:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [site:feed-node:field-org-type:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [site:feed-node:field-org-type:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [site:feed-node:field-org-type:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [site:feed-node:field-org-type:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [site:feed-node:field-org-type:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [site:feed-node:field-org-type:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [site:feed-node:field-org-type:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [site:feed-node:field-org-type:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [site:feed-node:field-org-type:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [site:feed-node:field-org-type:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [site:feed-node:field-org-type:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Org. Type | [site:feed-node:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [site:feed-node:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [site:feed-node:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [site:feed-node:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Additional Text | [site:feed-node:original:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [site:feed-node:original:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [site:feed-node:original:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [site:feed-node:original:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [site:feed-node:original:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [site:feed-node:original:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [site:feed-node:original:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [site:feed-node:original:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [site:feed-node:original:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [site:feed-node:original:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [site:feed-node:original:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [site:feed-node:original:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [site:feed-node:original:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [site:feed-node:original:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [site:feed-node:original:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [site:feed-node:original:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [site:feed-node:original:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [site:feed-node:original:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [site:feed-node:original:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [site:feed-node:original:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [site:feed-node:original:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [site:feed-node:original:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [site:feed-node:original:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [site:feed-node:original:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [site:feed-node:original:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [site:feed-node:original:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [site:feed-node:original:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [site:feed-node:original:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [site:feed-node:original:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [site:feed-node:original:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [site:feed-node:original:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [site:feed-node:original:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [site:feed-node:original:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [site:feed-node:original:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [site:feed-node:original:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [site:feed-node:original:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [site:feed-node:original:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [site:feed-node:original:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [site:feed-node:original:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [site:feed-node:original:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [site:feed-node:original:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [site:feed-node:original:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [site:feed-node:original:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [site:feed-node:original:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [site:feed-node:original:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [site:feed-node:original:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [site:feed-node:original:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [site:feed-node:original:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [site:feed-node:original:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [site:feed-node:original:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [site:feed-node:original:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [site:feed-node:original:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [site:feed-node:original:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [site:feed-node:original:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [site:feed-node:original:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [site:feed-node:original:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Promoted to frontpage | [site:feed-node:original:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [site:feed-node:original:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [site:feed-node:original:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [site:feed-node:original:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [site:feed-node:original:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [site:feed-node:original:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [site:feed-node:original:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [site:feed-node:original:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [site:feed-node:original:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [site:feed-node:original:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [site:feed-node:original:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [site:feed-node:original:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [site:feed-node:original:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [site:feed-node:original:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [site:feed-node:original:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [site:feed-node:original:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [site:feed-node:original:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [site:feed-node:original:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [site:feed-node:original:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [site:feed-node:original:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [site:feed-node:original:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [site:feed-node:original:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [site:feed-node:original:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [site:feed-node:original:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [site:feed-node:original:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [site:feed-node:original:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [site:feed-node:original:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [site:feed-node:original:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [site:feed-node:original:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [site:feed-node:original:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [site:feed-node:original:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [site:feed-node:original:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [site:feed-node:original:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [site:feed-node:original:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [site:feed-node:original:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [site:feed-node:original:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [site:feed-node:original:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [site:feed-node:original:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [site:feed-node:original:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [site:feed-node:original:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [site:feed-node:original:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [site:feed-node:original:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [site:feed-node:original:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [site:feed-node:original:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [site:feed-node:original:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [site:feed-node:original:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Promoted to frontpage | [site:feed-node:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [site:feed-node:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Allow_change | [site:feed-node:quiz:allow-change] | Quiz properties "allow_change" property. |
Allow_change_blank | [site:feed-node:quiz:allow-change-blank] | Quiz properties "allow_change_blank" property. |
Allow_jumping | [site:feed-node:quiz:allow-jumping] | Quiz properties "allow_jumping" property. |
Allow_resume | [site:feed-node:quiz:allow-resume] | Quiz properties "allow_resume" property. |
Allow_skipping | [site:feed-node:quiz:allow-skipping] | Quiz properties "allow_skipping" property. |
Backwards_navigation | [site:feed-node:quiz:backwards-navigation] | Quiz properties "backwards_navigation" property. |
Build_on_last | [site:feed-node:quiz:build-on-last] | Quiz properties "build_on_last" property. |
Close date | [site:feed-node:quiz:quiz-close] | Quiz properties "quiz_close" property. |
Feed NID | [site:feed-node:quiz:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [site:feed-node:quiz:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [site:feed-node:quiz:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Has_userpoints | [site:feed-node:quiz:has-userpoints] | Quiz properties "has_userpoints" property. |
Keep_results | [site:feed-node:quiz:keep-results] | Quiz properties "keep_results" property. |
Mark_doubtful | [site:feed-node:quiz:mark-doubtful] | Quiz properties "mark_doubtful" property. |
Max_score | [site:feed-node:quiz:max-score] | Quiz properties "max_score" property. |
Max_score_for_random | [site:feed-node:quiz:max-score-for-random] | Quiz properties "max_score_for_random" property. |
Nid | [site:feed-node:quiz:nid] | Quiz properties "nid" property. |
Number_of_random_questions | [site:feed-node:quiz:number-of-random-questions] | Quiz properties "number_of_random_questions" property. |
Open date | [site:feed-node:quiz:quiz-open] | Quiz properties "quiz_open" property. |
Pass_rate | [site:feed-node:quiz:pass-rate] | Quiz properties "pass_rate" property. |
Quiz_always | [site:feed-node:quiz:quiz-always] | Quiz properties "quiz_always" property. |
Quiz properties ID | [site:feed-node:quiz:qnp-id] | The unique ID of the quiz properties. |
Randomization | [site:feed-node:quiz:randomization] | Quiz properties "randomization" property. |
Repeat_until_correct | [site:feed-node:quiz:repeat-until-correct] | Quiz properties "repeat_until_correct" property. |
Review_options | [site:feed-node:quiz:review-options] | Quiz properties "review_options" property. |
Show_attempt_stats | [site:feed-node:quiz:show-attempt-stats] | Quiz properties "show_attempt_stats" property. |
Show_passed | [site:feed-node:quiz:show-passed] | Quiz properties "show_passed" property. |
Summary_default | [site:feed-node:quiz:summary-default] | Quiz properties "summary_default" property. |
Summary_default_format | [site:feed-node:quiz:summary-default-format] | Quiz properties "summary_default_format" property. |
Summary_pass | [site:feed-node:quiz:summary-pass] | Quiz properties "summary_pass" property. |
Summary_pass_format | [site:feed-node:quiz:summary-pass-format] | Quiz properties "summary_pass_format" property. |
Takes | [site:feed-node:quiz:takes] | Quiz properties "takes" property. |
Tid | [site:feed-node:quiz:tid] | Quiz properties "tid" property. |
Time_left | [site:feed-node:quiz:time-left] | Quiz properties "time_left" property. |
Time_limit | [site:feed-node:quiz:time-limit] | Quiz properties "time_limit" property. |
Uid | [site:feed-node:quiz:uid] | Quiz properties "uid" property. |
Userpoints_tid | [site:feed-node:quiz:userpoints-tid] | Quiz properties "userpoints_tid" property. |
Vid | [site:feed-node:quiz:vid] | Quiz properties "vid" property. |
Related Chapters | [site:feed-node:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [site:feed-node:field-related-chapters:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [site:feed-node:field-related-chapters:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [site:feed-node:field-related-chapters:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [site:feed-node:field-related-chapters:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Related Chapters | [site:feed-node:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [site:feed-node:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [site:feed-node:field-related-sections:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [site:feed-node:field-related-sections:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [site:feed-node:field-related-sections:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [site:feed-node:field-related-sections:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Related Sections | [site:feed-node:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [site:feed-node:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [site:feed-node:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [site:feed-node:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [site:feed-node:field-resource-tag:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [site:feed-node:field-resource-tag:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [site:feed-node:field-resource-tag:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [site:feed-node:field-resource-tag:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Resource Tag | [site:feed-node:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [site:feed-node:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [site:feed-node:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [site:feed-node:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [site:feed-node:field-sections:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [site:feed-node:field-sections:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [site:feed-node:field-sections:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [site:feed-node:field-sections:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Sections | [site:feed-node:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [site:feed-node:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [site:feed-node:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [site:feed-node:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [site:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [site:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [site:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [site:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [site:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [site:feed-node:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [site:feed-node:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [site:feed-node:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [site:feed-node:field-subsections:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [site:feed-node:field-subsections:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [site:feed-node:field-subsections:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [site:feed-node:field-subsections:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Subsections | [site:feed-node:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [site:feed-node:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [site:feed-node:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [site:feed-node:field-tags:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [site:feed-node:field-tags:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [site:feed-node:field-tags:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [site:feed-node:field-tags:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Tags | [site:feed-node:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [site:feed-node:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [site:feed-node:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [site:feed-node:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [site:feed-node:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [site:feed-node:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [site:feed-node:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [site:feed-node:field-tools:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [site:feed-node:field-tools:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [site:feed-node:field-tools:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [site:feed-node:field-tools:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Tools | [site:feed-node:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [site:feed-node:field-tools-for-question:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [site:feed-node:field-tools-for-question:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [site:feed-node:field-tools-for-question:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [site:feed-node:field-tools-for-question:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Tools | [site:feed-node:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [site:feed-node:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [site:feed-node:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
Additional Text | [site:feed-node:source:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [site:feed-node:source:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [site:feed-node:source:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [site:feed-node:source:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [site:feed-node:source:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [site:feed-node:source:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [site:feed-node:source:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [site:feed-node:source:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [site:feed-node:source:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [site:feed-node:source:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [site:feed-node:source:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [site:feed-node:source:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [site:feed-node:source:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [site:feed-node:source:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [site:feed-node:source:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [site:feed-node:source:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [site:feed-node:source:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [site:feed-node:source:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [site:feed-node:source:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [site:feed-node:source:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [site:feed-node:source:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [site:feed-node:source:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [site:feed-node:source:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [site:feed-node:source:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [site:feed-node:source:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [site:feed-node:source:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [site:feed-node:source:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [site:feed-node:source:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [site:feed-node:source:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [site:feed-node:source:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [site:feed-node:source:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [site:feed-node:source:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [site:feed-node:source:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [site:feed-node:source:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [site:feed-node:source:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [site:feed-node:source:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [site:feed-node:source:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [site:feed-node:source:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [site:feed-node:source:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [site:feed-node:source:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [site:feed-node:source:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [site:feed-node:source:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [site:feed-node:source:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [site:feed-node:source:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [site:feed-node:source:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [site:feed-node:source:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [site:feed-node:source:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [site:feed-node:source:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [site:feed-node:source:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [site:feed-node:source:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [site:feed-node:source:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [site:feed-node:source:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [site:feed-node:source:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [site:feed-node:source:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [site:feed-node:source:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [site:feed-node:source:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [site:feed-node:source:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [site:feed-node:source:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [site:feed-node:source:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [site:feed-node:source:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [site:feed-node:source:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [site:feed-node:source:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [site:feed-node:source:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [site:feed-node:source:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [site:feed-node:source:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [site:feed-node:source:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [site:feed-node:source:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [site:feed-node:source:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [site:feed-node:source:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [site:feed-node:source:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [site:feed-node:source:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [site:feed-node:source:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [site:feed-node:source:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [site:feed-node:source:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [site:feed-node:source:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [site:feed-node:source:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [site:feed-node:source:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [site:feed-node:source:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [site:feed-node:source:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [site:feed-node:source:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [site:feed-node:source:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [site:feed-node:source:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [site:feed-node:source:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [site:feed-node:source:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [site:feed-node:source:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [site:feed-node:source:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [site:feed-node:source:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [site:feed-node:source:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [site:feed-node:source:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [site:feed-node:source:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [site:feed-node:source:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
URL | [site:feed-node:source:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [site:feed-node:source:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [site:feed-node:source:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [site:feed-node:source:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [site:feed-node:source:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [site:feed-node:source:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [site:feed-node:source:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [site:feed-node:source:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [site:feed-node:source:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [site:feed-node:source:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [site:feed-node:source:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
URL | [site:feed-node:url] | The URL of the node. |
Absolute URL | [site:feed-node:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [site:feed-node:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [site:feed-node:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [site:feed-node:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [site:feed-node:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [site:feed-node:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
carousel_link | [site:feed-node:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [site:feed-node:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [site:feed-node:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [site:feed-node:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [site:feed-node:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [site:feed-node:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [site:feed-node:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [site:feed-node:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [site:feed-node:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [site:feed-node:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Feeds Item GUID | [site:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [site:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Logged in user | [site:current-user] | The currently logged in user. |
Address | [site:current-user:field-address] | Field "field_address". |
Address | [site:current-user:field_address] | Long text field. |
Changed | [site:current-user:changed] | The date the user account was changed. |
Custom format | [site:current-user:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [site:current-user:changed:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [site:current-user:changed:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [site:current-user:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [site:current-user:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [site:current-user:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [site:current-user:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [site:current-user:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
City | [site:current-user:field-city] | Field "field_city". |
City | [site:current-user:field_city] | Text field. |
Created | [site:current-user:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Custom format | [site:current-user:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [site:current-user:created:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [site:current-user:created:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [site:current-user:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [site:current-user:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [site:current-user:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [site:current-user:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [site:current-user:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Default theme | [site:current-user:theme] | The user's default theme. |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [site:current-user:field-interested-in-services] | Field "field_interested_in_services". |
All parent terms | [site:current-user:field-interested-in-services:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [site:current-user:field-interested-in-services:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [site:current-user:field-interested-in-services:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [site:current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [site:current-user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [site:current-user:field-interested-in-services:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [site:current-user:field-interested-in-services:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [site:current-user:field-interested-in-services:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [site:current-user:field-interested-in-services:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [site:current-user:field-interested-in-services:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [site:current-user:field-interested-in-services:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [site:current-user:field-interested-in-services:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [site:current-user:field-interested-in-services:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [site:current-user:field-interested-in-services:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [site:current-user:field-interested-in-services:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [site:current-user:field-interested-in-services:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [site:current-user:field-interested-in-services:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [site:current-user:field-interested-in-services:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [site:current-user:field-interested-in-services:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [site:current-user:field_interested_in_services] | Term reference field. |
Edit URL | [site:current-user:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [site:current-user:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
Feed NID | [site:current-user:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [site:current-user:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Additional Text | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [site:current-user:feed-node:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [site:current-user:feed-node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [site:current-user:feed-node:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [site:current-user:feed-node:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [site:current-user:feed-node:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [site:current-user:feed-node:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [site:current-user:feed-node:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [site:current-user:feed-node:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [site:current-user:feed-node:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [site:current-user:feed-node:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [site:current-user:feed-node:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [site:current-user:feed-node:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [site:current-user:feed-node:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [site:current-user:feed-node:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [site:current-user:feed-node:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [site:current-user:feed-node:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [site:current-user:feed-node:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [site:current-user:feed-node:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [site:current-user:feed-node:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [site:current-user:feed-node:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [site:current-user:feed-node:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [site:current-user:feed-node:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [site:current-user:feed-node:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [site:current-user:feed-node:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [site:current-user:feed-node:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [site:current-user:feed-node:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [site:current-user:feed-node:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [site:current-user:feed-node:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [site:current-user:feed-node:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [site:current-user:feed-node:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [site:current-user:feed-node:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Feeds Item GUID | [site:current-user:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [site:current-user:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
First Name | [site:current-user:field-firstname] | Field "field_firstname". |
First Name | [site:current-user:field_firstname] | Text field. |
Followup Date | [site:current-user:field-followup-date] | Field "field_followup_date". |
Custom format | [site:current-user:field-followup-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [site:current-user:field-followup-date:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [site:current-user:field-followup-date:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [site:current-user:field-followup-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [site:current-user:field-followup-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [site:current-user:field-followup-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [site:current-user:field-followup-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [site:current-user:field-followup-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Followup Date | [site:current-user:field_followup_date] | Date field. |
Followup Made By | [site:current-user:field-followup-made-by] | Field "field_followup_made_by". |
Followup Made By | [site:current-user:field_followup_made_by] | Text field. |
IP | [site:current-user:ip] | The user's ip address. |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [site:current-user:field-role-other] | Field "field_role_other". |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [site:current-user:field_role_other] | Text field. |
Last Name | [site:current-user:field-lastname] | Field "field_lastname". |
Last Name | [site:current-user:field_lastname] | Text field. |
Last access | [site:current-user:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Custom format | [site:current-user:last-access:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [site:current-user:last-access:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [site:current-user:last-access:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [site:current-user:last-access:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [site:current-user:last-access:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [site:current-user:last-access:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [site:current-user:last-access:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [site:current-user:last-access:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Last login | [site:current-user:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Custom format | [site:current-user:last-login:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [site:current-user:last-login:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [site:current-user:last-login:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [site:current-user:last-login:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [site:current-user:last-login:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [site:current-user:last-login:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [site:current-user:last-login:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [site:current-user:last-login:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Name | [site:current-user:name] | The login name of the user account. |
Organization | [site:current-user:field-organization] | Field "field_organization". |
Organization | [site:current-user:field_organization] | Text field. |
Organization Type | [site:current-user:field-organization-type] | Field "field_organization_type". |
All parent terms | [site:current-user:field-organization-type:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [site:current-user:field-organization-type:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [site:current-user:field-organization-type:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [site:current-user:field-organization-type:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [site:current-user:field-organization-type:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [site:current-user:field-organization-type:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [site:current-user:field-organization-type:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [site:current-user:field-organization-type:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [site:current-user:field-organization-type:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [site:current-user:field-organization-type:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [site:current-user:field-organization-type:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [site:current-user:field-organization-type:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [site:current-user:field-organization-type:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [site:current-user:field-organization-type:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [site:current-user:field-organization-type:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [site:current-user:field-organization-type:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [site:current-user:field-organization-type:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [site:current-user:field-organization-type:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [site:current-user:field-organization-type:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Organization Type | [site:current-user:field_organization_type] | Term reference field. |
Original user | [site:current-user:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Address | [site:current-user:original:field-address] | Field "field_address". |
Address | [site:current-user:original:field_address] | Long text field. |
Changed | [site:current-user:original:changed] | The date the user account was changed. |
City | [site:current-user:original:field-city] | Field "field_city". |
City | [site:current-user:original:field_city] | Text field. |
Created | [site:current-user:original:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Default theme | [site:current-user:original:theme] | The user's default theme. |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [site:current-user:original:field-interested-in-services] | Field "field_interested_in_services". |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [site:current-user:original:field_interested_in_services] | Term reference field. |
Edit URL | [site:current-user:original:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [site:current-user:original:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
Feed NID | [site:current-user:original:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [site:current-user:original:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [site:current-user:original:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [site:current-user:original:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
First Name | [site:current-user:original:field-firstname] | Field "field_firstname". |
First Name | [site:current-user:original:field_firstname] | Text field. |
Followup Date | [site:current-user:original:field-followup-date] | Field "field_followup_date". |
Followup Date | [site:current-user:original:field_followup_date] | Date field. |
Followup Made By | [site:current-user:original:field-followup-made-by] | Field "field_followup_made_by". |
Followup Made By | [site:current-user:original:field_followup_made_by] | Text field. |
IP | [site:current-user:original:ip] | The user's ip address. |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [site:current-user:original:field-role-other] | Field "field_role_other". |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [site:current-user:original:field_role_other] | Text field. |
Last Name | [site:current-user:original:field-lastname] | Field "field_lastname". |
Last Name | [site:current-user:original:field_lastname] | Text field. |
Last access | [site:current-user:original:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Last login | [site:current-user:original:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Name | [site:current-user:original:name] | The login name of the user account. |
Organization | [site:current-user:original:field-organization] | Field "field_organization". |
Organization | [site:current-user:original:field_organization] | Text field. |
Organization Type | [site:current-user:original:field-organization-type] | Field "field_organization_type". |
Organization Type | [site:current-user:original:field_organization_type] | Term reference field. |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [site:current-user:original:field-services-interested-in] | Field "field_services_interested_in". |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [site:current-user:original:field_services_interested_in] | Long text field. |
Revision ID | [site:current-user:original:vid] | The unique ID of the user's revision. |
Role | [site:current-user:original:field-role] | Field "field_role". |
Role | [site:current-user:original:field_role] | Term reference field. |
Roles | [site:current-user:original:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
State | [site:current-user:original:field-state] | Field "field_state". |
State | [site:current-user:original:field_state] | Term reference field. |
Status | [site:current-user:original:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
Subscription Code | [site:current-user:original:field-subscription-code] | Field "field_subscription_code". |
Subscription Code | [site:current-user:original:field_subscription_code] | Text field. |
URL | [site:current-user:original:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User ID | [site:current-user:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
User UUID | [site:current-user:original:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the user |
User role ids | [site:current-user:original:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [site:current-user:original:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
Validate URL | [site:current-user:original:validate-url] | The URL of the account validation page, provided by logintoboggan. |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [site:current-user:field-services-interested-in] | Field "field_services_interested_in". |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [site:current-user:field_services_interested_in] | Long text field. |
Revision ID | [site:current-user:vid] | The unique ID of the user's revision. |
Role | [site:current-user:field-role] | Field "field_role". |
All parent terms | [site:current-user:field-role:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [site:current-user:field-role:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [site:current-user:field-role:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [site:current-user:field-role:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [site:current-user:field-role:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [site:current-user:field-role:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [site:current-user:field-role:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [site:current-user:field-role:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [site:current-user:field-role:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [site:current-user:field-role:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [site:current-user:field-role:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [site:current-user:field-role:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [site:current-user:field-role:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [site:current-user:field-role:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [site:current-user:field-role:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [site:current-user:field-role:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [site:current-user:field-role:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [site:current-user:field-role:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [site:current-user:field-role:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Role | [site:current-user:field_role] | Term reference field. |
Roles | [site:current-user:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
Count | [site:current-user:roles:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [site:current-user:roles:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [site:current-user:roles:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [site:current-user:roles:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [site:current-user:roles:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [site:current-user:roles:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [site:current-user:roles:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [site:current-user:roles:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
State | [site:current-user:field-state] | Field "field_state". |
All parent terms | [site:current-user:field-state:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [site:current-user:field-state:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [site:current-user:field-state:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [site:current-user:field-state:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [site:current-user:field-state:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [site:current-user:field-state:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [site:current-user:field-state:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [site:current-user:field-state:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [site:current-user:field-state:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [site:current-user:field-state:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [site:current-user:field-state:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [site:current-user:field-state:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [site:current-user:field-state:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [site:current-user:field-state:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [site:current-user:field-state:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [site:current-user:field-state:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [site:current-user:field-state:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [site:current-user:field-state:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [site:current-user:field-state:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
State | [site:current-user:field_state] | Term reference field. |
Status | [site:current-user:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
Subscription Code | [site:current-user:field-subscription-code] | Field "field_subscription_code". |
Subscription Code | [site:current-user:field_subscription_code] | Text field. |
URL | [site:current-user:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
Absolute URL | [site:current-user:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [site:current-user:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [site:current-user:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [site:current-user:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [site:current-user:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [site:current-user:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
User ID | [site:current-user:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
User UUID | [site:current-user:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the user |
User role ids | [site:current-user:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [site:current-user:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
Validate URL | [site:current-user:validate-url] | The URL of the account validation page, provided by logintoboggan. |
Login page | [site:login-url] | The URL of the site's login page. |
Name | [site:name] | The name of the site. |
Slogan | [site:slogan] | The slogan of the site. |
URL | [site:url] | The URL of the site's front page. |
URL (brief) | [site:url-brief] | The URL of the site's front page without the protocol. |
Users | | Tokens related to individual user accounts. |
Address | [user:field-address] | Field "field_address". |
Address | [user:field_address] | Long text field. |
Changed | [user:changed] | The date the user account was changed. |
Custom format | [user:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [user:changed:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [user:changed:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [user:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [user:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [user:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [user:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [user:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
City | [user:field-city] | Field "field_city". |
City | [user:field_city] | Text field. |
Created | [user:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Custom format | [user:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [user:created:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [user:created:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [user:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [user:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [user:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [user:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [user:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Default theme | [user:theme] | The user's default theme. |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [user:field-interested-in-services] | Field "field_interested_in_services". |
All parent terms | [user:field-interested-in-services:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [user:field-interested-in-services:parents-all:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [user:field-interested-in-services:parents-all:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [user:field-interested-in-services:parents-all:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [user:field-interested-in-services:parents-all:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Description | [user:field-interested-in-services:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [user:field-interested-in-services:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Additional Text | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [user:field-interested-in-services:feed-node:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:field-interested-in-services:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:field-interested-in-services:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [user:field-interested-in-services:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [user:field-interested-in-services:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [user:field-interested-in-services:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
All parent terms | [user:field-interested-in-services:original:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [user:field-interested-in-services:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [user:field-interested-in-services:original:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [user:field-interested-in-services:original:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [user:field-interested-in-services:original:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:field-interested-in-services:original:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:field-interested-in-services:original:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [user:field-interested-in-services:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [user:field-interested-in-services:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [user:field-interested-in-services:original:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [user:field-interested-in-services:original:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [user:field-interested-in-services:original:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [user:field-interested-in-services:original:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [user:field-interested-in-services:original:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [user:field-interested-in-services:original:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [user:field-interested-in-services:original:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [user:field-interested-in-services:original:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [user:field-interested-in-services:original:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Parents | [user:field-interested-in-services:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Count | [user:field-interested-in-services:parents:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [user:field-interested-in-services:parents:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [user:field-interested-in-services:parents:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [user:field-interested-in-services:parents:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [user:field-interested-in-services:parents:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [user:field-interested-in-services:parents:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [user:field-interested-in-services:parents:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [user:field-interested-in-services:parents:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Parent term | [user:field-interested-in-services:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
All parent terms | [user:field-interested-in-services:parent:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [user:field-interested-in-services:parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [user:field-interested-in-services:parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [user:field-interested-in-services:parent:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [user:field-interested-in-services:parent:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:field-interested-in-services:parent:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:field-interested-in-services:parent:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [user:field-interested-in-services:parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [user:field-interested-in-services:parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [user:field-interested-in-services:parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [user:field-interested-in-services:parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [user:field-interested-in-services:parent:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [user:field-interested-in-services:parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [user:field-interested-in-services:parent:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [user:field-interested-in-services:parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [user:field-interested-in-services:parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [user:field-interested-in-services:parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [user:field-interested-in-services:parent:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [user:field-interested-in-services:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [user:field-interested-in-services:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
All parent terms | [user:field-interested-in-services:root:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [user:field-interested-in-services:root:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [user:field-interested-in-services:root:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [user:field-interested-in-services:root:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [user:field-interested-in-services:root:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:field-interested-in-services:root:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:field-interested-in-services:root:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [user:field-interested-in-services:root:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [user:field-interested-in-services:root:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [user:field-interested-in-services:root:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [user:field-interested-in-services:root:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [user:field-interested-in-services:root:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [user:field-interested-in-services:root:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Taxonomy term UUID | [user:field-interested-in-services:root:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [user:field-interested-in-services:root:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [user:field-interested-in-services:root:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [user:field-interested-in-services:root:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [user:field-interested-in-services:root:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [user:field-interested-in-services:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [user:field-interested-in-services:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [user:field-interested-in-services:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Absolute URL | [user:field-interested-in-services:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [user:field-interested-in-services:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [user:field-interested-in-services:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [user:field-interested-in-services:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [user:field-interested-in-services:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [user:field-interested-in-services:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Vocabulary | [user:field-interested-in-services:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description | [user:field-interested-in-services:vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Edit URL | [user:field-interested-in-services:vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Feed NID | [user:field-interested-in-services:vocabulary:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [user:field-interested-in-services:vocabulary:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:field-interested-in-services:vocabulary:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:field-interested-in-services:vocabulary:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Machine-readable name | [user:field-interested-in-services:vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
Name | [user:field-interested-in-services:vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [user:field-interested-in-services:vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original taxonomy vocabulary | [user:field-interested-in-services:vocabulary:original] | The original taxonomy vocabulary data if the taxonomy vocabulary is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [user:field-interested-in-services:vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [user:field-interested-in-services:vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Weight | [user:field-interested-in-services:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [user:field_interested_in_services] | Term reference field. |
Edit URL | [user:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [user:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
Feed NID | [user:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [user:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Additional Text | [user:feed-node:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [user:feed-node:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [user:feed-node:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [user:feed-node:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [user:feed-node:author] | The author of the node. |
Address | [user:feed-node:author:field-address] | Field "field_address". |
Address | [user:feed-node:author:field_address] | Long text field. |
Changed | [user:feed-node:author:changed] | The date the user account was changed. |
City | [user:feed-node:author:field-city] | Field "field_city". |
City | [user:feed-node:author:field_city] | Text field. |
Created | [user:feed-node:author:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Default theme | [user:feed-node:author:theme] | The user's default theme. |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [user:feed-node:author:field-interested-in-services] | Field "field_interested_in_services". |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [user:feed-node:author:field_interested_in_services] | Term reference field. |
Edit URL | [user:feed-node:author:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [user:feed-node:author:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
Feed NID | [user:feed-node:author:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:feed-node:author:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:feed-node:author:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
First Name | [user:feed-node:author:field-firstname] | Field "field_firstname". |
First Name | [user:feed-node:author:field_firstname] | Text field. |
Followup Date | [user:feed-node:author:field-followup-date] | Field "field_followup_date". |
Followup Date | [user:feed-node:author:field_followup_date] | Date field. |
Followup Made By | [user:feed-node:author:field-followup-made-by] | Field "field_followup_made_by". |
Followup Made By | [user:feed-node:author:field_followup_made_by] | Text field. |
IP | [user:feed-node:author:ip] | The user's ip address. |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [user:feed-node:author:field-role-other] | Field "field_role_other". |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [user:feed-node:author:field_role_other] | Text field. |
Last Name | [user:feed-node:author:field-lastname] | Field "field_lastname". |
Last Name | [user:feed-node:author:field_lastname] | Text field. |
Last access | [user:feed-node:author:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Last login | [user:feed-node:author:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Name | [user:feed-node:author:name] | The login name of the user account. |
Organization | [user:feed-node:author:field-organization] | Field "field_organization". |
Organization | [user:feed-node:author:field_organization] | Text field. |
Organization Type | [user:feed-node:author:field-organization-type] | Field "field_organization_type". |
Organization Type | [user:feed-node:author:field_organization_type] | Term reference field. |
Original user | [user:feed-node:author:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [user:feed-node:author:field-services-interested-in] | Field "field_services_interested_in". |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [user:feed-node:author:field_services_interested_in] | Long text field. |
Revision ID | [user:feed-node:author:vid] | The unique ID of the user's revision. |
Role | [user:feed-node:author:field-role] | Field "field_role". |
Role | [user:feed-node:author:field_role] | Term reference field. |
Roles | [user:feed-node:author:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
State | [user:feed-node:author:field-state] | Field "field_state". |
State | [user:feed-node:author:field_state] | Term reference field. |
Status | [user:feed-node:author:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
Subscription Code | [user:feed-node:author:field-subscription-code] | Field "field_subscription_code". |
Subscription Code | [user:feed-node:author:field_subscription_code] | Text field. |
URL | [user:feed-node:author:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
User ID | [user:feed-node:author:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
User UUID | [user:feed-node:author:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the user |
User role ids | [user:feed-node:author:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [user:feed-node:author:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
Validate URL | [user:feed-node:author:validate-url] | The URL of the account validation page, provided by logintoboggan. |
Body | [user:feed-node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [user:feed-node:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [user:feed-node:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [user:feed-node:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [user:feed-node:field-chapters:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [user:feed-node:field-chapters:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [user:feed-node:field-chapters:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [user:feed-node:field-chapters:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Chapters | [user:feed-node:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [user:feed-node:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [user:feed-node:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [user:feed-node:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [user:feed-node:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [user:feed-node:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [user:feed-node:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Description | [user:feed-node:content-type:description] | The optional description of the content type. |
Edit URL | [user:feed-node:content-type:edit-url] | The URL of the content type's edit page. |
Machine-readable name | [user:feed-node:content-type:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the content type. |
Name | [user:feed-node:content-type:name] | The name of the content type. |
Node count | [user:feed-node:content-type:node-count] | The number of nodes belonging to the content type. |
Creates revision | [user:feed-node:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [user:feed-node:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Custom format | [user:feed-node:field-date-month-year:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [user:feed-node:field-date-month-year:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [user:feed-node:field-date-month-year:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [user:feed-node:field-date-month-year:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [user:feed-node:field-date-month-year:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [user:feed-node:field-date-month-year:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [user:feed-node:field-date-month-year:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [user:feed-node:field-date-month-year:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Date | [user:feed-node:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [user:feed-node:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [user:feed-node:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [user:feed-node:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Custom format | [user:feed-node:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [user:feed-node:changed:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [user:feed-node:changed:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [user:feed-node:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [user:feed-node:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [user:feed-node:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [user:feed-node:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [user:feed-node:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Date created | [user:feed-node:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Custom format | [user:feed-node:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [user:feed-node:created:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [user:feed-node:created:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [user:feed-node:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [user:feed-node:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [user:feed-node:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [user:feed-node:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [user:feed-node:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Description | [user:feed-node:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [user:feed-node:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [user:feed-node:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [user:feed-node:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [user:feed-node:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [user:feed-node:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [user:feed-node:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [user:feed-node:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [user:feed-node:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [user:feed-node:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:feed-node:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:feed-node:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [user:feed-node:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
Additional Text | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [user:feed-node:feed-source:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [user:feed-node:feed-source:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [user:feed-node:feed-source:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [user:feed-node:feed-source:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [user:feed-node:feed-source:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [user:feed-node:feed-source:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [user:feed-node:feed-source:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [user:feed-node:feed-source:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [user:feed-node:feed-source:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [user:feed-node:feed-source:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [user:feed-node:feed-source:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:feed-node:feed-source:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:feed-node:feed-source:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
First Name | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [user:feed-node:feed-source:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [user:feed-node:feed-source:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [user:feed-node:feed-source:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [user:feed-node:feed-source:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [user:feed-node:feed-source:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [user:feed-node:feed-source:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [user:feed-node:feed-source:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [user:feed-node:feed-source:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [user:feed-node:feed-source:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [user:feed-node:feed-source:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [user:feed-node:feed-source:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [user:feed-node:feed-source:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [user:feed-node:feed-source:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [user:feed-node:feed-source:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [user:feed-node:feed-source:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [user:feed-node:feed-source:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
First Name | [user:feed-node:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [user:feed-node:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [user:feed-node:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [user:feed-node:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [user:feed-node:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [user:feed-node:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [user:feed-node:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [user:feed-node:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [user:feed-node:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [user:feed-node:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [user:feed-node:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [user:feed-node:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [user:feed-node:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [user:feed-node:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [user:feed-node:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Custom format | [user:feed-node:field-month:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [user:feed-node:field-month:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [user:feed-node:field-month:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [user:feed-node:field-month:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [user:feed-node:field-month:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [user:feed-node:field-month:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [user:feed-node:field-month:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [user:feed-node:field-month:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Month | [user:feed-node:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [user:feed-node:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
All parent terms | [user:feed-node:field-org-type:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [user:feed-node:field-org-type:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [user:feed-node:field-org-type:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [user:feed-node:field-org-type:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:feed-node:field-org-type:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:feed-node:field-org-type:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [user:feed-node:field-org-type:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [user:feed-node:field-org-type:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [user:feed-node:field-org-type:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [user:feed-node:field-org-type:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [user:feed-node:field-org-type:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [user:feed-node:field-org-type:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [user:feed-node:field-org-type:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [user:feed-node:field-org-type:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [user:feed-node:field-org-type:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [user:feed-node:field-org-type:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [user:feed-node:field-org-type:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [user:feed-node:field-org-type:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Org. Type | [user:feed-node:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [user:feed-node:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [user:feed-node:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [user:feed-node:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Additional Text | [user:feed-node:original:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [user:feed-node:original:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [user:feed-node:original:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [user:feed-node:original:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [user:feed-node:original:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [user:feed-node:original:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [user:feed-node:original:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [user:feed-node:original:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [user:feed-node:original:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [user:feed-node:original:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [user:feed-node:original:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [user:feed-node:original:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [user:feed-node:original:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [user:feed-node:original:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [user:feed-node:original:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [user:feed-node:original:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [user:feed-node:original:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [user:feed-node:original:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [user:feed-node:original:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [user:feed-node:original:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [user:feed-node:original:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [user:feed-node:original:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [user:feed-node:original:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [user:feed-node:original:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [user:feed-node:original:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [user:feed-node:original:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [user:feed-node:original:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [user:feed-node:original:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [user:feed-node:original:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [user:feed-node:original:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [user:feed-node:original:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [user:feed-node:original:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [user:feed-node:original:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:feed-node:original:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:feed-node:original:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [user:feed-node:original:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [user:feed-node:original:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [user:feed-node:original:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [user:feed-node:original:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [user:feed-node:original:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [user:feed-node:original:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [user:feed-node:original:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [user:feed-node:original:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [user:feed-node:original:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [user:feed-node:original:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [user:feed-node:original:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [user:feed-node:original:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [user:feed-node:original:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [user:feed-node:original:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [user:feed-node:original:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [user:feed-node:original:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [user:feed-node:original:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [user:feed-node:original:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [user:feed-node:original:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [user:feed-node:original:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [user:feed-node:original:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Promoted to frontpage | [user:feed-node:original:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [user:feed-node:original:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [user:feed-node:original:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [user:feed-node:original:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [user:feed-node:original:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [user:feed-node:original:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [user:feed-node:original:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [user:feed-node:original:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [user:feed-node:original:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [user:feed-node:original:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [user:feed-node:original:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [user:feed-node:original:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [user:feed-node:original:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [user:feed-node:original:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [user:feed-node:original:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [user:feed-node:original:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [user:feed-node:original:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [user:feed-node:original:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [user:feed-node:original:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [user:feed-node:original:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [user:feed-node:original:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [user:feed-node:original:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [user:feed-node:original:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [user:feed-node:original:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [user:feed-node:original:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [user:feed-node:original:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [user:feed-node:original:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [user:feed-node:original:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [user:feed-node:original:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [user:feed-node:original:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [user:feed-node:original:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [user:feed-node:original:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [user:feed-node:original:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [user:feed-node:original:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [user:feed-node:original:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [user:feed-node:original:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [user:feed-node:original:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [user:feed-node:original:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [user:feed-node:original:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [user:feed-node:original:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [user:feed-node:original:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [user:feed-node:original:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [user:feed-node:original:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [user:feed-node:original:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [user:feed-node:original:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [user:feed-node:original:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Promoted to frontpage | [user:feed-node:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [user:feed-node:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Allow_change | [user:feed-node:quiz:allow-change] | Quiz properties "allow_change" property. |
Allow_change_blank | [user:feed-node:quiz:allow-change-blank] | Quiz properties "allow_change_blank" property. |
Allow_jumping | [user:feed-node:quiz:allow-jumping] | Quiz properties "allow_jumping" property. |
Allow_resume | [user:feed-node:quiz:allow-resume] | Quiz properties "allow_resume" property. |
Allow_skipping | [user:feed-node:quiz:allow-skipping] | Quiz properties "allow_skipping" property. |
Backwards_navigation | [user:feed-node:quiz:backwards-navigation] | Quiz properties "backwards_navigation" property. |
Build_on_last | [user:feed-node:quiz:build-on-last] | Quiz properties "build_on_last" property. |
Close date | [user:feed-node:quiz:quiz-close] | Quiz properties "quiz_close" property. |
Feed NID | [user:feed-node:quiz:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:feed-node:quiz:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:feed-node:quiz:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Has_userpoints | [user:feed-node:quiz:has-userpoints] | Quiz properties "has_userpoints" property. |
Keep_results | [user:feed-node:quiz:keep-results] | Quiz properties "keep_results" property. |
Mark_doubtful | [user:feed-node:quiz:mark-doubtful] | Quiz properties "mark_doubtful" property. |
Max_score | [user:feed-node:quiz:max-score] | Quiz properties "max_score" property. |
Max_score_for_random | [user:feed-node:quiz:max-score-for-random] | Quiz properties "max_score_for_random" property. |
Nid | [user:feed-node:quiz:nid] | Quiz properties "nid" property. |
Number_of_random_questions | [user:feed-node:quiz:number-of-random-questions] | Quiz properties "number_of_random_questions" property. |
Open date | [user:feed-node:quiz:quiz-open] | Quiz properties "quiz_open" property. |
Pass_rate | [user:feed-node:quiz:pass-rate] | Quiz properties "pass_rate" property. |
Quiz_always | [user:feed-node:quiz:quiz-always] | Quiz properties "quiz_always" property. |
Quiz properties ID | [user:feed-node:quiz:qnp-id] | The unique ID of the quiz properties. |
Randomization | [user:feed-node:quiz:randomization] | Quiz properties "randomization" property. |
Repeat_until_correct | [user:feed-node:quiz:repeat-until-correct] | Quiz properties "repeat_until_correct" property. |
Review_options | [user:feed-node:quiz:review-options] | Quiz properties "review_options" property. |
Show_attempt_stats | [user:feed-node:quiz:show-attempt-stats] | Quiz properties "show_attempt_stats" property. |
Show_passed | [user:feed-node:quiz:show-passed] | Quiz properties "show_passed" property. |
Summary_default | [user:feed-node:quiz:summary-default] | Quiz properties "summary_default" property. |
Summary_default_format | [user:feed-node:quiz:summary-default-format] | Quiz properties "summary_default_format" property. |
Summary_pass | [user:feed-node:quiz:summary-pass] | Quiz properties "summary_pass" property. |
Summary_pass_format | [user:feed-node:quiz:summary-pass-format] | Quiz properties "summary_pass_format" property. |
Takes | [user:feed-node:quiz:takes] | Quiz properties "takes" property. |
Tid | [user:feed-node:quiz:tid] | Quiz properties "tid" property. |
Time_left | [user:feed-node:quiz:time-left] | Quiz properties "time_left" property. |
Time_limit | [user:feed-node:quiz:time-limit] | Quiz properties "time_limit" property. |
Uid | [user:feed-node:quiz:uid] | Quiz properties "uid" property. |
Userpoints_tid | [user:feed-node:quiz:userpoints-tid] | Quiz properties "userpoints_tid" property. |
Vid | [user:feed-node:quiz:vid] | Quiz properties "vid" property. |
Related Chapters | [user:feed-node:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [user:feed-node:field-related-chapters:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [user:feed-node:field-related-chapters:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [user:feed-node:field-related-chapters:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [user:feed-node:field-related-chapters:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Related Chapters | [user:feed-node:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [user:feed-node:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [user:feed-node:field-related-sections:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [user:feed-node:field-related-sections:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [user:feed-node:field-related-sections:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [user:feed-node:field-related-sections:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Related Sections | [user:feed-node:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [user:feed-node:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [user:feed-node:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [user:feed-node:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [user:feed-node:field-resource-tag:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [user:feed-node:field-resource-tag:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [user:feed-node:field-resource-tag:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [user:feed-node:field-resource-tag:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Resource Tag | [user:feed-node:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [user:feed-node:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [user:feed-node:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [user:feed-node:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [user:feed-node:field-sections:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [user:feed-node:field-sections:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [user:feed-node:field-sections:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [user:feed-node:field-sections:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Sections | [user:feed-node:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [user:feed-node:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [user:feed-node:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [user:feed-node:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [user:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [user:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [user:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [user:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [user:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [user:feed-node:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [user:feed-node:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [user:feed-node:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [user:feed-node:field-subsections:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [user:feed-node:field-subsections:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [user:feed-node:field-subsections:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [user:feed-node:field-subsections:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Subsections | [user:feed-node:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [user:feed-node:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [user:feed-node:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [user:feed-node:field-tags:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [user:feed-node:field-tags:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [user:feed-node:field-tags:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [user:feed-node:field-tags:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Tags | [user:feed-node:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [user:feed-node:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [user:feed-node:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [user:feed-node:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [user:feed-node:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [user:feed-node:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [user:feed-node:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [user:feed-node:field-tools:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [user:feed-node:field-tools:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [user:feed-node:field-tools:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [user:feed-node:field-tools:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Tools | [user:feed-node:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Nodes with delta 0 | [user:feed-node:field-tools-for-question:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 1 | [user:feed-node:field-tools-for-question:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 2 | [user:feed-node:field-tools-for-question:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Nodes with delta 3 | [user:feed-node:field-tools-for-question:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Tools | [user:feed-node:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [user:feed-node:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [user:feed-node:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
Additional Text | [user:feed-node:source:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [user:feed-node:source:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [user:feed-node:source:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [user:feed-node:source:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [user:feed-node:source:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [user:feed-node:source:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [user:feed-node:source:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [user:feed-node:source:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [user:feed-node:source:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [user:feed-node:source:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [user:feed-node:source:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [user:feed-node:source:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [user:feed-node:source:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [user:feed-node:source:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [user:feed-node:source:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [user:feed-node:source:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [user:feed-node:source:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [user:feed-node:source:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [user:feed-node:source:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [user:feed-node:source:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [user:feed-node:source:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [user:feed-node:source:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [user:feed-node:source:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [user:feed-node:source:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [user:feed-node:source:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [user:feed-node:source:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [user:feed-node:source:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [user:feed-node:source:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [user:feed-node:source:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [user:feed-node:source:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [user:feed-node:source:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [user:feed-node:source:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [user:feed-node:source:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:feed-node:source:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:feed-node:source:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [user:feed-node:source:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [user:feed-node:source:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [user:feed-node:source:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [user:feed-node:source:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [user:feed-node:source:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [user:feed-node:source:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [user:feed-node:source:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [user:feed-node:source:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [user:feed-node:source:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [user:feed-node:source:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [user:feed-node:source:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [user:feed-node:source:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [user:feed-node:source:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [user:feed-node:source:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [user:feed-node:source:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [user:feed-node:source:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [user:feed-node:source:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [user:feed-node:source:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [user:feed-node:source:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [user:feed-node:source:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [user:feed-node:source:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [user:feed-node:source:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [user:feed-node:source:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [user:feed-node:source:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [user:feed-node:source:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [user:feed-node:source:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [user:feed-node:source:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [user:feed-node:source:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [user:feed-node:source:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [user:feed-node:source:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [user:feed-node:source:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [user:feed-node:source:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [user:feed-node:source:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [user:feed-node:source:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [user:feed-node:source:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [user:feed-node:source:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [user:feed-node:source:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [user:feed-node:source:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [user:feed-node:source:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [user:feed-node:source:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [user:feed-node:source:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [user:feed-node:source:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [user:feed-node:source:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [user:feed-node:source:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [user:feed-node:source:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [user:feed-node:source:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [user:feed-node:source:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [user:feed-node:source:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [user:feed-node:source:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [user:feed-node:source:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [user:feed-node:source:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [user:feed-node:source:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [user:feed-node:source:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [user:feed-node:source:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [user:feed-node:source:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [user:feed-node:source:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
URL | [user:feed-node:source:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [user:feed-node:source:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [user:feed-node:source:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [user:feed-node:source:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [user:feed-node:source:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [user:feed-node:source:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [user:feed-node:source:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [user:feed-node:source:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [user:feed-node:source:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [user:feed-node:source:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [user:feed-node:source:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
URL | [user:feed-node:url] | The URL of the node. |
Absolute URL | [user:feed-node:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [user:feed-node:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [user:feed-node:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [user:feed-node:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [user:feed-node:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [user:feed-node:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
carousel_link | [user:feed-node:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [user:feed-node:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [user:feed-node:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [user:feed-node:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [user:feed-node:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [user:feed-node:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [user:feed-node:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [user:feed-node:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [user:feed-node:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [user:feed-node:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
First Name | [user:field-firstname] | Field "field_firstname". |
First Name | [user:field_firstname] | Text field. |
Followup Date | [user:field-followup-date] | Field "field_followup_date". |
Custom format | [user:field-followup-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [user:field-followup-date:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [user:field-followup-date:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [user:field-followup-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [user:field-followup-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [user:field-followup-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [user:field-followup-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [user:field-followup-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Followup Date | [user:field_followup_date] | Date field. |
Followup Made By | [user:field-followup-made-by] | Field "field_followup_made_by". |
Followup Made By | [user:field_followup_made_by] | Text field. |
IP | [user:ip] | The user's ip address. |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [user:field-role-other] | Field "field_role_other". |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [user:field_role_other] | Text field. |
Last Name | [user:field-lastname] | Field "field_lastname". |
Last Name | [user:field_lastname] | Text field. |
Last access | [user:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Custom format | [user:last-access:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [user:last-access:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [user:last-access:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [user:last-access:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [user:last-access:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [user:last-access:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [user:last-access:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [user:last-access:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Last login | [user:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Custom format | [user:last-login:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [user:last-login:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [user:last-login:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [user:last-login:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [user:last-login:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [user:last-login:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [user:last-login:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [user:last-login:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Name | [user:name] | The login name of the user account. |
Organization | [user:field-organization] | Field "field_organization". |
Organization | [user:field_organization] | Text field. |
Organization Type | [user:field-organization-type] | Field "field_organization_type". |
All parent terms | [user:field-organization-type:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [user:field-organization-type:parents-all:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [user:field-organization-type:parents-all:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [user:field-organization-type:parents-all:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [user:field-organization-type:parents-all:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Description | [user:field-organization-type:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [user:field-organization-type:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [user:field-organization-type:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Additional Text | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [user:field-organization-type:feed-node:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:field-organization-type:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:field-organization-type:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [user:field-organization-type:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [user:field-organization-type:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [user:field-organization-type:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
All parent terms | [user:field-organization-type:original:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [user:field-organization-type:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [user:field-organization-type:original:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [user:field-organization-type:original:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [user:field-organization-type:original:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:field-organization-type:original:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:field-organization-type:original:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [user:field-organization-type:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [user:field-organization-type:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [user:field-organization-type:original:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [user:field-organization-type:original:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [user:field-organization-type:original:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [user:field-organization-type:original:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [user:field-organization-type:original:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [user:field-organization-type:original:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [user:field-organization-type:original:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [user:field-organization-type:original:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [user:field-organization-type:original:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Parents | [user:field-organization-type:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Count | [user:field-organization-type:parents:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [user:field-organization-type:parents:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [user:field-organization-type:parents:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [user:field-organization-type:parents:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [user:field-organization-type:parents:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [user:field-organization-type:parents:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [user:field-organization-type:parents:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [user:field-organization-type:parents:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Parent term | [user:field-organization-type:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
All parent terms | [user:field-organization-type:parent:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [user:field-organization-type:parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [user:field-organization-type:parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [user:field-organization-type:parent:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [user:field-organization-type:parent:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:field-organization-type:parent:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:field-organization-type:parent:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [user:field-organization-type:parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [user:field-organization-type:parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [user:field-organization-type:parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [user:field-organization-type:parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [user:field-organization-type:parent:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [user:field-organization-type:parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [user:field-organization-type:parent:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [user:field-organization-type:parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [user:field-organization-type:parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [user:field-organization-type:parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [user:field-organization-type:parent:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [user:field-organization-type:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [user:field-organization-type:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
All parent terms | [user:field-organization-type:root:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [user:field-organization-type:root:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [user:field-organization-type:root:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [user:field-organization-type:root:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [user:field-organization-type:root:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:field-organization-type:root:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:field-organization-type:root:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [user:field-organization-type:root:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [user:field-organization-type:root:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [user:field-organization-type:root:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [user:field-organization-type:root:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [user:field-organization-type:root:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [user:field-organization-type:root:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Taxonomy term UUID | [user:field-organization-type:root:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [user:field-organization-type:root:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [user:field-organization-type:root:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [user:field-organization-type:root:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [user:field-organization-type:root:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [user:field-organization-type:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [user:field-organization-type:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [user:field-organization-type:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Absolute URL | [user:field-organization-type:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [user:field-organization-type:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [user:field-organization-type:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [user:field-organization-type:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [user:field-organization-type:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [user:field-organization-type:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Vocabulary | [user:field-organization-type:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description | [user:field-organization-type:vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Edit URL | [user:field-organization-type:vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Feed NID | [user:field-organization-type:vocabulary:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [user:field-organization-type:vocabulary:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:field-organization-type:vocabulary:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:field-organization-type:vocabulary:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Machine-readable name | [user:field-organization-type:vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
Name | [user:field-organization-type:vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [user:field-organization-type:vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original taxonomy vocabulary | [user:field-organization-type:vocabulary:original] | The original taxonomy vocabulary data if the taxonomy vocabulary is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [user:field-organization-type:vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [user:field-organization-type:vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Weight | [user:field-organization-type:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Organization Type | [user:field_organization_type] | Term reference field. |
Original user | [user:original] | The original user data if the user is being updated or saved. |
Address | [user:original:field-address] | Field "field_address". |
Address | [user:original:field_address] | Long text field. |
Changed | [user:original:changed] | The date the user account was changed. |
Custom format | [user:original:changed:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [user:original:changed:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [user:original:changed:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [user:original:changed:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [user:original:changed:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [user:original:changed:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [user:original:changed:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [user:original:changed:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
City | [user:original:field-city] | Field "field_city". |
City | [user:original:field_city] | Text field. |
Created | [user:original:created] | The date the user account was created. |
Custom format | [user:original:created:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [user:original:created:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [user:original:created:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [user:original:created:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [user:original:created:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [user:original:created:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [user:original:created:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [user:original:created:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Default theme | [user:original:theme] | The user's default theme. |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [user:original:field-interested-in-services] | Field "field_interested_in_services". |
All parent terms | [user:original:field-interested-in-services:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [user:original:field-interested-in-services:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [user:original:field-interested-in-services:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [user:original:field-interested-in-services:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [user:original:field-interested-in-services:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:original:field-interested-in-services:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:original:field-interested-in-services:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [user:original:field-interested-in-services:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [user:original:field-interested-in-services:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [user:original:field-interested-in-services:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [user:original:field-interested-in-services:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [user:original:field-interested-in-services:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [user:original:field-interested-in-services:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [user:original:field-interested-in-services:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [user:original:field-interested-in-services:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [user:original:field-interested-in-services:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [user:original:field-interested-in-services:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [user:original:field-interested-in-services:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Do you want to learn more about our services? | [user:original:field_interested_in_services] | Term reference field. |
Edit URL | [user:original:edit-url] | The URL of the account edit page. |
Email | [user:original:mail] | The email address of the user account. |
Feed NID | [user:original:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [user:original:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Additional Text | [user:original:feed-node:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [user:original:feed-node:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [user:original:feed-node:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [user:original:feed-node:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [user:original:feed-node:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [user:original:feed-node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [user:original:feed-node:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [user:original:feed-node:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [user:original:feed-node:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [user:original:feed-node:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [user:original:feed-node:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [user:original:feed-node:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [user:original:feed-node:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [user:original:feed-node:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [user:original:feed-node:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [user:original:feed-node:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [user:original:feed-node:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [user:original:feed-node:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [user:original:feed-node:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [user:original:feed-node:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [user:original:feed-node:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [user:original:feed-node:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [user:original:feed-node:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [user:original:feed-node:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [user:original:feed-node:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [user:original:feed-node:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [user:original:feed-node:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [user:original:feed-node:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [user:original:feed-node:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [user:original:feed-node:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [user:original:feed-node:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [user:original:feed-node:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [user:original:feed-node:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:original:feed-node:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:original:feed-node:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [user:original:feed-node:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [user:original:feed-node:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [user:original:feed-node:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [user:original:feed-node:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [user:original:feed-node:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [user:original:feed-node:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [user:original:feed-node:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [user:original:feed-node:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [user:original:feed-node:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [user:original:feed-node:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [user:original:feed-node:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [user:original:feed-node:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [user:original:feed-node:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [user:original:feed-node:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [user:original:feed-node:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [user:original:feed-node:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [user:original:feed-node:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [user:original:feed-node:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [user:original:feed-node:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [user:original:feed-node:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [user:original:feed-node:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Promoted to frontpage | [user:original:feed-node:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [user:original:feed-node:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [user:original:feed-node:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [user:original:feed-node:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [user:original:feed-node:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [user:original:feed-node:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [user:original:feed-node:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [user:original:feed-node:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [user:original:feed-node:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [user:original:feed-node:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [user:original:feed-node:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [user:original:feed-node:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [user:original:feed-node:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [user:original:feed-node:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [user:original:feed-node:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [user:original:feed-node:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [user:original:feed-node:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [user:original:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [user:original:feed-node:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [user:original:feed-node:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [user:original:feed-node:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [user:original:feed-node:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [user:original:feed-node:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [user:original:feed-node:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [user:original:feed-node:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [user:original:feed-node:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [user:original:feed-node:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [user:original:feed-node:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [user:original:feed-node:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [user:original:feed-node:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [user:original:feed-node:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [user:original:feed-node:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [user:original:feed-node:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [user:original:feed-node:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [user:original:feed-node:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [user:original:feed-node:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [user:original:feed-node:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [user:original:feed-node:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [user:original:feed-node:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [user:original:feed-node:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [user:original:feed-node:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [user:original:feed-node:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [user:original:feed-node:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [user:original:feed-node:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [user:original:feed-node:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [user:original:feed-node:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:original:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:original:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
First Name | [user:original:field-firstname] | Field "field_firstname". |
First Name | [user:original:field_firstname] | Text field. |
Followup Date | [user:original:field-followup-date] | Field "field_followup_date". |
Custom format | [user:original:field-followup-date:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [user:original:field-followup-date:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [user:original:field-followup-date:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [user:original:field-followup-date:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [user:original:field-followup-date:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [user:original:field-followup-date:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [user:original:field-followup-date:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [user:original:field-followup-date:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Followup Date | [user:original:field_followup_date] | Date field. |
Followup Made By | [user:original:field-followup-made-by] | Field "field_followup_made_by". |
Followup Made By | [user:original:field_followup_made_by] | Text field. |
IP | [user:original:ip] | The user's ip address. |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [user:original:field-role-other] | Field "field_role_other". |
If you indicated a role of Other, please specify | [user:original:field_role_other] | Text field. |
Last Name | [user:original:field-lastname] | Field "field_lastname". |
Last Name | [user:original:field_lastname] | Text field. |
Last access | [user:original:last-access] | The date the user last accessed the site. |
Custom format | [user:original:last-access:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [user:original:last-access:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [user:original:last-access:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [user:original:last-access:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [user:original:last-access:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [user:original:last-access:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [user:original:last-access:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [user:original:last-access:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Last login | [user:original:last-login] | The date the user last logged in to the site. |
Custom format | [user:original:last-login:custom:?] | A date in a custom format. See the PHP documentation for details. |
Default Calendar | [user:original:last-login:default_calendar] | A date in 'default_calendar' format. (03/06/25, 12:34 PM EST) |
ISO 8601 | [user:original:last-login:html5_tools_iso8601] | A date in 'html5_tools_iso8601' format. (2025-03-06T12:34:42-05:00) |
Long format | [user:original:last-login:long] | A date in 'long' format. (Thursday, March 6, 2025 - 12:34) |
Medium format | [user:original:last-login:medium] | A date in 'medium' format. (Thu, 2025-03-06 12:34) |
Raw timestamp | [user:original:last-login:raw] | A date in UNIX timestamp format (1741282482) |
Short format | [user:original:last-login:short] | A date in 'short' format. (2025-03-06 12:34) |
Time-since | [user:original:last-login:since] | A date in 'time-since' format. (55 years 2 months) |
Name | [user:original:name] | The login name of the user account. |
Organization | [user:original:field-organization] | Field "field_organization". |
Organization | [user:original:field_organization] | Text field. |
Organization Type | [user:original:field-organization-type] | Field "field_organization_type". |
All parent terms | [user:original:field-organization-type:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [user:original:field-organization-type:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [user:original:field-organization-type:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [user:original:field-organization-type:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [user:original:field-organization-type:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:original:field-organization-type:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:original:field-organization-type:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [user:original:field-organization-type:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [user:original:field-organization-type:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [user:original:field-organization-type:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [user:original:field-organization-type:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [user:original:field-organization-type:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [user:original:field-organization-type:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [user:original:field-organization-type:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [user:original:field-organization-type:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [user:original:field-organization-type:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [user:original:field-organization-type:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [user:original:field-organization-type:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Organization Type | [user:original:field_organization_type] | Term reference field. |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [user:original:field-services-interested-in] | Field "field_services_interested_in". |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [user:original:field_services_interested_in] | Long text field. |
Revision ID | [user:original:vid] | The unique ID of the user's revision. |
Role | [user:original:field-role] | Field "field_role". |
All parent terms | [user:original:field-role:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [user:original:field-role:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [user:original:field-role:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [user:original:field-role:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [user:original:field-role:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:original:field-role:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:original:field-role:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [user:original:field-role:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [user:original:field-role:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [user:original:field-role:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [user:original:field-role:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [user:original:field-role:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [user:original:field-role:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [user:original:field-role:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [user:original:field-role:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [user:original:field-role:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [user:original:field-role:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [user:original:field-role:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Role | [user:original:field_role] | Term reference field. |
Roles | [user:original:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
Count | [user:original:roles:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [user:original:roles:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [user:original:roles:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [user:original:roles:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [user:original:roles:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [user:original:roles:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [user:original:roles:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [user:original:roles:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
State | [user:original:field-state] | Field "field_state". |
All parent terms | [user:original:field-state:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [user:original:field-state:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [user:original:field-state:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [user:original:field-state:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [user:original:field-state:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:original:field-state:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:original:field-state:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [user:original:field-state:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [user:original:field-state:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [user:original:field-state:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [user:original:field-state:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [user:original:field-state:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [user:original:field-state:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [user:original:field-state:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [user:original:field-state:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [user:original:field-state:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [user:original:field-state:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [user:original:field-state:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
State | [user:original:field_state] | Term reference field. |
Status | [user:original:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
Subscription Code | [user:original:field-subscription-code] | Field "field_subscription_code". |
Subscription Code | [user:original:field_subscription_code] | Text field. |
URL | [user:original:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
Absolute URL | [user:original:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [user:original:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [user:original:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [user:original:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [user:original:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [user:original:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
User ID | [user:original:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
User UUID | [user:original:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the user |
User role ids | [user:original:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [user:original:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
Validate URL | [user:original:validate-url] | The URL of the account validation page, provided by logintoboggan. |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [user:field-services-interested-in] | Field "field_services_interested_in". |
Please describe the type of service that would benefit your program. | [user:field_services_interested_in] | Long text field. |
Revision ID | [user:vid] | The unique ID of the user's revision. |
Role | [user:field-role] | Field "field_role". |
All parent terms | [user:field-role:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [user:field-role:parents-all:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [user:field-role:parents-all:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [user:field-role:parents-all:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [user:field-role:parents-all:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Description | [user:field-role:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [user:field-role:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [user:field-role:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [user:field-role:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Additional Text | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [user:field-role:feed-node:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [user:field-role:feed-node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [user:field-role:feed-node:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [user:field-role:feed-node:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [user:field-role:feed-node:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [user:field-role:feed-node:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [user:field-role:feed-node:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [user:field-role:feed-node:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [user:field-role:feed-node:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [user:field-role:feed-node:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [user:field-role:feed-node:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:field-role:feed-node:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:field-role:feed-node:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [user:field-role:feed-node:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [user:field-role:feed-node:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [user:field-role:feed-node:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [user:field-role:feed-node:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [user:field-role:feed-node:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [user:field-role:feed-node:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [user:field-role:feed-node:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [user:field-role:feed-node:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [user:field-role:feed-node:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [user:field-role:feed-node:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [user:field-role:feed-node:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [user:field-role:feed-node:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [user:field-role:feed-node:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [user:field-role:feed-node:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [user:field-role:feed-node:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [user:field-role:feed-node:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [user:field-role:feed-node:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [user:field-role:feed-node:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:field-role:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:field-role:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [user:field-role:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [user:field-role:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [user:field-role:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
All parent terms | [user:field-role:original:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [user:field-role:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [user:field-role:original:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [user:field-role:original:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [user:field-role:original:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:field-role:original:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:field-role:original:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [user:field-role:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [user:field-role:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [user:field-role:original:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [user:field-role:original:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [user:field-role:original:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [user:field-role:original:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [user:field-role:original:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [user:field-role:original:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [user:field-role:original:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [user:field-role:original:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [user:field-role:original:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Parents | [user:field-role:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Count | [user:field-role:parents:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [user:field-role:parents:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [user:field-role:parents:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [user:field-role:parents:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [user:field-role:parents:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [user:field-role:parents:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [user:field-role:parents:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [user:field-role:parents:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Parent term | [user:field-role:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
All parent terms | [user:field-role:parent:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [user:field-role:parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [user:field-role:parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [user:field-role:parent:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [user:field-role:parent:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:field-role:parent:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:field-role:parent:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [user:field-role:parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [user:field-role:parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [user:field-role:parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [user:field-role:parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [user:field-role:parent:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [user:field-role:parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [user:field-role:parent:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [user:field-role:parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [user:field-role:parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [user:field-role:parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [user:field-role:parent:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [user:field-role:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [user:field-role:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
All parent terms | [user:field-role:root:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [user:field-role:root:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [user:field-role:root:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [user:field-role:root:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [user:field-role:root:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:field-role:root:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:field-role:root:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [user:field-role:root:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [user:field-role:root:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [user:field-role:root:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [user:field-role:root:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [user:field-role:root:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [user:field-role:root:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Taxonomy term UUID | [user:field-role:root:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [user:field-role:root:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [user:field-role:root:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [user:field-role:root:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [user:field-role:root:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [user:field-role:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [user:field-role:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [user:field-role:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Absolute URL | [user:field-role:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [user:field-role:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [user:field-role:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [user:field-role:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [user:field-role:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [user:field-role:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Vocabulary | [user:field-role:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description | [user:field-role:vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Edit URL | [user:field-role:vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Feed NID | [user:field-role:vocabulary:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [user:field-role:vocabulary:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:field-role:vocabulary:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:field-role:vocabulary:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Machine-readable name | [user:field-role:vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
Name | [user:field-role:vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [user:field-role:vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original taxonomy vocabulary | [user:field-role:vocabulary:original] | The original taxonomy vocabulary data if the taxonomy vocabulary is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [user:field-role:vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [user:field-role:vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Weight | [user:field-role:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Role | [user:field_role] | Term reference field. |
Roles | [user:roles] | The user roles associated with the user account. |
Count | [user:roles:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [user:roles:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [user:roles:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [user:roles:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [user:roles:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Count | [user:roles:keys:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [user:roles:keys:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [user:roles:keys:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [user:roles:keys:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Last | [user:roles:keys:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [user:roles:keys:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [user:roles:keys:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Last | [user:roles:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [user:roles:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Count | [user:roles:reversed:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [user:roles:reversed:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [user:roles:reversed:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [user:roles:reversed:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [user:roles:reversed:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [user:roles:reversed:last] | The last element of the array. |
Value | [user:roles:reversed:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Value | [user:roles:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
State | [user:field-state] | Field "field_state". |
All parent terms | [user:field-state:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 0 | [user:field-state:parents-all:0] | The list item with delta 0. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 1 | [user:field-state:parents-all:1] | The list item with delta 1. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 2 | [user:field-state:parents-all:2] | The list item with delta 2. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Taxonomy terms with delta 3 | [user:field-state:parents-all:3] | The list item with delta 3. Delta values start from 0 and are incremented by one per list item. |
Description | [user:field-state:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [user:field-state:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [user:field-state:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [user:field-state:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Additional Text | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-additional-text:?] | Field "field_additional_text". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Additional Text | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_additional_text] | Long text and summary field. |
Address | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-staff-address] | Field "field_staff_address". |
Address | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_staff_address] | Text field. |
Author | [user:field-state:feed-node:author] | The author of the node. |
Body | [user:field-state:feed-node:body:?] | The main body text of the node. The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Body | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-body:?] | Field "field_body". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), format (Text format) |
Body | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_body] | Long text field. |
Chapters | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-chapters] | Field "field_chapters". |
Chapters | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_chapters] | Entity Reference field. |
Client | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-testimonial-client] | Field "field_testimonial_client". |
Client | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_testimonial_client] | Text field. |
Content ID | [user:field-state:feed-node:nid] | The unique ID of the content item, or "node". |
Content UUID | [user:field-state:feed-node:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the content |
Content revision UUID | [user:field-state:feed-node:vuuid] | The universally unique revision ID of the content |
Content type | [user:field-state:feed-node:content-type] | The content type of the node. |
Creates revision | [user:field-state:feed-node:revision] | Whether saving this node creates a new revision. |
Date | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-date-month-year] | Field "field_date_month_year". |
Date | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-date:?] | Field "field_date". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Start date), value2 (End date), duration (Duration) |
Date | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_date] | Date field. |
Date | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_date_month_year] | Date field. |
Date changed | [user:field-state:feed-node:changed] | The date the node was most recently updated. |
Date created | [user:field-state:feed-node:created] | The date the node was posted. |
Description | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-description:?] | Field "field_description". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Description | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_description] | Long text and summary field. |
Downloadable File | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-downloadable-file:?] | Field "field_downloadable_file". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Downloadable File | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_downloadable_file] | File field. |
Downloadable File Title | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-downloadable-file-title] | Field "field_downloadable_file_title". |
Downloadable File Title | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_downloadable_file_title] | Text field. |
Edit URL | [user:field-state:feed-node:edit-url] | The URL of the node's edit page. |
Email | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-staff-email] | Field "field_staff_email". |
Email | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_staff_email] | Text field. |
Feed NID | [user:field-state:feed-node:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:field-state:feed-node:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:field-state:feed-node:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Feed source | [user:field-state:feed-node:feed-source] | The node the feed item was sourced from. |
First Name | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-first-name] | Field "field_first_name". |
First Name | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_first_name] | Text field. |
Image | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-image:?] | Field "field_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text) |
Image | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_image] | Image field. Also known as Product Image, Staff Photo, Separated Images. |
Information | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-product-information:?] | Field "field_product_information". The following properties may be appended to the token: value (Text), summary (Summary), format (Text format) |
Information | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_product_information] | Long text and summary field. |
Is new | [user:field-state:feed-node:is-new] | Whether the node is new and not saved to the database yet. |
Language | [user:field-state:feed-node:language] | The language the node is written in. |
Last Name | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-last-name] | Field "field_last_name". |
Last Name | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_last_name] | Text field. |
Latest differences | [user:field-state:feed-node:diff] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node. |
Latest differences (marked down) | [user:field-state:feed-node:diff-markdown] | The differences between the current revision and the previous revision of this node, but with a marked-down form of each revision used for comparison. |
Location | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-location] | Field "field_location". |
Location | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_location] | Text field. |
Month | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-month] | Field "field_month". |
Month | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_month] | Date field. |
Org. Type | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-org-type] | Field "field_org_type". |
Org. Type | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_org_type] | Term reference field. |
Organization | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-staff-organization] | Field "field_staff_organization". |
Organization | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_staff_organization] | Text field. |
Original content | [user:field-state:feed-node:original] | The original content data if the content is being updated or saved. |
Promoted to frontpage | [user:field-state:feed-node:promote] | Whether the node is promoted to the frontpage. |
Quiz | [user:field-state:feed-node:quiz] | Quiz properties |
Related Chapters | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-related-chapters] | Field "field_related_chapters". |
Related Chapters | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_related_chapters] | Term reference field. |
Related Sections | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-related-sections] | Field "field_related_sections". |
Related Sections | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_related_sections] | Term reference field. |
Resource Image | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-resource-image:?] | Field "field_resource_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.), alt (The "Alt" attribute text), title (The "Title" attribute text) |
Resource Image | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_resource_image] | Image field. |
Resource Tag | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-resource-tag] | Field "field_resource_tag". |
Resource Tag | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_resource_tag] | Term reference field. |
Revision ID | [user:field-state:feed-node:vid] | The unique ID of the node's latest revision. |
Revision log message | [user:field-state:feed-node:log] | The explanation of the most recent changes made to the node. |
Sections | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-sections] | Field "field_sections". |
Sections | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_sections] | Entity Reference field. |
Staff Title | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-staff-title] | Field "field_staff_title". |
Staff Title | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_staff_title] | Text field. |
Status | [user:field-state:feed-node:status] | Whether the node is published or unpublished. |
Step_for_quiz_page | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-step-for-quiz-page] | Field "field_step_for_quiz_page". |
Step_for_quiz_page | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_step_for_quiz_page] | Entity Reference field. |
Sticky in lists | [user:field-state:feed-node:sticky] | Whether the node is displayed at the top of lists in which it appears. |
Subsections | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-subsections] | Field "field_subsections". |
Subsections | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_subsections] | Entity Reference field. |
Summary | [user:field-state:feed-node:summary] | The summary of the node's main body text. |
Tags | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-tags] | Field "field_tags". |
Tags | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_tags] | Term reference field. |
Title | [user:field-state:feed-node:title] | The title of the node. |
Tool Tips | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-tool-tips] | Field "field_tool_tips". |
Tool Tips | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_tool_tips] | Long text field. |
Tool Upload | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-tool-upload:?] | Field "field_tool_upload". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The file.) |
Tool Upload | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_tool_upload] | File field. |
Tools | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-tools] | Field "field_tools". |
Tools | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-tools-for-question] | Field "field_tools_for_question". |
Tools | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_tools] | Entity Reference field. Also known as Related Tools. |
Tools | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_tools_for_question] | Entity Reference field. |
Translation source node | [user:field-state:feed-node:source] | The source node for this current node's translation set. |
URL | [user:field-state:feed-node:url] | The URL of the node. |
carousel_link | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-carousel-link:?] | Field "field_carousel_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
carousel_link | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_carousel_link] | Link field. |
carousel_order | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-carousel-order] | Field "field_carousel_order". |
carousel_order | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_carousel_order] | List (text) field. |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-chapter-title-for-accordio] | Field "field_chapter_title_for_accordio". |
chapter_title_for_accordion | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_chapter_title_for_accordio] | Text field. |
toolkit_image | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-toolkit-image:?] | Field "field_toolkit_image". The following properties may be appended to the token: file (The image file.) |
toolkit_image | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_toolkit_image] | Image field. |
toolkit_link | [user:field-state:feed-node:field-toolkit-link:?] | Field "field_toolkit_link". The following properties may be appended to the token: title (The title of the link.), url (The URL of the link.), attributes (The attributes of the link.), display_url (The full URL of the link.) |
toolkit_link | [user:field-state:feed-node:field_toolkit_link] | Link field. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:field-state:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:field-state:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [user:field-state:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [user:field-state:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [user:field-state:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
All parent terms | [user:field-state:original:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [user:field-state:original:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [user:field-state:original:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [user:field-state:original:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [user:field-state:original:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:field-state:original:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:field-state:original:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [user:field-state:original:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [user:field-state:original:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Parents | [user:field-state:original:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [user:field-state:original:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [user:field-state:original:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [user:field-state:original:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [user:field-state:original:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [user:field-state:original:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [user:field-state:original:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [user:field-state:original:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [user:field-state:original:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Parents | [user:field-state:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Count | [user:field-state:parents:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [user:field-state:parents:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [user:field-state:parents:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [user:field-state:parents:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [user:field-state:parents:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [user:field-state:parents:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [user:field-state:parents:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [user:field-state:parents:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Parent term | [user:field-state:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
All parent terms | [user:field-state:parent:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [user:field-state:parent:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [user:field-state:parent:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [user:field-state:parent:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [user:field-state:parent:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:field-state:parent:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:field-state:parent:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [user:field-state:parent:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [user:field-state:parent:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [user:field-state:parent:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [user:field-state:parent:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [user:field-state:parent:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [user:field-state:parent:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [user:field-state:parent:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [user:field-state:parent:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [user:field-state:parent:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [user:field-state:parent:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [user:field-state:parent:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [user:field-state:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Root term | [user:field-state:root] | The root term of the taxonomy term. |
All parent terms | [user:field-state:root:parents-all] | Ancestors of the term, i.e. parent of all above hierarchy levels. |
Description | [user:field-state:root:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy term. |
Edit URL | [user:field-state:root:edit-url] | The URL of the taxonomy term's edit page. |
Feed NID | [user:field-state:root:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [user:field-state:root:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:field-state:root:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:field-state:root:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Name | [user:field-state:root:name] | The name of the taxonomy term. |
Node count | [user:field-state:root:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with the taxonomy term. |
Original taxonomy term | [user:field-state:root:original] | The original taxonomy term data if the taxonomy term is being updated or saved. |
Parents | [user:field-state:root:parents] | An array of all the term's parents, starting with the root. |
Parent term | [user:field-state:root:parent] | The parent term of the taxonomy term, if one exists. |
Path Breadcrumbs join | [user:field-state:root:pb-join:?] | All parent terms (for Path Breadcrumbs) The following properties may be appended to the token: name (Join parents names), url (Join parents URLs), none (<none> equivalent for pb-join tokens) |
Taxonomy term UUID | [user:field-state:root:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [user:field-state:root:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [user:field-state:root:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Vocabulary | [user:field-state:root:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Weight | [user:field-state:root:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
Taxonomy term UUID | [user:field-state:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the taxonomy term |
Term ID | [user:field-state:tid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy term. |
URL | [user:field-state:url] | The URL of the taxonomy term. |
Absolute URL | [user:field-state:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [user:field-state:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [user:field-state:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [user:field-state:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [user:field-state:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [user:field-state:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Vocabulary | [user:field-state:vocabulary] | The vocabulary the taxonomy term belongs to. |
Description | [user:field-state:vocabulary:description] | The optional description of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Edit URL | [user:field-state:vocabulary:edit-url] | The URL of the vocabulary's edit page. |
Feed NID | [user:field-state:vocabulary:feed-nid] | Nid of the Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feed node | [user:field-state:vocabulary:feed-node] | Feed Node that imported this entity. |
Feeds Item GUID | [user:field-state:vocabulary:feeds-item-guid] | Feeds Item GUID. |
Feeds Item URL | [user:field-state:vocabulary:feeds-item-url] | Feeds Item URL. |
Machine-readable name | [user:field-state:vocabulary:machine-name] | The unique machine-readable name of the vocabulary. |
Name | [user:field-state:vocabulary:name] | The name of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Node count | [user:field-state:vocabulary:node-count] | The number of nodes tagged with terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Original taxonomy vocabulary | [user:field-state:vocabulary:original] | The original taxonomy vocabulary data if the taxonomy vocabulary is being updated or saved. |
Term count | [user:field-state:vocabulary:term-count] | The number of terms belonging to the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Vocabulary ID | [user:field-state:vocabulary:vid] | The unique ID of the taxonomy vocabulary. |
Weight | [user:field-state:weight] | The weight of the term, which is used for ordering terms during display. |
State | [user:field_state] | Term reference field. |
Status | [user:status] | Whether the user is active or blocked. |
Subscription Code | [user:field-subscription-code] | Field "field_subscription_code". |
Subscription Code | [user:field_subscription_code] | Text field. |
URL | [user:url] | The URL of the account profile page. |
Absolute URL | [user:url:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [user:url:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Count | [user:url:args:count] | The number of elements in the array. |
First | [user:url:args:first] | The first element of the array. |
Imploded | [user:url:args:join:?] | The values of the array joined together with a custom string in-between each value. |
Joined path | [user:url:args:join-path] | The array values each cleaned by Pathauto and then joined with the slash into a string that resembles an URL. |
Keys | [user:url:args:keys] | The array of keys of the array. |
Last | [user:url:args:last] | The last element of the array. |
Reversed | [user:url:args:reversed] | The array reversed. |
Value | [user:url:args:value:?] | The specific value of the array. |
Brief URL | [user:url:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [user:url:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [user:url:relative] | The relative URL. |
Unaliased URL | [user:url:unaliased] | The unaliased URL. |
Absolute URL | [user:url:unaliased:absolute] | The absolute URL. |
Arguments | [user:url:unaliased:args] | The specific argument of the current page (e.g. 'arg:1' on the page 'node/1' returns '1'). |
Brief URL | [user:url:unaliased:brief] | The URL without the protocol and trailing backslash. |
Path | [user:url:unaliased:path] | The path component of the URL. |
Relative URL | [user:url:unaliased:relative] | The relative URL. |
User ID | [user:uid] | The unique ID of the user account. |
User UUID | [user:uuid] | The universally unique ID of the user |
User role ids | [user:role-ids] | The role ids the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
User role names | [user:role-names] | The role names the user account is a member of as comma separated list. |
Validate URL | [user:validate-url] | The URL of the account validation page, provided by logintoboggan. |