In Section 1: Management, you learned that creating a supportive environment where staff members feel valued and supported will lead to a higher quality and smoother functioning program. Use the staff satisfaction survey on the following pages to gauge staff members' satisfaction with their jobs and roles.
Directions: Have staff members complete the survey on the following pages by indicating their level of satisfaction with each area. You can add other items to the list if there are additional areas in which you want to get staff input. You may choose to make the surveys anonymous to achieve a greater level of honesty. This will give you general information that you can use for improvement. If you have a high level of trust with your staff, consider asking them to put their name on the survey to get specific information about their satisfaction. Note: If you are unable to make changes (e.g., to wages), be sure to discuss areas of dissatisfaction with your staff and explain why you can't make a change. Reassure your staff that you will work to address their needs in other ways (e.g., through other means of recognition that aren't financial).