Thanks for using the Toolkit Navigator! We hope that this opportunity to reflect on your current program practices was useful. The results below will help you understand where to start in the Toolkit and we’ve identified a few useful tools from the toolbox which can be found at the bottom of this page. Your quiz results will be automatically saved in your profile so you can return to them as often as you would like. Remember: you can retake the quiz as you continue to improve your program.
This section is foundational to all afterschool and expanded learning programs. It features information on the establishing organizational structures, policies and procedures, resource management, staffing, and communication.
All of the information in the Toolkit was built around the idea of continuous quality improvement. We often refer to a cycle that has three main components: develop, implement, and evaluate. The idea behind the cycle is for staff members to develop programs using sound processes, implement those programs by employing quality practices, evaluate the implementation of the program, and use the data from the evaluation activities to continually evolve (or develop!) the program. The strategies and tools provided in this Toolkit are intended to help you work through this cycle.
Tool 19: Job Description for Program Staff
Tool 23: Professional Development Plan
Tool 7: Tips for Developing Outreach and Marketing Materials
Tool 28: Developing a Communication Strategy